Your Most Irresistibly Magnetic Personality Trait, Based On Your Rising Sign

Your Rising sign reveals what attracts people to you.

woman with magnetic personality traits and rising signs Photo: Zahir Namane | Design: YourTango

Thinking about attractiveness, society makes it easy to believe that attractiveness is solely based on looks. However, tons of qualities make us attractive that have nothing to do with looks, and we each have them. According to astrology, looking at your Rising sign is the best way to figure out exactly what's most attractive about your personality.

Also referred to as the Ascendant, "the Rising sign represents things like your identity, your character, your behavior, your proclivities, your personhood, your style, your appearance, and your self-expression," a traditional astrologer named Aniah explained in a TikTok video.


Because your Rising sig is believed to reveal how others first perceive you, it's a good indicator of what attracts them to you in the first place.

One astrologer revealed how your Rising sign can reveal what makes you irresistibly attractive.

In a TikTok video, astrologer Celine Diong discussed what makes you absolutely irresistible to those around you โ€” and how you can use it to your advantage, based on your Rising sign.

1. Aries Rising

aries zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


If youโ€™re an Aries Rising, it should come as no surprise that your confidence draws people in like magnets. Diong explained that people love your nonsensical attitude and โ€œhow youโ€™re always down to try something new.โ€

Whether it be a new TikTok trend or a reckless adventure, youโ€™ll always be the first to try it.

โ€œYouโ€™re that friend who is never afraid to speak up for yourself and for other people, and never afraid to try new experiences,โ€ Diong continued, which is exactly why people canโ€™t get enough of you.

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2. Taurus Rising

taurus zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

If youโ€™re a Taurus Rising, people admire your aesthetics and see you as an โ€œaesthetic king slash queen,โ€ explained Diong.

Youโ€™re all about feeling at home and โ€œvibing with good energy.โ€ Because of this, your โ€œsteady presence makes other people feel safe,โ€ Diong summarized.


Your calm demeanor can instantly put others at ease, making them feel more attracted to you. And your taste? Well, nobody can beat it.

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3. Gemini Rising

gemini zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

The most irresistibly magnetic thing about Gemini Rising is their ability to connect with just about anyone. With Gemini, there is no awkward pausing or stuttering. Gemini Risings know how to steer any conversation โ€” with little effort on their part.


"You really draw people in by the way you that you keep conversations lively and fun,โ€ said Diong. โ€œYouโ€™re quick-witted, youโ€™re the meme king slash queen, youโ€™re always in the know.โ€

Which is why people are so drawn to you โ€” they love your endless banter!

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4. Cancer Rising

cancer zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


โ€œYour warmth and genuine care and effort make people feel seen and appreciated on a different level,โ€ began Diong.ย 

Cancer Risings are great at making people feel comfortable due to their nurturing energy. You pay attention to others, and โ€œyou remember the little things,โ€ explained Diong.

Youโ€™re sweet, soft, empathetic, and nurturing to everyone around you. And because of your gentle nature, youโ€™re quick to draw other people to you.

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5. Leo Rising

leo zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


We all know Leo Risings give off that main character energy. And because of your confidence and creativity, โ€œitโ€™s like you naturally steal the spotlight but in the best way,โ€ Diong said.

โ€œPeople just canโ€™t help but be drawn to like your charisma, your flair,โ€ Diong continued.ย 

Your unapologetic nature, enthusiasm, and brightness is truly captivating. Which can explain why so many people are drawn to Leo Risings.

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6. Virgo Rising

virgo zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


Have a Virgo Rising sign? According to Diong, โ€œYour thoughtful nature, and your attention to detail makes people feel like you have everything under control."

But, thatโ€™s not all you offer. โ€œYou always come through, you are a real one and people really appreciate that,โ€ she explained.

Combined with being reliable, organized, and a โ€œlowkey perfectionist,โ€ is it any wonder why youโ€™re so magnetic?

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7. Libra Rising

libra zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


Libra Risings are so effortlessly charming, making them as magnetic as it gets.

โ€œYou also have this natural talent for making everyone feel appreciated and seen,โ€ said Diong. โ€œPeople are just drawn to your balanced energy.โ€

You never leave anyone out and are a great matchmaker.ย 

RELATED: Which Of The '4 Types Of Pretty' You Are, Based On Your Rising Sign

8. Scorpio Rising

scorpio zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


Scorpio Risings are always giving, โ€œI know something you donโ€™t,โ€ Diong explained.ย 

And as a deep person, youโ€™re constantly attracting people to you as they try to uncover whatโ€™s underneath the surface. Combined with your intensity and mysterious nature, itโ€™s no wonder why you have people turning their heads and second-guessing themselves.

โ€œItโ€™s like is there something that she knows about me that sheโ€™s not telling me,โ€ said Diong. This elusive and enigmatic nature quickly draws people in.

"Theyโ€™re intrigued by you. Theyโ€™re fascinated by your depth,โ€ Diong said, making you one of the top magnetic zodiac signs.

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9. Sagittarius Rising

sagittarius zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

According to Diong, Sagittarius Risings "have just like a very upbeat energy and just zest, a love for life that other people cannot match.โ€

Your beautiful positive energy sucks people in like magnets.ย 

โ€œPeople are inspired by your enthusiasm and how youโ€™re always chasing after new experiences,โ€ Diong explained.


RELATED: Your Most Striking Physical Traits, According To Your Rising Sign

10. Capricorn Rising

capricorn zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

Those with a Capricorn Rising sign have an ambitious energy that others tend to pick up on immediately. Combined with your determination and maturity, itโ€™s easy to see why you stand out.


โ€œPeople really admire your hustle and the way that you slowly, quietly, but steadily work toward your goal," Diong explained.

Youโ€™re one of the few that focuses on playing the long game and you know how to keep your โ€œeye on the prize,โ€ attracting much admiration from those around you.

RELATED: How Your Rising Sign Affects Your Relationships


11. Aquarius Rising

aquarius zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

Aquarius Risings tend to have a unique perspective on different things that others find refreshing.ย 

โ€œYouโ€™re always ahead of the curve, youโ€™re ahead of everyone," Diong said. "Youโ€™re ahead of your time and other people love that about you,โ€ she added.ย 


Because of your unique perspective, youโ€™re always bringing fresh ideas to the table and rebelling against the norm, drawing people in.

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12. Pisces Rising

pisces zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

Now, if youโ€™re a Pisces Rising, people โ€œmight not fully understand you at first,โ€ admitted Diong. People tend to shut out or ignore you at first because youโ€™re "too complicated to understand.โ€


Yet, your ability to connect with peopleโ€™s emotions is top-tier. Diong explained, โ€œYouโ€™re empathic, youโ€™re creative, youโ€™re in touch with your inner world (and somehow in touch with everyoneโ€™s inner world as well).โ€

Which can explain why people are drawn to you like magnets.ย 

โ€œThereโ€™s a sense of elusiveness to it,โ€ Diong ended.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
