Weekly Aquarius Horoscope

May 27, 2024 - Jun 2, 2024


Luckiest Day: Thursday, May 30

When you can take stock of what is most important to you, you have greater clarity on where to focus your energy in the future. Lean into reflecting on what defines the greatest value for you, whether it is the financial freedom to pursue your dreams, the relationships that matter the most to you, or the confidence to make the positive changes you seek. When you know what represents the highest value, you can be more selective about what you invest your energy into and what you will accept from others.

On Thursday, May 30, the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces asks you to take inventory of what represents the highest value in your life so that you can make important shifts in focusing on what is of true importance to the life you want to live. This may be a call to get your finances in order, reprioritize your time as you make space for important relationships, or give yourself a chance to participate in something that reinvigorates and energizes your soul. When you can take stock of your material or spiritual possessions and understand what is of the greatest importance, you can feel confident that it is what you will continue to build your life around.

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