Your Unique Strengths And Weaknesses, Based On Your Moon Sign

Every Moon sign has its positives and negatives.

woman in front of moon zodiac signs Photo: Riccardo Mion | Design: YourTango

We all have things that we excel at in life. Natural talents and gifts that come easy to us with little effort needed. Yet, just like anything in life, there’s always an exception. And if you want to know what yours is, wait no longer!

Here are your unique strengths and weaknesses, based on your Moon sign.

1. Aries Moon

aries zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


If you have an Aries Moon sign, your greatest asset is your physical strength, summarized astrologer King Stewart in a TikTok video. Aries Moon signs excel in sports and manual labor. Meaning, that while your friends struggle to lift that heavy box, you can do so — all without breaking a sweat!

Yet, there’s also a downside to having an Aries Moon, the biggest is that you don’t take advice well. Stewart explained, “You try to advise them on something that they should do, it’s very rare they’ll take on board with what you’re saying.”

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2. Taurus Moon 

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“Their strength is that they have natural awareness,” began Stewart. When they’re in public, Taurus Moons are hyper-aware of their surroundings. From the friends surrounding them to the strangers lingering close by, a Taurus Moon knows everything. 

On the flip side, a Taurus Moon sign isn’t very flexible. 


“They take very long to change and sometimes, change needs to be forced on them," explained Stewart, which can affect both them and their relationships.

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3. Gemini Moon

gemini zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

If you have a Gemini Moon, chances are you’re an excellent communicator. Whether it’s work, school, or friends, your conversation skills are on another level  — to the point you might even be accused of being too talkative! Regardless, as a Gemini Moon sign, you appear interesting and fun to others, which is great for forging connections. 


“But the weakness of the Gemini Moon sign is that they change their mind too often,” explained Stewart. “And sometimes that doesn’t allow them to make decisions that are concrete.” Which can definitely come back to bite you. 

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4. Cancer Moon

cancer zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


If you’re a Cancer Moon, your strength lies in making those around you feel comfortable. Due to your magnetic presence, you're able to put restless people at ease.

Yet, you aren’t perfect, and a Cancer’s biggest hardship is “being themselves in new environments,” explained Stewart, talking about their "ability to let go and bring down that shell.” 

As a Cancer Moon, If you don’t know someone or you’re in a new environment, you find it hard to lower your guard.

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5. Leo Moon

leo zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


It should come as no surprise that the Leo Moon's biggest strength lies in their confidence. Stewart said, "This sign placement has major confidence.” And if you’re a Leo Moon sign, your whole deal is that you operate off that confidence and use it to fuel and push you.

Yet, your weakness lies in something a little bit unexpected. That being your heart “Particularly in close relationships,” Stewart said.

He added that unfortunately, Leo Moons can give their heart away quickly, leading to toxic situations if they aren’t careful. 

“And it’s a weakness because Leo always gives more than their partner,” Stewart explained, which is unfortunate, as some people might just take advantage of that.


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6. Virgo Moon

virgo zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

“A Virgo Moon's strength is to analyze the situation and make the best possible outcome from the situation,” began Stewart. This isn't surprising as Virgos are known as the analysts of the zodiac.


“What happens, whatever that’s been given, they know how to make it work,” said Stewart. But what about their weakness?

Most Virgo Moons struggle with "going with the flow," Stewart said, likely because Virgos are known to be a stickler for the rules. Unfortunately, that mindset can cause great opportunities to pass them by if they aren’t careful enough.

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7. Libra Moon

libra zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


A Libra Moon sign has a great talent for understanding others in their “completeness.” They can easily talk to someone and know what their strengths and weaknesses are — without having to dig too deep.

On the flip side, the Libra Moon's biggest obstacle is their lack of independence. Astrologer Stewart explained, “They do at times struggle to do things by themselves,” but noted that when they overcome those obstacles, it’s game over. Once they get into it, be prepared for them to take on the world all by themselves.

 “But they need to just do it [first],” ended Stewart.

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8. Scorpio Moon

scorpio zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

If there’s one thing about a Scorpio Moon, they can “regenerate after hardships,” summarized King. “They may take time, but when they come back, they always, always come back stronger and better.” Which is a huge strength to have as a Scorpio Moon.

However, your biggest weakness is your “inability to share,” added Stewart. Sometimes “you keep your problems too close to your chest,” said Stewart. This is unfortunate because, “sometimes when they share it then their problem may become solved easier,” he explained.


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9. Sagittarius Moon

sagittarius zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

It should come as no surprise that the Sagittarius Moon's greatest strength is their willingness to try new things. After all, Sagittarius is known to love a little fun


Yet, your greatest downfall comes from your stubborn nature. As Stewart said, “They think they’re right, especially when new information comes to the table.” And when a Sagittarius’s stubbornness comes to play there’s nothing in this world that can change their mind — not even those closest to them. 

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10. Capricorn Moon

capricorn zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock


“A Capricorn Moon is very resourceful,” began Stewart. They either have great finances or they have great connections. Regardless, they are always able to get themselves out of a sticky situation. And because of their resourcefulness, they’re known to be a very helpful sign.

But, when it comes to your weakness, your biggest downfall revolves around your emotions. Stewart explained, “They’re not good at balancing their emotional selves.”

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11. Aquarius Moon

aquarius zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

If you’re an Aquarius Moon sign, you’re really great at making first impressions. 

“They’re really good at getting on with people instantly," Stewart said. "They just know how to connect.” 

Yet, this isn't a huge shock. This sign is known to connect with others well. Yet, their weakness lies in their inability to forgive. 


“Once they’ve made a decision to eliminate someone from their life, they are unable to forgive that person.," Stewart added.

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12. Pisces Moon

pisces zodiac sign Allexxander | Shutterstock

Finally, if you’re a Pisces Moon sign, you’re known for your emotional strength and are a great person to rely on when someone is going through a difficult time. Your greatest strength is your ability to daydream, which can help you come up with innovative ideas to help others.


Although your daydreaming can be a beautiful thing when it comes to creativity, it can also make you a bit disorganized as well, Stewart said, which also makes it your weakness.

“They don’t know if they're doing this, that, or the other, or they’re just emotions are everywhere and nowhere at the same time,” Stewart said.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
