6 Reasons You Should Never Start A Fight With A Woman Who Has Sisters
She's been a master of conflict since day one.

Growing up with three sisters, I can guarantee there is no fight worse than one with a sister — not with your husband, wife, ex-wife, ex-husband, mother, child, father, neighbor, co-worker, boss, or friend.
Sure, a fight with your child might hurt, but he or she will come around. You're one of their parents for god sake. A fight with your boss? Ouch. Risky, but it's business, not personal. That's why you'll never win a fight you start with a woman who grew up with sisters. We are trained from birth!
Six reasons women with sisters will win every fight you start:
1. Just like an elephant, a woman with sisters never forgets
Right off the bat, women fight a bit dirtier. Yes, men can be harsh, mean, and downright cruel, but a woman? Well, we'll stab you right in the jugular and smile. That's why women with sisters are the best arguers.
Plus, research in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology suggested that women remember more (and longer) than men. If that's indeed true, your sister will remember every single thing about you, especially the things you wish someone would forget. Then she'll mention every mistake you've made while you're fighting.
A husband will start to argue with you, and then subsequently forget what he was saying. But not a sister. No way, no how.
2. She's stores dirt on everyone
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Sisters know everything about their siblings because they've lived together for so long. They're there during the emo stage, the vegan stage, and the loser boyfriend stage that lasted, oh, about forever?
All these horrific details will, indeed, end up being brought up somehow in arguments, so sisters learn to remember everything in order to have a reply. And she's remembering it all about you, too!
3. She knows you can never truly escape your family
You can fight with a friend and never see them again, but with a sibling, it's not that easy. Even if they live states away, that family reunion or holiday will come up, and then, bam! You'll be stuck in the same room with her.
Because of this, a woman with sisters knows how to push fights just far enough — but not too far. If you don't have a sister, you probably have no idea she's even tracking this! That's why she always wins.
4. She expects forgiveness
The good thing about sister fights are that they usually end with total forgiveness, as explored by an American Psychological Association study. That's the nice thing about family. When this doesn't happen, though, it can be heart-wrenching. So don't push a woman with sisters too far!
5. She will let you go because she has her sister
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If you end things with a friend, it's not the end of the world, although it stinks badly. Being alienated from a sibling, though, is a tragedy.
That's why she'll let people go before she lets her sister become estranged. And it's highly possible that includes you!
6. In the end, she's got her sister on her side, no matter what
No matter how a fight with her sister ends — whether in hugs or door slams — a sister fight is guaranteed to stay with her, and may cause her to avoid spending time fighting with others. Instead, she'll win a fight fast so she can get back to her life.
And she'll probably call her sister and tell her allllllll about it.
Laura Lifshitz is a former MTV personality and Columbia University graduate currently writing about divorce, women’s issues, fitness, parenting, and marriage. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, DivorceForce, Women’s Health, Working Mother, PopSugar, and more.