What Each Zodiac Sign Struggles With Most In Relationships

Astrology can help shed a little light on what's keeping your relationship from its true potential.

Last updated on May 15, 2024

woman struggling in relationship and zodiac sign Alvin Mahmudov via Unsplash / Robert Gruszecki and Artulina via Canva

When it comes to relationships, ups and downs are inevitable. If you find yourself getting caught up in the same problems over and over, astrology can help shed light on each zodiac sign's most common relationship problem to help you identify (and address) what may lead you to repeat negative relationship patterns. 

What each zodiac sign struggles with most in relationships

list of what each zodiac sign struggles with most in relationships D GraPx / Canva

Aries: Rushing into relationships

These rams tend to charge into relationships at top speed and expect their partner to keep up. Aries wants their partner to put all their free time into the relationship and hates having to spend time apart. But this speedy attitude sometimes means things move a little too fast, meaning neither of you has time to think about what you want as individuals. Sure, we all love a whirlwind romance — but this can backfire in the long run. All good things take time, Aries. Slow down!

Taurus: Selfishness

Taurus loves consistency and dependency, so they want a partner who is always there to shower them with attention. It’s okay to have certain expectations in your relationship, but sometimes this gets in the way of your ability to see things from their point of view. Taurus’ relationships sometimes fall short because their partners don’t feel understood. Listen to your partner’s needs, Taurus — they’ll thank you.


Gemini: Lack of intimacy

You’re the life and soul of the party, Gemini, and love to be surrounded by friends. This makes you pretty hard to tie down. You want your partner and friends to be one seamless group, but this can distract from the intimacy of a relationship. Take time for some alone time with your partner. It can be overwhelming for them to have to always be around your colleagues, friends, and family.

Cancer: Clinginess

Settling down is no problem for homebody crabs. You love to spend weekends tucked under duvets with your partner or watching hours of Netflix every night, but your need for security can be a lot for your partner. Protectiveness is nice in a relationship, but you don’t want to be too controlling or clingy. Spend some time apart from your partner and keep your separate friend groups. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all!

Leo: Hot and cold behavior

Leos are vibrant lovers who have no trouble attracting partners. They love the chase and are masters of the dating world — but holding on to a relationship is a little harder for them. If you’re a Leo, you might find yourself being a little hot and cold in your relationships, giving up quickly once the first red flag appears. This is because you’re secretly afraid of getting hurt. Of course, you want to protect your heart, but pushing people away too soon stops you from building strong, meaningful connections. When the going gets tough, keep going. Love wasn’t made to be easy. 

Virgo: Nitpicking

Problem-solving Virgos are experts at mending the cracks in their relationships before most people even notice them. This makes them devoted partners, but it can also be their kryptonite. Yes, it’s important to always work on your relationship, but your partner doesn’t like to feel like they’re your project. Quit the nitpicking and trust that if a problem gets big enough, you can work on it together. 


Libra: Poor boundaries

Libras can be guilty of giving too much of themselves to their relationships and forgetting about their personal desires. You already know you're the diplomatic one in the relationship, but always trying to keep the balance sometimes means you’re giving up some of your power. Relationships are about give and take, so don’t be scared to make some demands of your own.

Scorpio: Intensity

This fire sign knows how to keep the spark alive in a relationship, but might put it out just as quickly. You don’t do things by halves, Scorpio, and your 0 to 100 approach to relationships can sometimes give your partners whiplash. They can’t always keep up with your switch from intense lover to distrustful cynic. Slow things down and communicate your needs. It’s important that you’re both on the same page.

Sagittarius: Aloofness

Life is all about freedom and spontaneity for Sagittarius. Their fun-loving approach to relationships doesn’t always leave room for deeper connections, which can be a serious problem for their partners. Yes, your relationship should be exhilarating and vibrant — but the occasional serious conversation is necessary to keep your spark alive.

Capricorn: Coldness

Capricorns take playing hard to get to a whole new level. They could be a couple of years deep in a relationship and their partners could still be trying to get a read on them. Your fear of getting hurt could be making you seem detached and disinterested, Capricorn. Fess up to those feelings that you’re trying so hard to suppress, and let your partner in a little. Don’t even worry about what could happen in the long run. 


Aquarius: Emotional detachment

As an air sign, Aquarius doesn’t like being boxed in and wants their relationship to flow without rigid labels or rules — but your fixed nature means you also have a deep need for security. This can create a confusing mix for your partner who feels deeply connected to you but questions your emotional detachment. Your relationship is as free and mouldable as you make it, but it never hurts to talk out some boundaries and future plans.

Pisces: Idealism

Pisces are sensitive lovers and, in their own subtle ways, pour their hearts and souls into their relationships. But this sign is also a dreamer and can sometimes be too caught up in their romantic fantasies about their relationship, forgetting about the here and now. Your partner needs to know that you’re present and reliable. Let them in on your feelings so they know how serious you can be.


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Alice Kelly is YourTango’s former Deputy News and Entertainment Editor. Based in Brooklyn, New York, her work covers all things social justice, pop culture, and astrology.
