7 Things To Do During Aquarius Season, A Time Of Self-Discovery & Empowerment
Capitalize on this empowering Aquarius season energy from January 20 to February 18.

The winds of change are upon us. And rightly so, because it's time for Aquarius season!
Officially occurring between January 20 - February 18, Aquarius season is all about taking the conventional and turning it on its head. After all, everything that's traditional was once something new and novel.
So take advantage of this Uranus-blessed season to unleash your unconventional side. It's the perfect way to change things up and double down on new resolutions after the steadfastness of Capricorn season.
Here are 7 things you can do during Aquarius Season to unleash your inner maverick.
1. Create a vision board.
Aquarius is also called the visionary of the zodiac. So one of the best things you can do during Aquarius season is lean into your powers of manifestation by creating a vision board and then let the law of attraction do the rest.
Let your creative side take over. From scrapbooking to tile mosaics to detailed paintings, everything counts as long as the finished vision board expresses your heart's desires. Then place this in a prominent place in your home so you can look at it every day and manifest. You can also create an online vision board on platforms like Pinterest or Prezi, but remember to peruse through them periodically! A desktop wallpaper or lock screen collage is another good idea.
2. Immerse yourself in the cutting-edge of human evolution and scientific advancement.
Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius energy is all about futurism and “what can be.” So another great thing you can do during Aquarius season is lean into this side of human civilization and learn about recent scientific advancements and inventions on the cutting-edge of the future. Whether that leads you to a museum dedicated to transhumanism, creating something with AI, prowling through garbage-recycling YouTube or reading books on harvesting clean energy is up to you.
And who knows? You may be reading this piece 50 years in the future when the world has changed even more dramatically and there are new advancements to reckon with that would be science fiction to the people of 2024!
3. Experiment with an alternative lifestyle.
Aquarius is anything but conventional. And if you've been thinking of trying a new meal plan or lifestyle philosophy, Aquarius season is your best bet. You will be more likely to succeed now than not.
But you don't have to go all-in immediately. Spend some time researching the experiences of other unconventional mavericks who have lived like this and then experiment.
You may even bring your unique tweaks to the table... because why not?
4. Volunteer at charities and be a force of good in this world.
Aquarius energy is known to be community-focused and a harbinger of change that pushes the collective forward. Whether it's through coming up with the idea of democracy in a world that feels firmly in the grip of tyrant monarchs and dictators, launching protest drives to get rid of bigotry or embracing people who have a different gender orientation/brain chemistry/parentage than what is considered traditional, it's maverick Aquarius and people with Aquarius-heavy birth charts who change the world.
You can lean into this during Aquarius season by volunteering your time at charities or using your skills to invent something that solves a community problem, big or small. It's time to be a force of good in this world.
5. Go bohemian.
A wardrobe change is always welcome no matter the time of the year, and Aquarius season is no different. Only, now's the time to go Bohemian or “alternative” in your choices. And that includes hairstyle decisions and new nail tips.
In fact, the more “out there” an outfit idea is, the more Aquarian it will be. And who knows? You may even kick off a trend (unknowingly or knowingly) like Aurora with her jellyfish hair or the retro normalizers who are unknowingly creating something post-modern.
6. Unleash your inner creative.
Aquarius is known as the inventor of the zodiac, so unleash your inventive side during this Aquarius season. And stop calling your ideas lame at first glance! Aquarius-heavy individuals often feel like outcasts or become so while they are tinkering... before the rest of the world catches up to the beauty of their creations.
7. Journal your thoughts about the collective.
Finally, Aquarius season is the perfect time to think about the big picture and your place in the world.
How are you contributing to the betterment of the world as a citizen of Planet Earth? What do you think about the culture exchanges of the 21st century and how they are shaping a new normal for all of us? What are your thoughts on the changing politics, economics, food, and philosophy of your decade?
Journal your thoughts and feelings and lean into the Age of Aquarius.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.