The Real Reason Your Zodiac Sign Won't Commit To A Relationship

Fear will always hold you back.

non-committal couple facing away from each other byfdani from byfdani, samudri7, Africa images, Wavebreakmedia from Getty Images via Canva

Everyone has experienced fear to some degree; it's a powerful emotion, after all. But we can either adapt and change our lives to not encounter fear the same way; or, we can avoid it altogether, which isn't always the answer.

Sometimes, that fear crosses over into our romantic lives, influencing our level of commitment to our partner. That fear may even make us hesitant to commit in the first place.


Of course, relationships won't always work out, but there may be specific fears holding us back from fully committing to the person we love or want to love. And astrology can provide a guide to answer those questions.


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Here's why your zodiac sign won't commit to a relationship


Aries (March 21 - April 19)

why aries wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

When Aries won’t commit to a relationship, it’s because of their overly ambitious nature. They have many ideas about the things they want to accomplish, but they end up overwhelming Aries.

This zodiac sign needs to narrow things down so they can focus on one thing at a time, rather than having all this frenetic energy causing them to bounce from partner to partner and project to project.

RELATED: 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits & Characteristics Of The Aries Zodiac Sign


Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

why taurus wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Taurus has a fear that if they don’t stand their ground at all times, people will take advantage of them. It’s why Taurus is so stubborn and won't give anybody an inch. They need to see that this inflexibility is detrimental and causes them to stay stuck.

Instead of pushing away romantic relationships, Taurus needs to trust their instincts because they are usually correct that others are trustworthy and supportive, not out to get them.

RELATED: What Taurus Is Like In Relationships


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

why gemini wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Gemini won’t commit to a relationship because they are fearful of how others perceive them. They worry that people will see that Gemini is all smoke and mirrors, with no substance or quality. But that’s simply not true.

Gemini needs to trust that they are enough, especially for a good relationship. They need to realize that, in the end, they are a good person who does their best by people.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

why cancer wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Cancer worries that their relationship won’t work out from the get-go, so they refrain from commitment altogether. They are jaded from thinking people aren’t what they seem and are a bit pessimistic.

But they often feel this way because Cancer is usually the one more into a relationship than their partner. So, to prevent future heartache, they steel themselves against the next (inevitable) romantic tragedy.

RELATED: How To Tell If A Cancer Likes You, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

why leo wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Leo won’t commit to a relationship because they fear they will never get their due and will end up under the radar. A lack of attention is an awful thought for Leo, and no matter how much they get, they still crave more.

Leo must learn to relax, as everyone is fascinated by them, and they achieve everything they go after. They shouldn’t consider it a loss to begin a serious relationship.

RELATED: Leo Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Leos & Their Personalities


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

why virgo wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Virgo refrains from committing to a relationship because they fear they will never be the person they are meant to be or feel comfortable wherever they are. Virgo wants to be perfect.

In their quest to find perfection, Virgo comes up short, but only because of their ridiculously high expectations. In order to truly be comfortable in a romantic relationship, they need to embrace the beauty of imperfection.

RELATED: 7 Things Virgo Women Do That Men Can't Resist

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

why libra wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Libra won’t commit because they are scared of making the wrong decisions and the consequences that could come from it. They don't like feeling that their actions can affect others, especially their romantic partner, in an adverse way.

Libra can’t take the pressure because they don’t want to seem weak. But it’s in their best interest to take a chance instead of making choices willy-nilly.

RELATED: The 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Libra Zodiac Sign


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

why scorpio wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Scorpio is afraid that their romantic partner, or anyone close to them, will betray them. It may sound a bit dramatic, but that’s just what Scorpios are like.

For this zodiac sign, you’re either with them or against them; there's no middle ground. Scorpio also doesn’t easily forgive, and this holds them back because of their preconceived notions of what a romantic partner could do to betray them.

RELATED: What It Means If You Were Born Under A Scorpio Moon

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

why sagittarius wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Sagittarius won’t commit to a relationship because they are afraid of being tied down. They need to be able to roam about the world as they wish, and are afraid they will never find a partner who doesn’t mind Sagittarius taking off for parts unknown at a moment's notice.

But Sagittarius doesn't realize that committing to someone doesn't narrow their life; rather, it expands it. And until they understand that, they will be going on adventures solo.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

why capricorn wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Capricorn is afraid to commit to a romantic relationship due to finances. They worry that they haven’t invested enough and that, one day, they will find themselves in financial turmoil.

Having a strong financial foundation and saving money are important to them, which is why the thought of not having enough is scary. But Capricorn must realize that money isn’t everything; sometimes, it’s true companionship that matters most.

RELATED: Capricorn Compatibility And Relationship Style With All 12 Zodiac Signs

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

why aquarius wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Aquarius fears that they are being underestimated, which ultimately affects their romantic relationships. They constantly work to come up with new ideas, but feel they don’t always get the appreciation and support they deserve.

This worry holds them back from committing to something serious, as they don’t believe they should be the only ones pointing out their accomplishments. But Aquarius should understand that true confidence comes from within, not from validation.

RELATED: Aquarius Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Aquarians & Their Personalities


Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

why pisces wont commit to a relationship Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho / Canva

Pisces won’t take the next step to commit in a relationship because they fear they will never truly belong. They have a unique way of looking at the world, and worry others won’t share their views or interests.

Because Pisces is so creative and imaginative, they tend to make up scenarios in their mind before even knowing what could happen. And it’s a behavior that prevents them from being in a true love match.

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Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and frequent contributor to YourTango. She's had articles featured in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Woman's Day, among many others.
