Weekly Gemini Horoscope

Jun 3, 2024 - Jun 9, 2024


Luckiest Day: Monday, May 27

You are being given a chance to broaden your horizons and set off on a new beginning in your professional life. While you may have been reflecting and working on making changes to your work or considering changing companies, you are now gifted with a magical time in your career that can help you manifest all you’ve ever wanted.

On Monday, May 27, Jupiter in Gemini will align with Neptune in Pisces, helping you to feel optimistic and the support of the divine as you take the chance to expand your professional life. Jupiter in Gemini is meant to help you live bigger than you have imagined by giving you the green light to tune into your inner authenticity and self-validation so you can be confident you are manifesting the life meant for you. As Jupiter in Gemini aligns with Neptune in Pisces, there is a feeling of enchantment and magic as you feel drawn to take a chance on a new path in your professional life, which will bring the fulfillment and wealth you have been dreaming of.

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