The Complete 2024 Scorpio Horoscope, Broken Down By Month
With the help of the astrological energy revealed by the 2024 Scorpio horoscope, you have the power to create the life of your dreams.

The past two years have been wrought with personal growth and changes in your romantic perspective as the Nodes of Fate moved through Scorpio and Taurus. This is a cycle that just completed in October of 2023, so as the year begins, the 2024 Scorpio horoscope suggests you may still be getting your footing or even processing all that has occurred along with the greater meaning of events.
Through everything, this process has been about awakening to your true self as you have begun to ask yourself the exciting and often scary question: what do you want from this one precious life? While it may have felt overwhelming at times, this question, which asks you to get clear on what you want, is the key to unlocking the purpose and direction 2024.
Yearly Scorpio horoscope 2024 highlights
The Nodes of Fate have officially left Taurus and Scorpio and are now in the signs of Aries and Libra, which highlights your sixth and twelfth houses. This represents the themes of learning through doing, trying, and believing in yourself even if others don't become paramount to what you will be focusing on. It also asks you to remember that nothing changes in life unless you put in the work to do so, which means instead of just thinking everything will eventually work out in your favor, the universe is asking you to step into the driver's seat of your own life and do the work required to create the life you dream of.
Although there is a focus on learning, work and effort in 2024, Jupiter will shift into Gemini, which will bring a significant move, relocation or a surplus of travel. This also helps you feel more expansive and optimistic, so even if you have to put the work in to make a change, you will feel positive about it as growth becomes your central desire in the year ahead.
The optimistic energy and work-oriented attitude will be beneficial as Pluto spends most of the year in Aquarius, which highlights your fourth house and will bring deep transformation and changes to your family and home life. Everything that Pluto, especially in Aquarius, brings is only about helping you live a life that is more what you want and less what you feel obligated to do.
Pluto in Aquarius tends to get more gradual changes. However, with Jupiter in Gemini, you may find that this is the year when you finally make progress toward the tremendous changes you've been dreaming of.
Best day: Thursday, January 4
The year begins with the influence of Capricorn energy, which rules over your house of communication. Expect important conversations to occur this month, especially those where you will have to speak your truth and even state your intentions for the changes that you're looking to manifest. At the beginning of the month, Mercury, Mars and the New Moon will all light up Capricorn, which is also where Pluto is wrapping up its stay, so you may find that there is a cumulative lesson that arises for you in terms of what the past decade has represented.
Pluto helps to expose the truth, and Capricorn has worked to help you honor your inner truth, along with what you need and want from life. At the same time, it has dismantled those agreements or even contracts you've made with others that were more from obligation or responsibility rather than sincere desire. This was the catalyst phase for what Pluto in Aquarius will hold for you. So it's extremely important to remember that your truth deserves to be spoken, not just so others can support you, but because you are worthy of being your true authentic self.
Best day: Friday, February 16
Pluto will shift into Aquarius at the end of January, prompting February to be a month where the changes you've been considering begin to take shape.
Along with the Sun, Venus and New Moon, the Aquarian energy feels different this time around with Pluto here, and it's going to be bringing up what needs to change or transform in your home and family life. A change is something that often has an abrupt stop or end. However, a transformation is when something is allowed to shift into a new way of being, prompting a brand-new reality to take shape. While some matters in your life may need that hard stop, you should also expect that the majority of your work this year will center around transformation. So you don't need to worry about losing anything or anyone that you care about but still need to let things progress as they're meant to.
February is the month to start genuinely asking yourself what you want from life and begin to write it down. Try to spend time reflecting on one idea for each dream, on how to make it real and focus all your energy on how you can take control of things. This is the purpose of the Nodes of Fate, which will become more pronounced in the next two months.
Still, along with Pluto in Aquarius, this energy isn't just about sitting around hoping one day things will change, but truly stepping into your power and making things happen.
