Love Horoscope For September 20, 2023
We are nearing the end of Virgo season and a few days closer to a month filled with love.

Here's your love horoscope for September 20, 2023, for all zodiac signs in astrology during the Sun entering a critical degree in the sign of health and wellness. For the next few days, we discover valuable lessons about love. So see what's in store for your zodiac sign.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Tuesday, September 19, 2023:
Today something good happens in your love life, Aries, and you might find it a bit surprising that you got so lucky. Venus in Leo connects with the planet of marriage in your sector of romance. And, you may see signs that indicate you're about to meet your soulmate or if you're involved, that your partner's heart is turning to a more serious tone when it comes to your relationship. So, things may have felt lackluster during Venus retrograde, but don't allow the world's cynicism toward love to become your own feelings regarding romance. This week things begin to reveal better days are coming.
You tend to be a peaceful person, and when things aren't that way at home it can effect your mood. Today, your mood gets a loving boost. Family life is starting to improve, and you are going to be so pleasantly surprised at how nicely your children and partner are acting with and toward each other. You can thank the growing relationship between Venus and Juno. Juno's energy supports the highest expression of Venus today, and it gives you the gift in bringing more love and harmony into your life.
You love to communicate, and today, words of love are easier for you to express to someone you care about. You don't have to be talking specifically about commitment or long-term goals, but the ideas of love are happily in conversation, and this gives you a boost of optimism. Life is good, and so is love! This is going to be a romantic day, even if it's just you and your favorite pet because love is the main thing on you mind.
You can't buy love but it's nice when you can afford to go out on a date. Thanks to Venus conjunct Juno in your sector of money and finances, there is a lucky opportunity to go out with your partner. The stars align so you can schedule and find a trusted babysitter. You might even discover that your significant other is interested in doing something fun and simple together at home. However the energy leads, tonight is made for quality time together enjoying the love you share as a couple.
Today you get to feel confident and good about yourself when it comes to love. Self-love can be something you feel you already have, but there's always room for more. Today you work on self-care and self-nurture. From drinking more water to going for a simple walk to clear your mind, all the good things that come with a romantic relationship are yours to enjoy — interruption-free and by yourself.
The past is behind you and you get to wipe the slate clean. Now that you've finally gotten over someone who was once an important part of your life, you're ready to try dating again. Today's Venus and Juno in Leo bring an opportunity your way. You may not like the choices you get on a dating app, but today it will feel like you're meeting a lot of nice people and seeing better profiles. It's a great day to search for love, so swipe away.
Friends can be so good at helping each other find love. You might have a friend ask you to go on a blind date this week, and today the conversation heads in that direction. If you're single, what do you have to lose, Libra? It's nice when people vet your potential love match. If they already like them the chances are pretty good that even if there's no chemistry, you'll make a good friend that you can hang out with from time to time in the future.
There's a lot involved with a workplace romance, but it's not like you planned or anticipated you'd fall in love with a coworker. When you're always together and doing work that you both enjoy it's as if you're in your own little world. There's a lot to talk about, and if you both feel the same way, today's Venus paired with Juno sets the tone to explore it in conversation openly.
Today love comes from above, and you've been searching for this experience. You're learning what love ie every day, and each observation you make only broadens your ability to perceive the depths of love and all its colors. Today you gain knowledge that feels borderline spiritual. It's as if you receive a cosmic download of this topic called 'love' that helps you to pick a mate wisely.
Love is meant to be shared, but when it's kept a secret from the world it feels a bit more delicious and tempting. Today. you're keeping your feelings for someone to yourself, not because you don't want them to know but because you're enjoying the romantic aspect of love that's unawakened. When the time comes to make a move, you'll know, but for now, this is a secret you want to keep for as long as you can.
There's love and then there's the work of love. Today's Venus - Juno connection has you considering how much effort you're really willing to put into a relationship. You might be feeling that it's better to be single and wait to see if things improve on their own. It's not easy to bring up the topic of breaking up but saying you need some space is one way to start seeing where you both stand. Perhaps they are feeling the same way too.
It's the little things that make love last, and today. you are looking at relationships from a healthy standpoint. You know what it means to be in a relationship that has a lot of red flags, which is why you hope to avoid this in your own love life. The idea of love that's difficult and challenging isn't appealing to you, and today you're leaning on the blessings of Venus and Juno to remove the person whose not meant for you, and help you to see clearly who is.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.