Weekly Capricorn Horoscope

May 27, 2024 - Jun 2, 2024


Luckiest Day: Thursday, May 30

The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces will rise on Thursday, May 30, and will direct you to begin to focus on your emotional well-being and what you need to feel a sense of inner abundance. The Last Quarter Moon is typically a time for reflection, but in Pisces, it means that you will also need to begin to advocate for what you need or hold space to have important conversations with others. Before doing this, though, you need to ensure that you are prioritizing your needs and what you need to feel your most abundant self so that the energy you’re moving from is one of confidence and worthiness.

Use the energy of the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces to reflect on what you need from others or yourself to feel more fulfilled and abundant in your life. While you often are more focused on the external proof of success, like an extensive list of clients or financial wealth, this is your chance to make sure you truly give yourself all you need to enjoy what you have created. Don’t be afraid to stand up and voice what you need in your professional or personal life, as this will create the space for the new beginning of greater balance you’ve been searching for.

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