What Gives Each Zodiac Sign 'The Ick' In Relationships
The things that once attracted you could end up repelling you.

The 'ick' is when an initial attraction to someone turns into disgust and creates a desire to quickly untangle yourself from them.
There can be many various reasons and causes for this, but once someone gives you ‘the ick,’ your desire for this person is over and is replaced by a desire to get away or remove yourself completely from the situation.
It’s not always easy to understand what causes this, but it typically relates to something on a deep cellular or subconscious level. In some cases, ‘the ick’ can seem to come from something on a physical level such as their weight, hair, complexion or anything else, or it could be because you think they are boring, too flirtatious, too aggressive or any number of reasons. It could even relate to their political views, lack of political views or their view of the world.
Generally, the reasons you may believe you have ‘the ick’ for someone you were initially attracted to could seem to be something overly simplified such as you don’t like the way they dress or they don’t clean up their car, or they don’t make contact often enough. In reality, however, it is likely there is something on a much deeper level happening that your subconscious has tapped into and you are feeling a complete lack of compatibility or sensing a major underlying issue that cannot be reconciled with this person.
What gives each zodiac sign 'the ick' in relationships
Aries is typically an assertive sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action. It’s highly possible they would get ‘the ick’ as a result of someone having no direction in life or being lazy. A lack of passion and drive would also turn them off quickly as will clingy and negative people.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money. Taurus is typically a grounded sign and they live in the material world. Taurus would get ‘the ick’ from someone who is unstable and makes no effort to save, plan and focus on a direction in life. Since Venus is the planet of money and beautiful things, someone who is always broke, especially due to frivolous spending, would be a big turn-off since they require stability.
Gemini is one of the signs ruled by Mercury, the planet of thought, speech and communication. Gemini is a thinker and sometimes leans toward the intellectual side. Someone who doesn’t value correct spelling or has poor communication skills would give Gemini ‘the ick’ along with a person who has no interest in the world or can’t hold a good conversation.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon which is associated with our emotions and family. Cancer is a very sensitive sign so they would quickly get ‘the ick’ if they were with someone who treated others unkindly. Also, if their feelings are disregarded or minimized, or their partner treats others or even animals unkindly, they will typically flee.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, and the Sun must shine to be happy. Leo will get ‘the ick’ when they are ignored or not paid an appropriate amount of attention. Leo is also not into sharing, so if you cheat or are unclear about the relationship, they will disappear.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so they like intelligent partners. Since they are practical and typically very organized, they will get ‘the ick’ if you are sloppy, show up for a date with a car full of garbage, or are totally unorganized. If you want them to run, wear dirty clothes or have dirty fingernails and this will seal ‘the ick.’
Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra and the symbol that represents Libra is the scales of justice. Take this literally, because Libra prides him or herself on being truly fair and balanced. Racism, intolerance, lack of awareness of others or being judgmental is sure to give this sign ‘the ick.' Air signs are rational, so irrational, unbalanced attitudes can turn them off along with unfounded conspiracy theories not based on reality, dirtiness, or being unkempt.
Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars and both of these planets rule sex. It takes a while for Scorpio to reveal their true selves and trust a potential partner. Given that, playing mind games, cheating, disappearing frequently or having a history of cheating will give Scorpio ‘the ick’ before anything else will.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion — and Sagittarius loves to expand their realm and explore new places and things. Since they love adventure, someone who is clingy, boring and doesn’t like to have fun will give Sag ‘the ick’ pretty fast. Trying to pin them down, jealousy, and requiring them to explain their whereabouts will turn them off in a flash.
Since they are ruled by the planet Saturn, Capricorn is born to build their empire. They are hard workers, typically stable, and operate with a lot of common sense. Someone who has no goals or drive will turn them off. “The ick’ will appear quickly with people who are flighty, frivolous, don’t pay their bills or are generally not responsible.
Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus, the planet of unpredictability. Aquarius walks to the beat of their own drum. They may be brilliant but are also quirky. Bias, racism, intolerance, and close-mindedness will give them ‘the ick’ quickly. Since they are the sign of the humanitarian, they are interested in the human condition and anyone who is not will not interest them.
Pisces is ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, the planet of illusion psychics, creativity and spirituality. ‘The ick’ will come quickly if you disregard their sensitivity or are rude or crude. Since this sign needs love, romance and a stable partner who will be there for them, if you can’t be found in their times of need, they will disappear. You must also have a strong sense of romance since Pisces lives for love.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.