5 Behaviors That Make Men Magnetic To Women WIth Standards, According To Research
Attraction secrets you need to know.

Health, emotion, social connection, personality, or the way he lives life, what are the ways a man attracts women? A man at ease with who he is can express himself without forcing it, and many women find this type of allure magnetic.
The average everyday guy, and the man who is so far out of the box it's like the box was never invented can accept themselves as they are and self-acceptance is the core of attraction.
Here are 5 behaviors that make men magnetic to women with standards, according to research
1. Not being resistant
This one is the most obvious. If you want to be irresistible, stop being resistant. I don’t mean being constantly agreeable, having no opinion, or being passive.
This is more about being resistant to change, resistant to taking the steps required for any type of self-improvement.
- your health
- your habits
- your diet
- the way you move and exercise
- even your sleep
Being the best version of yourself means not being resistant to change in these areas. If I’m constantly unenthusiastic, few people are going to want to hang around that type of energy. It’s heavy.
So conversely, imagine if you were the opposite! Enthusiastic, willing, friendly, open.
Whether you’re buying your morning coffee, or on your way home from a long day, the more open and friendly you are, the more attraction you are going to create.
Being irresistible is about being the type of man who others like to be in the presence of, whether it’s your partner, kids, colleagues, friends, or strangers.
Drop the resistance, stop arguing about every subject or comment that comes your way, accept what you need to do to create the best version of yourself possible, and start practicing. The attraction will happen naturally.
2. Believing in themselves
This comes down to confidence. We’ve all heard the saying, "Confidence is sexy," right? As trite as it may sound, people who believe in themselves and have a can-do attitude to life are much more fun to hang around. You want those people on your team.
If you are in the habit of second-guessing yourself, thinking you can’t rather than what if you could, and are constantly doubting yourself, you are going to be your own worst enemy.
By simply believing in who you are as a human being, with a unique offering to the world, your like-ability meter is going to skyrocket. Forget the naysayers or haters.
Whether you are looking for a job or a partner, or are in a relationship currently, confidence in who you are is going to carry you forward and build you up. Even if you fail, you know you can get up again. That’s an attractive quality.
It’s about being grounded, real, honest, and focused.
3. Not complaining
No one likes a whiner right, someone who just puts a damper on every idea, every possibility, every situation.
Imagine for a second, you see yourself coming toward you. What do you do? Do you welcome yourself or do you want to run? We’ve all met people who are forever telling their stories of heartache or why things never work out for them.
I’ve had conversations with people years apart, only to hear the same recurring themes, or even the same details being regurgitated. It’s tiring, it’s boring, it’s just not a fun place to live.
Chronic complaining comes from people who feel powerless to do anything about their lives. It also becomes a form of false identity.
So the key is to feel like you have power in your life. This doesn't come from external sources but from within.
4. Being calm
If you’re constantly up-regulated, anxious, nervous, or worried, it’s hard to create attraction. To flip it again, if you’re calm and in control, others will feel calm around you.
One way of assessing yourself is to notice your breathing. Do you tend to breathe fast, shallow, or even hold your breath unknowingly? If you do, you are depriving yourself of the oxygen needed to regulate your heartbeat and create strong, healthy blood flow to all parts of your body.
This creates tension and from that place, it doesn’t take much to throw you off emotionally, physically, and mentally. So start with noticing your breath.
Whenever you can, pause and take ten deliberate, slow, conscious breaths. Breath deep. Feel the air and the oxygen flow into your body and calm your nervous system.
Try this when you first wake up in the morning, whenever you think about it, when you are working at your computer, and especially whenever you know you are going into a situation where you may otherwise get rattled.
Your slow, deep breathing is key to a calm mind and peaceful emotional state. This is all about change from the inside out. Your breath is literally within you.
So is your calm. When you can start to access this inner calm, your life will change for the better.
5. Knowing their signature quality
When you try to be someone you’re not, any attraction you create will not be lasting, or authentic. Learn from others, but always aim to be true to yourself, and be the man you are, the real deal.
No matter how quirky, how different, how out of the box you might be, or even how average you might be, accept who you are and live up to that.
Be the type of man your colleagues like to work with, your kids like to hang around with, others like the company of, and your partner likes to cuddle.
Irresistibility is that signature quality about you, it makes you naturally attractive. It’s what gives you your edge. Without it, you’re like a rider without a horse. But with it, you can embrace the world b y embracing who you are. Now, go be irresistible!
Steve Hibbins is a writer who focuses on self-love and relationships and explores the meaning of what it is to be truly alive and show up with honesty, vulnerability, and rawness.