Love Horoscope For July 17, Is Filled With Intensely Romantic Energy

A New Moon, lunar nodes entering new signs ... what could possibly be going on?

love horoscope for july 17 Gambar Madu and saiyood from Getty Images via Canva Pro

The New Moon arrives on the day when the Nodes of Fate enter Aries and Libra. This brings clarity to our love horoscope on July 17. Here's how this effects each zodiac sign.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Monday, July 17, 2023:



Isn't it amazing how everything can seem to happen on the same day? Today, the Nodes of Fate enter Aries and Libra and they bring transformative energy to your relationships. This is a time for finding balance between your own needs and those of your partner. Embrace compromise and diplomacy, as it will lead to harmonious connections and deeper intimacy. Compromise doesn't come easily for you, and you may kick and scream against it first. But when you see how beautiful it can be to find the middle ground and make your relationship better may decide it's not so bad after all.

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You've got a lot to think about, Taurus, and some of the topics will take time to figure out because they require you to change your life in ways you've not considered before. During this period, the Nodes of Fate encourage you to focus on your emotional well-being. Prioritize self-care and establish healthy boundaries in relationships. Open communication and understanding will strengthen your love life and bring stability to your partnerships. Stability is something that you do so well, and it's a great way for you to show a positive slant to that stubborn side of your personality, Taurus.

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Everything in life that changes with intention begins with a conscious decision. Today you are ready to make choices that resonate with your values, and many of the things you've neglected for yourself all year. The Nodes of Fate entering Aries and Libra ignite a sense of adventure in your love life. Embrace new experiences and be open to diverse connections. This period encourages intellectual stimulation and deep, meaningful conversations that lead to profound connections with your partner. This is your love language, and one way you can foster the type of connection you've craved for so long.

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You can't deny the truth anymore. When you're at a crossroads, your relationships, your career ... everything. has to align or else you aren't able to feel whole, and without wholeness how can you love yourself or anyone else well, for that matter. For you Cancer, the Nodes of Fate entering Aries and Libra herald a period of growth and transformation in relationships. Emotional vulnerability and nurturing your own needs will strengthen your connections. Seek harmony, balance, and shared values with your partner for lasting love. Who could ask for anything more?

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You can run, and you can hide, but when your head hits the pillow at night your soul speaks. When that happens, it's impossible not to listen. During this phase, the Nodes of Fate encourage you to find your authentic self within relationships. Embrace your unique identity and allow your creativity to shine. Honoring your passions and encouraging self-expression will bring vitality and joy to your love life. Feeling alive is what your heart was made to do, and the courage to explore these energies in your love can be exactly what you need this week.

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Choose harmony. It's OK to have standards in love; in fact, you might feel like if you don't set boundaries and high goals in relationships, you'll end up wasting time ... time you'll never get back again. The Nodes of Fate entering Aries and Libra urge you to focus on partnership and cooperation. Prioritize balance and harmony in your relationships. Embrace compromise and avoid nitpicking. This period offers opportunities for growth and mutual support in love. Won't it feel amazing to know you and your significant other are facing the world together as a team?

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Take inventory. Your relationships ... the romantic one, the platonic ones, the familial ones ... all of them reveal things about yourself that you need to know. Every time you have an agreement or an argument, you are learning something about you. It' time to take note. With the Nodes of Fate in your sign, your relationships take center stage. This period prompts you to reassess your desires and seek healthy, balanced connections. Balanced relationships, in all forms is so meaningful, and as a Libra, you'll grow under this type of energy.

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Love changes people, and if you love someone and it's not improving your life or their's, maybe that's a red flag you need to pay attention to. The Nodes of Fate entering Aries and Libra inspire deep emotional connections for you, Scorpio. This period encourages you to let go of control and trust the transformative power of love. Vulnerability and intimacy will bring profound growth and renewal to your relationships. People will see you blossom and ask, "Who is this person? What's changed to make them so happy?" The answer? Love.

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You are ready to explore love in a whole new way. Your life is beginning to head in a different direction, and your spirit is jumping to meet the cosmic shift where you are. Where will your love life head this time? During this phase, the Nodes of Fate ignite a sense of adventure and expansion in love for Sagittarius. Embrace new experiences and seek partners who share your thirst for exploration. Cultivate open-mindedness and embrace diversity in your relationships. You are all about openness, diversity and accepting people for who they are ... it's going to feel grand to have this experience in your relationships.

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Someone is feeling neglected, and you can change that. It's not easy to say you need someone when you're afraid of looking overly needy. But, there can be smoke signals being put out in your relationship, and you have been too busy to notice. The Nodes of Fate entering Aries and Libra encourage you to find a balance between work and love. Prioritize quality time with your partner and foster emotional connections. Seek stability and commitment while nurturing your own ambitions for long-lasting, fulfilling relationships. Imagine being a part of a power couple and seeing how far your partnership can go.

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You define how your relationship will be. If you want to work from home and have no children, if you just want to have your separate places and never get married, if you want to proclaim your identity in a way that others refuse to accept, that's about your life and your choices. You have to love you, first. During this period, the Nodes of Fate inspire you to break free from traditional relationship patterns. Embrace your unique individuality and seek partners who appreciate your quirks. Focus on open communication and intellectual compatibility to forge deep, meaningful connections. When two people can openly discuss things it can make a huge difference in solving complex problems when they arise.

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Big hugs, Pisces. You need the 20-second wrap around the neck hug that helps you to release tension and let go of the pressure bottling up inside of your heart. The Nodes of Fate entering Aries and Libra bring harmony and balance to your relationships. This period encourages you to prioritize emotional connection and empathy. Nurture your intuition and embrace the power of compassion in your partnerships for profound and lasting love. You excel in showing love to others, and you have a knack for making people feel loved, accepted and welcomed in your presence.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
