What You Overthink About In Your Relationships, According To Astrology
Astrology provides insights into how you can overcome intrusive thoughts.

We all tend to overthink our relationships, including friendships as well as romantic relationships. Astrology can provide insights as to why we may feel or think a certain way while simultaneously giving us the tools needed to overcome those intrusive thoughts.
What each zodiac sign overthinks about in relationships
Aries has a winner mentality and this also applies to how they may view their relationships. They may think about whether they are good enough for their partner and if they are still as interesting to them as time goes on. Aries must remember that they should live in the present and take the time to communicate with their partners whenever their insecurities surface.
The bull may hyper-fixate on finances and wonder how to bring stability. They may contemplate why they are not feeling satisfied if their relationship goals are not met. Taurus needs to remember that love should be organic, and not feeling happy because they have not fulfilled a goal should not be the main objective. Live in the present before overthinking the future.
There could be moments where Gemini could wonder if this is the right relationship for them. They could overthink their past choices or live in the future while not focusing on the present. To combat this, they should think about the present and not compare past relationships to current ones. As a sign that excels in communication, being able to discuss their fears with partners can help them.
Time is something that this sign may overthink. If a Cancer wants to get married or start a family and they are not there yet, it could frustrate them. To break free from this thought process, they should focus on developing a stronger relationship with themselves first and when they are dating, they should be more transparent about telling their potential partner what they want in the future.
A Leo may feel insecure about their relationship if their partner is not giving them the care and attention they are used to which can lead to overthinking. Understanding their value and purpose is important so that they can break free from unfulfilling relationships. Leo should remember that they are royalty and focus on quality relationships that will not make them feel insecure.
Virgos tend to wonder if they are not showing enough of their vulnerable side to their partner, but at the same time feel the need to protect themselves from criticism. A way to overcome overthinking is by being real and transparent by showing their vulnerable side to their partners will help them develop an even stronger connection with them.
Taking things to the next level and having the marriage end goal may cause this sign to overthink. Focusing on themselves could be a game changer and may allow them to make better choices in relationships. Libras must learn to level up by honoring themselves by communicating more effectively and focusing on finding solutions instead of appeasing partners.
It takes a lot of time for Scorpios to truly trust someone, so they may wonder if their partner may betray them. This sign may wonder if their emotional needs are being addressed. To combat overthinking, they should be more open to trusting their partner first and if there is something that makes them doubt their partner’s fidelity, they should discuss it with them.
Thinking about the grass being greener and feeling guilty for not being vulnerable with their partner could have Sagittarius overthinking. To give themselves wholly to their partner they need to have more faith and trust in themselves and their choices. Be open to bringing your partner along to experience new adventures with you. You may enjoy your independence, but sometimes it’s good to have someone by your side on your journey.
You may wonder if your partner is truly supportive of you and if this is the relationship that will help you get to your dreams. Capricorns need to understand — before entering a relationship — if this will be a transactional or emotional connection. They need to learn how much they want to give, how much they are willing to give to others, and what is holding them back emotionally.
When a partner is emotionally raw and available, it could make Aquarius second guess if they want to continue on this path. It could be that they do not feel worthy of the love they receive from their partner if they have concluded that they aren't able to reciprocate this to them. Working on their value system and understanding what they truly want in a partner will help them avoid overthinking later on.
Wondering whether they have been misunderstood could be something you Pisces may focus on in relationships. Pisces tend to speak with their hearts and will not want to get caught up in the reality of a situation. Throwing away their rose-colored glasses and being honest with themselves will help them release the anxious thoughts that arise. They will also have the courage to move away from situations that do not help them grow or bring them happiness.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.