16 Things Couples That Actually Stay Together For Life Do Differently
Couples in long-lasting, happy relationships do things way better.

It seems that the further we look, the harder it is to find couples who are in strong, happy, healthy relationships. But it's important not to get discouraged because they are out there, in all generations.
We often credit our parents' or grandparents' generations with having longer-lasting, more solid relationships. While this may be the case, relationships like these don't just happen randomly. They require consistent effort from both partners.
As such, there are some valuable lessons we can take from couples with the strongest, long-lasting relationships.
Here are 16 things couples that stay together for life do differently.
1. They know that arguments are natural and don't end it all.
Strong couples understand that if you've got a house and a light bulb goes out, you fix the light bulb — you don't sell the entire house.
Just because you have arguments doesn't mean the demise of the entire relationship. In fact, most relationships involve fighting from time to time. But you can disagree with someone and still be in love with them.
Just make sure to never be insulting and understand that if you fight all the time, it's a red flag.
2. They can never overstate how much they love someone.
If you love him or her with the intensity that you need to in order to spend a lifetime together, make sure he or she knows it. Hearing "I love you" never gets old, after all.
As an added bonus, expressing your love helps eliminate any insecurities or doubts because you keep your partner confident about your feelings.
3. Their family is their partner's family, and vice versa.
Family is an important part of any relationship. If you don't think so, just imagine the tension when you're with someone your parents, aunt, uncle, friends, brother, and/or sister openly dislike.
While it is unrealistic to expect everyone will always get along and like each other, it's important to put in the effort to treat his or her family as your own. Many people say that you marry someone's family when you wed them, so be sure to treat them as such.
4. Happy couples keep their private life private.
It doesn't take more than 30 seconds of scrolling through social media to spot more than one person's relationship issues. When you start inviting the public into your relationship, it no longer becomes your relationship. And a loss of privacy in regards to your personal business can cause further problems.
Sure, share your fun dates, post goofy photos together, enjoy yourself — but make sure you draw the line.
5. They don't let things get stale.
Particularly in long-term relationships, it's natural to fall into a routine with someone. That's why it's important to stay spontaneous and keep the fire burning.
Plan a date night, get in the car and pick a town for a weekend away, surprise him or her with tickets to that concert they've wanted to go to. Do anything you can think of that will breathe life into your relationship.
Because nobody wants to be in a mundane partnership.
Photo: Victoria Strelka_ph / Pexels
6. They're punctual.
Just because you're not picking someone up for dates anymore doesn't mean you can be late. If you're going to a party or event together, do your best to be ready when you both plan to leave.
If someone is waiting around for you and getting impatient because you're going to be late to something that's important to them, it can cause unnecessary tension during an evening that's supposed to be fun for the both of you. Don't sour the occasion by running behind.
7. They pick up the slack when their partner is overwhelmed.
Life can get busy, work can be stressful and people can get overwhelmed. That's why it's important to blur the lines of gender roles in a relationship.
Doing the laundry and cleaning the kitchen are not roles for a woman; rather, they are necessary household chores and it's important that both partners share the responsibilities. If your significant other is feeling stressed, step in and take care of it.
8. They take care of their partner when they're sick.
Nobody wants to get sick and nobody enjoys it, but being in a relationship is not just about being there when things are great, it's also about stepping up when things are not great.
Cancel your dinner plans, go to the store for medicine and do whatever it takes to make him or her feel better. Don't have an attitude about it, either; nobody likes to feel like they are a burden on their significant other.
If you're going to grow into old age beside this person, you'll need to know they're willing to take care of you when you need it most.
9. Strong couples don't stop doing the little things.
It's the little things that can make or break a relationship. So, if you're checking out at the store and their favorite candy is on the shelf, grab a box. Bring home flowers randomly. Plan a date night.
The small, random things you do for someone are what count the most because it shows you don't need a holiday or special occasion to do something nice. You just do it because.
10. They ask how their partner's day was.
We all need to vent sometimes. Regardless if we had a stressful day, feel unappreciated at work or have exciting news to share, being able to open up to your significant other about small details is comforting, and openly welcoming the discussion shows him or her that you're genuinely interested in their day.
Just because you have been together for a while doesn't mean you should care any less about seemingly routine things; just the opposite. And, most importantly, do not ask out of obligation. Ask out of genuine interest. Really listen, absorb and respond.
11. They understand the value of compromise.
You may not always want to do what your partner wants.
That work party is pretty lame every year. You really don't care for the band you just got concert tickets for. You'd rather be doing anything else besides this double date with their rowdy friends.
But you do all of these things with a smile on your face anyway, because it's important to your partner and you know they would do it for you in return. Plus, isn't who you're with more important than what you're doing?
12. Healthy couples know when to let things slide.
Before you bring up something small that bothers you, ask yourself if the potential argument that could arise is really worth eliminating something that is nothing more than a nuisance.
Would you rather fight about something small like not putting away leftovers, or would you rather let it slide off your back and focus on the more important things with your partner?
13. They don't let the intimacy fade.
Romance should not fade after the honeymoon phase of a relationship; instead, it should increase over time as your partner becomes a bigger, more important part of your life. And intimacy isn't just what happens in the bedroom — it's emotional closeness, too.
Both physical and emotional intimacy are cornerstones of a strong relationship. We can't lose sight of this.
Photo: Budgeron Bach / Pexels
14. They give their partners undivided attention.
This is a new problem facing our generation. Our parents and grandparents didn't sit on the couch in silence on their smartphones. They interacted with each other. They spent quality time together. They really absorbed each other's presence.
Technology is a highly-effective tool for streamlining our life and staying in touch when we're not together, but if we want to build a deep connection with someone, we need to unplug. So, put the phones down and just really be in the moment with one another.
15. They share new experiences together.
Whether it be as simple as watching a movie neither of you has seen or something as extreme as skydiving, there's high value in sharing new experiences with someone.
Both of your minds are being opened to something new and unique for the very first time. And the most important part is that you're doing it side by side, together.
16. Long-lasting couples value their alone time.
Even when you have jobs, friends, families, obligations, children, in-laws and all of the busy-ness that comes along with a full life, one thing will always remain true: Your relationship is at the epicenter of the rotating universe you have created.
To lose sight of the two people who make it all tick in the first place is to lose sight of your foundation, your reason, your "why" that you are together. It is to sacrifice the quality of your relationship to keep the well-oiled machine that is the rest of your life working.
The problem here is that when you slow down, you're too exhausted to really enjoy each other's presence. This is why it is important to make time for each other. Really connect. Don't lose sight of what matters.
You are two individuals with individual lives, but you've also made the commitment to be a single unit that takes on the world together. To be a team. To be partners in crime.
Value the commitments you have made above all else, and the rest will come together and stay together — just like the two of you.
James Michael Sama is an award-winning blogger on the topics of dating and relationships, having amassed over 30 million readers in just a year and a half. He writes and speaks on the topics of chivalry, romance, and happiness throughout the country, and has been featured repeatedly in news segments, talk shows, and mainstream radio.