Horoscope For December 13, 2023 — The Moon Enters Capricorn

We are strong, able and ready to make this a good week.

horoscope for december 13, 2023 snezhanna from Getty Images, La La La, Hemera Technologies from Photo Images | Canva Pro

It's that time of year, zodiac signs! We are nearly two weeks away from hitting the restart button and ringing in the new year. The work of change and transformation begins on December 13, 2023. We have the New Moon behind us, and now the Moon will enter the courageous and determined zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Capricorn relates to all things earthy, grounded, and persistant. Determination is our friend, but this day involves Mercury retrograde beginning. It's not the right time to start something new, but we can reflect on the past to prepare for a better future. Where to start? Here's how each horoscope is effected by the Moon, Sun and yes, even Mercury retrograde, based on your Sun, Moon or Rising sign.


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Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Prepare for some emotional tension, Aries, but used wisely, can boost your drive and motivation for success. The Moon enters Capricorn just as Mercury retrograde begins in Capricorn too.

You may feel a deep desire to work on yourself, and to channel some of your energy into your career thus boosting your social status as well. The next few days are great for sitting down and making a business strategy or writing out your goals.

If you've been lacking emotional clarity, do things that are Capricornian: work on projects, set to accomplish one small goal, and wear shades of brown and gray.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


No matter where you are in life, the world is wide open for you to explore. During the Moon entering Capricorn, you are given the gift of determination and desire.

The Moon changes signs just as Mercury rx begins, and so the first step toward discover is to look within yourself. Ask yourself what it is you'd like to see happen in your life in the future?

What do you want it be like or feel like? Who do you want to be with you when you get there? Create a mission statement or personal philosophy for living and tweak it as needed.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


What type of giver are you, and what type of receiver do you wish to be? The Moon entering Capricorn is a time where you have to ask the hard questions about life, including the investments you want to make into the future.

The Moon in Capricorn is a great time for doing a personal inventory, partially of the monetary sense. Do you have areas of your life that hold you back and cause you to lose money?

Where can you lower your risks and improve your gains? Tap into the knowledge of a trusted advisor who specializes in investments if you have one to help you navigate any important changes.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


it's time to review and consider what your partnerships need from you and what you feel you have the ability to provide. The emotional aspect of partnership drops down a notch when the Moon enters the earthy energy of Capricorn.

The practicality of an earth sign can be exactly what you need when you're trying to figure out what boundaries are important to set before 2024 begins and what types of relationships you'd like to keep, put less time into and others you'd like to acquire and build.

This is a great time for assessing relationships and sorting through the dynamics. It's also a good time for meeting with a life or business coach to bounce around your thoughts.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


You can do what needs to be done, Leo. You have to make a commitment to yourself to prioritize it. With the Moon entering Capricorn for the next few days, use tool that help you to remain focused and intentional when it comes to work flow.

Set alarms and a schedule. Give yourself a deadline. Consider giving yourself some type of monetary reward for doing a job well and getting through the day without procrastinating.

You may find it helpful to plan ahead or delegate things others can do for you. Come up with a system and work it.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


When your creative well seems to have run dry what can you do to perk it back up again? During the Moon entering Capricorn, you can feel fresh out of ideas that help you to find new angles or approaches to your projects.

This is a good time to stop and do something else. Rather than push yourself to figure things out attempt to stimulate your brain with a fun activity. Whatever you decide to do, acknowledge your feelings with the mindset that this isn't forever. You'll be back to your usual imaginative self in no time.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


It's the little things that are both predictable and practical that give a sense of stability in the home. You may feel a strong need to redirect your life toward routines that remind you of how good life really is.

From the simplicity of washing and putting away dishes to folding laundry and hanging up your clothes, it's those small acts of tradition that brighten your day. They may be mundane and boring but they give you the freedom of safety to make tough decisions and keep your day flowing in the right direction.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


You don't always have to say what you're thinking, nor do you have to disclose your thoughts to others. You can work through your ideas in more concrete ways over the next few days when the Moon begins to travel through Capricorn, your solar house of communication and thinking.

This is a great time for reading books on topics you're wrestling with. You may find it helpful to research documentaries on the subjects you find fascinating. Observe nature and pay attention to the world around you. Be inquisitive. A little bit of curiosity. will go a long way.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


With so many sales and deals going on right now you may be tempted to spend more than what you have. You might even feel like you need to go above and beyond what your typical purchasing habits are for the sake of showing gratitude and generosity toward others.

The Moon enters your sector of finances and it may be the backbone you need right now. Try to avoid pulling out a credit card or checking out using PayPal on things that capture your attention on social media. You don't want to spend too much of your hard earned money. With Merc rx starting, it's a good idea to save it.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


Once a month the Moon enters your sign for a few days, and you get a chance to think about your personal wants and needs. If you've been neglecting your physical needs like manicures, pedicures, facial, hair cuts, etc, schedule appointments for a time that works for you and get back on track.

This is also a great time to reconnect with the women in your life that are meaningful to you: mother, aunts, grandparents, friends and mentors. Connect with them and schedule a day to connect in person or via video chat in the near future.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


You can get so busy in life that you can't hear your own inner voice speak anymore. During the Moon in Capricorn, you may feel like you need to reconnect with your spiritual side.

Your higher power is always there speaking to help you know if you're on the right path. A few circumstances may be elusive, but if you remain aware and conscientious about what's going on around you, you may find that insight proves faithful and comes to you easily.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Friendship becomes a central theme for you over the next few days when the Moon enters the sign of Capricorn.

Friends can be the support system you need right now, especially if you're going through a tough time where life feels a little bit busier than usual due to heavy projects you need to complete.

You may also find that a few people from the past reach out to catch up, thanks to Mercury retrograde starting in Capricorn.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
