The Love Horoscope For Friday, March 10. 2023

Love needs some stability.

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Today's love horoscope for Friday, March 10, 2023, is here with Venus is in Taurus and Saturn is in Pisces.

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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Friday, March 10, 2023:



There's a lot to unpack today, and today there are a few areas where it may be wise to pack some tape, a few safety pins and a friend who knows how to sew.
You've got a beautiful aspect between Venus and Mars taking place, bringing attention to your communication and personal development sectors.

The problem you face comes from Pluto, which is finishing its 20-year transit in your work and career sector. It's push through the muck time; you're crossing the finish line. So, the tension you are experiencing at a job can leak into the romantic areas of your life.

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Lucky you, Taurus; if you're a mid-born Taurus baby, you may soon have your Venus return, which means love is on the horizon, or if you're already in a relationship, love can start to grow deep roots that can withstand the test of time.

Venus is at a critical degree in your zodiac sign, which means she's still catching her bearings and dizzy from leaving Aries, where love can be passionate but rocky.

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Good news! Mars in your sign speaks sweetly with Venus in Taurus, which means you could get an unexpected text from an old flame who wants to rekindle a moment or two just for old-time's sake.

While a mini fling may feel tempting to try, Saturn in your sector of friendships can be judgmental if you don't take your partnerships super seriously.

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It's about you today. The Venus-Mars conjunction can get you caught up in the feels. You may feel a bit out of sorts over an old flame or ex and need a good chat with an old friend to sort through your emotions. Today gives you a blessing to focus on yourself. So, if you feel like doing nothing but chatting or texting while watching TikToks, today's the day to do it.

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Avoid a workplace romance opportunity today as someone who may be your friend and love interest now could easily decide it's not what they want and cause friction at the office for you.

It's good to have friends who light a fire under your feet to make you try new things and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

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The Moon is in your money sector, and even though you don't count money as a factor in who you will date and when it may intrigue you, things are starting to take a turn in a better direction for your future.

You could meet someone with a wonderful job and a traditional mindset who wants to help you.

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In comes the complications of love, however. The Moon in your sign will be peering across the universe at Chiron and Jupiter conjunct in Aries.

Their energy intensifies any soundings you have in your heart left unhealed. So watch out. You could react sideways and push someone you love away when what you want to do is pull them closer.

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Love and friendship? Do they mix? Perhaps they can while Mars is in harmony with Pisces. What happens when your ruling planet is in Gemini for over half a year? You find out your real friends and sometimes learn who they are not.

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Jupiter in Aries expands your romantic life too. Something good can come out of this energy for you today. You could receive a surprising text out of the blue with a confession of love from someone. Or, you could decide to forgo love altogether for now and double down on a health kick.

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Finances can be a hot topic to talk about with your partner. Even though it's not easy to do, it is good to talk about money, financiers and the future with your potential partner, since Venus sends helpful rays of love to your zodiac sign getting motivational energy from Mars.

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Love, as you know it now, will not be the same, and it can bring more passion into your life (and bedroom). For now, lay the foundation for a love interest to flourish.

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Today's Mars-Venus sextile works to pull things together nicely for you. You're able to have good conversations with productive outcomes about home life, relocating locally or just talking about ground rules and what expectations ought to be. With Mercury shadow not taking place until April, this is a great time to hash out anything you want on paper to hold you both accountable.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
