3 Zodiac Signs Will Overcome Their Hardships The Week Of August 5 - 11, 2024, After Mercury Retrograde Begins

While this transit can be maddening it serves a purpose.

Zodiac Signs Will Overcome Their Hardships The Week Of August 5 - 11, 2024, After Mercury Retrograde Begins dwiputrirats, Jacob Lund | Canva Pro

Mercury turned retrograde in the later hours of Sunday evening in Virgo. During the ‘stationary retrograde’ period, the energy change becomes obvious in terms of delays, broken machinery and computers, breakdowns of all types, canceled meetings, forgetfulness, and brain fog.

Virgo is the sign that rules the 6th House of Work and Health. During a retrograde period, we are supposed to go back and re-access what is going on. Have you had a health concern? If so, it’s time to visit a Dr. Work issues? It’s time to get things back on track and get to the root of the problem. How the retrograde affects you depends on where Mercury transits through your chart.


While this transit can be maddening, it serves a purpose: to go back and correct things that need to be corrected. Sometimes, important information is revealed during these three weeks. Mercury retrograde serves a purpose, however maddening, and it is part of the natural cycle of life.


Other than the retrograde, the only aspects other than the Moon and Sun’s sextile to Jupiter on Wednesday, along with Mercury’s conjunction to Venus on the same day, which should be positive for many depending on what else is in your chart. 

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Three zodiac signs will overcome hardships from August 5 - 11, 2024:

1. Virgo

virgo overcomes hardships from august 5-11, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro


Since Mercury retrogrades in your sign, and you are ruled by Mercury, you can expect to be hit the hardest this week. Don’t be surprised if you forget something important or if meetings are canceled. If this happens, don’t worry; new information pertinent to the meeting may be revealed.

You have a busy day on Monday, and by the evening hours, you may be stressed and have words with someone, or if you have children, there could be an issue there.

The later hours of Tuesday evening look fraught with tension, especially regarding work. You will have issues with someone, probably a woman, that could cause you to lose your temper. Relax and breathe before you make your feelings known.

If you are up early on Thursday, look to feel confused and melancholy, probably about a relationship, and it appears there is some confusion. Did they say what you think they did?


Saturday evening could pose a problem regarding some type of communication. Don’t let old negative memories or fears ruin the evening because it’s not worth it. Hopefully, next week will improve.

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2. Pisces

pisces overcomes hardships from august 5-11, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro


Mercury retrogrades in your 7th House of partners and over the next three weeks if anything can go wrong, it will. Perhaps you are confused as to whether or not your current interest is really for you or up to par. This retrograde period may show you what you need to know.

Tuesday could bring words with someone close, and by afternoon, you may be boiling. Be careful about lashing out because the evening might bring resolution depending on how out of hand you let things get. By Wednesday, depending on whether or not things were reconciled, you may wake up exhausted.

On Thursday afternoon, you have to ask if your partner is lying or if it was just a misunderstanding. The situation will become clear over the next few days. Is this person worth all the drama? The weekend will improve if you let it, but don’t let buried hurts ruin things.

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3. Gemini

gemini overcomes hardships from august 5-11, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Like Virgo, you are ruled by Mercury, and Mercury is retrograde. This will affect you to a greater degree than others as a result. Mercury retrogrades in your area that rules your home and your basic foundation, which sometimes can include work. There is a good chance over the next few weeks, some information may come to light that you need to be aware of.

On Monday afternoon, you may be annoyed or have words with someone you generally don’t have trouble with, and it could be someone connected to the home.


By Tuesday, it still looked like problems on the home front. Is this real, or are you making mountains out of molehills over it? Make sure you have all the facts before you blow up.

Thursday may bring some confusion at work. Make sure that you understand the facts, and it’s not just all based on confusion because that is likely. Don’t burn bridges you will have to walk across again.

Saturday evening, are you dwelling on a work or health issue that is bothering you? Chances are this is not nearly as bad as you may believe, and you need to ask yourself what is going on in your subconscious mind. Perhaps your fears are based on something from the past that is rooted deeply in your mind. The only solution is to try and resolve it for once and all and remember that the past is not indicative of the future unless you make it so.


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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.
