50 Relationship Questions To Deepen Your Special Bond
Are you meant to be?

How do you know if the person you’re with is really "the one" and your relationship is meant to last? This is one of most common relationship questions I'm asked by clients, conference goers, and even from friends.
People are especially prone to evaluating their compatibility and happiness with their partner when they see other couples experiencing what seems, from the outside, like pure relationship bliss.
There’s just something about observing the romantic experiences of others as an onlooker that makes you pause and wonder, “Are they happy?” ... And, of course, then comes the inevitable, “Are we happy?”
To help couples evaluate their relationships and compatibility more easily, I came up with this list of 50 relationship questions to ask your boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other. The topics of discussion listed below will not only provide food for thought, but might even initiate the kind of communication breakthrough you've both been needing.
It always amazes me how couples can go for weeks, months, or even years without diving deep and connecting in relation to each other's core values, beliefs and goals. I’ve even counseled newlyweds who are shocked to discover they don’t agree on whether or not to have kids!
You don’t need to barrage your lover with all 50 questions at once, but scan the list for the ones that stand out to you. For example, you may already know how your partner likes to relax, but you’d love to know when they last had a good cry or what they consider their most prized possession.
This list works for couples at all relationship stages, from those who have just started dating to those who in well-established, long-term relationships. So snuggle up together and explore with these 50 deep relationship compatibility questions.
50 Relationship Questions For Couples To Ask
Deep Relationship Questions
1. What is the worst thing a past date or an ex could say about you?
2. What is your most precious possession?
3. List the best qualities you have to bring to a relationship.
4. Do you think you need to make any personal improvements? If so, what?
5. What are your biggest fears about relationships?
6. Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
7. Apart from your appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you?
8. What is one thing that people do not notice about you right away that you wish they would?
9. What are 3 things that you cannot live without?
10. What is your definition of intimacy?
Fun Relationship Questions
11. What was the most fun date you ever had?
12. What is your favorite way to relax?
13. What disgusts you?
14. When was the last time you cried?
15. What do you like to spend money on?
16. How much money do you need a year to be comfortable?
17. How would you describe a perfect date?
18. What three qualities must your partner have?
19. What is the worst habit that you have?
20. What would you do if you and your partner had a mismatched sex drive?
Relationship Questions To Ask Your Partner
21. Describe yourself in one word.
22. What makes you angry?
23. Would you say that you are more dominant or submissive?
24. Who or what do you love?
25. What do you feel is the biggest success you have achieved in your life?
26. How many times have you been in love?
27. Would you rather your partner was funny, seductive, smart or nurturing?
28. When do you feel most vulnerable?
29. What lessons have you learned from past relationships?
30. What is a relationship deal-breaker for you?
Good Relationship Questions To Ask A Guy Or Girl
31. What was your most embarrassing relationship moment?
32. What is your favorite part of your body?
33. What’s your favorite romantic, sensual or sexual activity?
34. What makes you believe that you are ready for a relationship?
35. What turns you on?
36. What turns you off?
37. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
38. What’s the most hurtful criticism you’ve ever received?
39. Are you fanatical about anything?
40. What is the biggest failure or drawback you have ever experienced?
Serious and Important Relationship Questions
41. Can you overlook anything from your partner’s past?
42. Do you have any inhibitions?
43. What do you love about yourself the most?
44. What are you not willing to change for a relationship?
45. What do you think are the benefits of being in a relationship?
46. Do you believe in monogamy?
47. How do you feel about having kids?
48. If we have kids, what would your parenting style be?
49. What would you do if your partner became physically disabled?
50. What scares you?
In Conclusion
If you’re feeling nervous about launching into this kind of couples’ self-discovery, try answering these questions just for yourself at first and see what comes up for you. Grab a journal and write down your answers to whichever questions pique your interest. Let your feelings flow freely and without judgment.
Gaining insight into your own opinions and personal choices can only help foster clarity within the relationship. Plus, you’ll be one step closer to opening up a mutual dialogue and taking your intimacy to new heights.
May all your wishes come true!
Dr. Ava Cadell is America’s #1 Sexpert as a Clinical Sexologist, Sex Counselor, Founder of Loveology University and President of the American College of Sexologists International. Author of 9 books including the upcoming Sexycises by Sexperts: Intimacy Through Yoga, Dr. Ava is also a sought-after media therapist and global speaker whose mission is to empower people to overcome sexual guilt and shame so they can enjoy the benefits of healthy, sexual relationships.