Best day: Friday, March 22
March brings Pisces season, in which Saturn strengthens in this sign. Pisces rules your fifth house of commitment, marriage, pleasure, joy and creativity. While this energy can bring a meaningful relationship into your life, especially as Mars shifts into Pisces, with the other astrological influences this year, it feels like this is more about you deepening your commitment to make a life based on happiness. Try to prioritize your happiness this month and reflect on how situations look different if you allow yourself to fill your days with more that lights you up rather than dims your spirit.
With a strong Piscean influence this month, you can also practice manifestation rituals about declaring to the world what you are committed to creating. It's also an excellent time to embrace your divine creative muse and think about signing up for a pottery or weaving class. This should also tie into incorporating more joy and remembering that even if the work at times this year is about you, deciding what brings you happiness is still worthwhile.
Best day: Monday, April 8
April will be a significant month to make some tremendous changes in your life and may have you also honoring your boundaries in an immensely important way. April brings Aries season and the new moon solar eclipse in Aries.
This is where the North Node resides as well, which means those themes of learning through doing, trial and error. Practice will be key, along with being able to have faith in something even if others don't believe in it themselves. When it comes to the changes you're seeking, whether it's moving into a new home or having that amazing romantic relationship, you must be able to self-validate and not give up.
This may also be the month when you must start trying to arrange things in your life in your favor. While the universe will always help you, it can only do so much until you first start helping yourself. Return to that list of dreams that you made and the practical steps on how to make them a reality, and now challenge yourself to take a step of action. The new moon solar eclipse in Aries may bring a surprise event or two that will help shake you out of your routine and into something new. Just make sure you're allowing yourself to be flexible enough to receive it because it will be a blessing, just perhaps in disguise.
Best day: Tuesday, May 7
May will be a month of love as the Taurus energy activates your seventh house of relationships. If you've been considering trying dating again, through apps or even taking your friend up on a blind date, this is the time to take a leap of faith. If you've already been in a committed relationship, then May can bring an increase in romance, connection and love. Use this energy to set aside quality time with your partner or even a weekend getaway. Jupiter shifts into Gemini toward the end of the month, perfect for a Memorial Day weekend together.
Taurus energy always brings up positive developments in your relationship, but this is even more important in 2024 because the past two years were about lessons. Now, you're feeling ready and in need of some simple joy and happiness. Even if you are still focused on making some big life changes, don't put love on the back burner for another month, especially in May, because the person who's meant for you — will be able to grow with you.
Best day: Monday, June 3
June brings a focus on moving, purchasing a home or even traveling as Gemini energy activates your eighth house. This is an area that can often help with transformation and even attracting a significant life partner, but with Jupiter here now, it's also about an increase in your positive perspective toward life and really taking charge of your destiny.
Because Pluto in Aquarius is bringing transformation to your home and family, and Jupiter in Gemini can usher in the need or desire to move, you will likely be relocating this year. While moves can occur for a variety of reasons, for you, this is about creating more of a life that is in alignment with your truth and what you want for yourself. If you've been considering a move, this is the perfect time to put your home on the market or even put in an offer on one yourself. Contracts for rentals can even be signed this month as well, and although you will be traveling more frequently next year, it's also about creating a home you don't need a vacation from.
Best day: Friday, July 5
Although Jupiter in Gemini is bringing an increase to your travel opportunities in the year ahead, July is ruled by Cancer energy, which means that energy will be increased this month. Cancer rules over your ninth house of luck, abundance, education and travel, so it's the perfect time to take that summer vacation — or even plan more about that move you've been dreaming of.
July is also a wonderful opportunity to set an intention for approaching life differently and taking charge of creating the luck you seek. While it's never easy to genuinely create a life you are in love with, it is always worth it. You may find yourself having to make a decision this month that others may not agree with or that you must instill boundaries around.
Trust, no matter what you're doing, as long as you can see it as one step toward embracing the process of transformation in your life this year, it will be worth it. You can use the energy of the New Moon in Cancer to set an intention or even make plans for what you are hoping to achieve this year. The only thing to be mindful of is an upcoming Mercury retrograde. You may not want to close on any houses or properties until September once the energy has cleared.
