The Biggest Stereotype That Follows Each Zodiac Sign

Don't judge me!

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When you learn someone's zodiac sign, it's easy to make snap judgments about who they are based on zodiac stereotypes.

Misconceptions and generalizations are common in today’s society. People are misunderstood and judged in one way when they are actually different — and there are plenty of stereotypes about the zodiac signs. 

We all are born under a sun sign that helps define our personality traits and how we may react to certain situations.

However, there are many different pieces of astrology that make up a person's personality outside of their sun sign, such as moon signs, Venus signs, and so on.

You will not get the same results every time you meet people with the same zodiac sign! This is the wonderful thing about astrology: two Aries can be similar, but they never will be the same. 

Every sign, including yours, has some negative stereotype about them. But what each zodiac sign is really like differs from how people perceive them.

Biggest Zodiac Stereotypes

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Aries (March 21 - April 19): Aggressive

You're the number one energetic fight starter. If your friend wants to slash their ex-lover’s tires or beat up someone who is not very nice, you’re the main one they go to.

Now, you don’t pick unnecessary fights. You may have a temper but you know your limits and boundaries.

Your determination will keep you from letting your future crumble into dust because of some irrelevant dispute. You might entertain the idea for a second but your strength lies in being able to hold yourself back. 

RELATED: 3 Strange Facts & Common Misconceptions About Aries You Should Know (Even If You Don't Believe In Astrology)


Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Stubborn

Taurus, you're continuously labeled a stubborn ox. This is not true not only because you’re not perfect, but because you’re sensitive and can get defensive when being accused of something.

You want to be the best for your loved ones, and being stubborn is just a defensive mechanism for you. You know you're patient, strong and devoted. But you're also human and it’s okay to admit your mistakes.

Your strength lies in your sensitivity; it makes you a better person and a better friend. Your friends are able to rely on your strength when they need help, and you should be able to rely on them also.

RELATED: Why Taurus Is So Possessive


Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Two-faced

Gemini, you have a bad reputation for being the "crazy" one with multiple personalities.

You're not crazy, nor do you have dissociative identity disorder. You just have an amazing ability of adaptability. You can go into any new situation without holding on to beliefs and old habits.

Whether you need to be fun or serious or both, you can effortlessly slip into that mindset. Your quick wits help you decide the best response to any situation. Your strength lies in being able to soak up information quickly and aligning yourself with the best outcome.

RELATED: Why Gemini Is The Most Hated Zodiac Sign

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Unhappy

Cancer, yes, you tend to complain here and there, and the only way you’ll like something is if it's very particular to your interests. But that’s only because you find being comfortable a number one priority.


If you don’t like something, you will let people know and you will show it through your emotions. When you're sure of what you like, you're 100 percent committed to it. You don’t lower your standards for anyone.

Your strength lies in your tenacity. Your determination to be content is mistaken for a weakness. 

RELATED: 5 Best Crystals For Cancer Zodiac Signs

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Dramatic

Leo, you can be known as the drama queen. If you don’t get attention every 3 seconds, you’ll go into a panic, calling up everyone who you may or may not have good ties with to give you acknowledgment.

Yes, you love attention, but that’s only because you're so compassionate and you desire a connection with others. You want your warm heart and generosity to be reciprocated.


You have all this love and friendship to give, and if you have no one to give it to, you feel lost. Your strength lies in your selflessness. You're willing to give into someone as long as they do the same.

RELATED: 50 Famous Celebrities That Have A Leo Zodiac Sign

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Critical

You can be called a robot from time to time. You love for things to be clean and tidy, while you can also pick apart someone’s flaws without a second thought.

But you don’t do this out of spite. You show how much you care by trying to push others to be better. Of course, not everyone sees this trait of yours as positive. but you know the truth.


You want your loved ones to be the best versions of themselves. You put the most pressure on yourself to be better, so you expect others to do the same.

Although this may hurt their feelings, your intentions are pure because your strength lies in your kindness. Your kindness can be misunderstood due to your critical approach but you mean no real harm.

RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Virgo Personality Traits

Libra (September 23 - October 22): People-pleaser

People call you a charming charmster, Libra. Well, not really, but it’s the more positive term of the name.

You can talk your way through anything; you know exactly what to say and how to say it. But your intentions are not spiteful; you want the best for everyone. If all your life you could make others happy, you would be content with your choice.


Sometimes you can be indecisive, which can cause some anger from others. Your strength lies in your generosity. Your charm is not ill-intentioned nor is it really your fault.

RELATED: The Truth About Libra Women, According To Astrology

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Emotional

Scorpio, people have a tendency to label you the "crazy" ex. But that’s only because of how deep your emotions go.

You feel all of your emotions on a stronger level than any zodiac sign, so when your heart is broken, it hurts to an incredible extent. But you can’t help that your emotions are so intense.

You want nothing more than to love and be loved. This is what your strength lies in your passion.


Even if your heart gets broken and it feels like an 18-wheeler is running over you, you get back up and try again. Your passion drives you to live life again searching for someone who knows you’re a gift from heaven.

RELATED: The Detailed Truth About What Hurts Scorpio The Most

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Unsettled

Sagittarius, you hold the cliché of the traveler that is never home. This may be true, but there’s so much more to you than being a traveler.

Your zodiac sign is synonymous with the word wanderlust. But on a deeper level, you're on the search for enlightenment.

Your intense curiosity and idealism lead you to search for the answers to the legendary questions that life presents. More importantly, your strength lies in your desire for everyone to experience freedom.


RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Traits Of The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Boring

Capricorn, people might call you a personified office cubicle behind your back, but you're not as boring as people say you are. You're traditional, conservative, and methodical, but you're not boring.

You know how to have fun with all your friends. You're the mother of the group because you know how to be responsible and disciplined, and without you, your friends would be drowning in missed deadlines and responsibilities.


Your strength lies in how well you're able to manage things. You practice self-control every day because your ambition prevents you from having everything blow up in your face due to a small mistake.

RELATED: 5 Ways To Keep The Capricorn You Love Happy — Or Else

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Cold

You have been dubbed as an unfeeling alien to other people, Aquarius. You not only can be cold, but you have the ability to isolate yourself from anyone and everyone, including family.

But you know this is not true. You just have a great fear of rejection that you prepare yourself for beforehand, even that means jumping the gun and giving the cold shoulder. Going cold is only a defensive mechanism, but you have a warm heart that’s full of support.


You listen, while at the same time being able to engage without talking over the person. You care at a deeper level because you see the bigger picture of things.

Your strength lies in your friendliness. Not everyone deserves to be your friend and you know that.

RELATED: 5 Reasons Why Aquarius Is So Fake

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Sensitive

You're the depressed and sensitive artist in other people’s eyes, Pisces. The theory of you never taking responsibility for anything and being the starving artist whose luck is extremely terrible is exaggeration.

You're an artist but you're not a victim. Your strength is your big heart. You see the good in people when others don’t, and this can be a blessing.


Some people still need that support even if they’ve made a few mistakes. No one is ever perfect, as you know.

RELATED: The Best & Worst Pisces Personality Traits


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Eugene Aldridge is a writer for YourTango with a focus on astrology, relationships, and entertainment. Follow him on Twitter.