Best day: Wednesday, August 14
August brings your focus to career matters with the Leo energy, which will be intensified as Mercury shifts into Leo as part of its retrograde. Leo rules your tenth house of career and professional aspirations, and while the new moon here will give you a clearer idea of what you need to change in this sector of your life to have it align more deeply, you'll get the chance to implement it in the second half of the month.
As Mercury shifts into Leo during its retrograde, it's a great chance to renegotiate your position, benefits package or work schedule. Use this to reflect on what needs to change to honor more of your truth and bring that quotient of happiness back into your life, and then feel free to advocate for yourself, put in proposals or even apply for new jobs. By the time September rolls around and Mercury is direct, you'll also be able to officially sign anything and know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be professionally.
Best day: Monday, September 2
September carries with it the energy of Virgo, which rules over your eleventh house of community and wishes. As much as you need to do the work yourself this year to change your life in the ways you desire, this is when you need to start reaching out to others for help or support. Even if it's just a girl's night out to relieve some of the stress, it's okay if your biggest focus this month is on spending time with those who are there for you.
You may also find, though, that in the process of transformation within your home and family and the big move Jupiter in Gemini is bringing, you are looking for guidance, suggestions or even help to make your dreams a reality. While the work is yours, it doesn't mean that part of that isn't in connecting with others or even asking if a friend can help with specific tasks that can help you further your dreams. There will always be an exchange of energy, but don't be afraid to ask for help or even just enjoy the company of those you care about this month because a little emotional support can go a long way.
Best day: Thursday, October 17
October ushers in Libra season and a focus on the South Node as well. This represents the theme of learning that you can't rely on things to change if you're not putting in the effort to change them. At the same time, the Aries full moon rises and brings to your attention the idea of learning through taking risks and experimenting that you've been working through all year. You may find yourself needing to take a risk in a new direction this month, protecting your dream and even being able to admit that you need to do things differently to get the outcome you desire. Once the sun shifts into Scorpio, you should feel more confident in moving through whatever is coming to fruition for you from April as the full moon in Aries rises.
While you will make enormous progress this year, remember that the Nodes of Fate and Jupiter both are still working on this area of your life until May of next year. Hence, it's important never to give up and always be willing to re-strategize and approach the situation from a new angle because that may be all you need to find success.
Best day: Sunday, November 3
November brings an interesting focus between yourself and your finances as Scorpio season lights up your first house of self, but Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius. Scorpio season kicks off your personal new year, and it should be celebrated as such, especially with a focus on how much more authentically you are living this year as compared to recent ones. You should also feel especially grateful for the risks you took and the opportunities to depart from your comfort zone that were seized. Remember, profound changes take time, but it doesn't mean each moment shouldn't be celebrated along the way.
As Sagittarius' energy begins to filter in and Mercury stations retrograde, activating themes related to wealth, finances, and your self-worth, it's time to make sure that you've really raised the price on who has access to you. This can be done with personal relationships and even that transformation Pluto in Aquarius will be bringing to your home and family. Still, it can also deal with professional matters as well. If you're realizing you should or need to be compensated more greatly for your new career role, use this time to advocate to your supervisor, as it's guaranteed to turn out positively and abundantly for you.
Best day: Sunday, December 1
As the year ends, use the new moon in Sagittarius to mark a new beginning in how you approach the world. While this will help to draw in wealth and abundance to you, it's also about you genuinely embodying what it is you need from others. You can see how you've shifted from the mentality of having to ask or beg others to show up for you and instead can see how much you have always deserved to be given everything you've ever desired.
Mercury will station direct in Sagittarius in the middle of December, so try to take care of any conversations about higher pay or boundaries in your personal life prior to that time. Once direct, you will feel more confident and able to see how positively you have already changed your life and are on the way to doing so even more.
You already knew that 2025 would be a year of dream fulfillment, and while you are beyond the transition year, you now have just wrapped up an era of preparation and rewriting the rules to fit who you are and what you want from life. Now, all that's left is to remember that never again will you ever settle for less than you deserve or give away the power to change your life — when you have always been capable of doing anything you've ever dreamed possible.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator.