7 Ways To Use Pisces Season Energy To Drastically Improve Your Life
Pisces season energy spans from February 19 to March 20.

Pisces energy is all about exploration, transcendence, and finding one's inner beauty. While Pisces season officially occurs between February 19 to March 20, the actual date varies by a day or two from year to year — not that Uranus-kissed Pisces cares about fitting the boundaries! So don't be surprised, given the friendliness between Neptune and Uranus, if you start feeling a blissful upsurge of Piscean dreams in the last few days of the Aquarius season that precedes it.
7 ways to use Pisces season energy to improve your life
1. Start meditating.
Pisces energy is known to be highly spiritual. There's something supremely fascinating about the act of meditation. It rids us of all external distractions and disturbances, allowing one to sink deep into their soul and communicate with the divine consciousness within.
Bonus points if you choose to meditate with a guided soundtrack that gently immerses you into an alternate reality (aka reality shifting), helps you discover your true calling, meet your future self, or even unblock the seven chakras of your physical body.
2. Do art and be creative.
The planets Neptune and Jupiter are the astrological rulers of Pisces. Therefore, everything about this zodiac sign is larger than life and as fascinating (and mysterious) as the vast oceans of our world. What better way to honor this than through art and creativity? So let your inner child come out and play this Pisces season. Let it breathe easy and create something that speaks to your soul or your experiences in the world.
Just make sure not to classify anything as “good” or “bad.” Pisces energy is notorious for absorbing all kinds of collective insanity, including the impractical quest for perfection (although Virgo does this more). After all, isn't perfection subjective? That's why you can never get the entire collective to ever agree on anything.
3. Embrace whimsiness in your wardrobe.
A wardrobe refresh is always in order when a new season blows in. But you don't have to break the bank for this! A little touch of whimsy, a few shades of purple, indigo, and blue, and a desire to embrace a fantasy are all you need to align yourself with the effervescent nature of Pisces season. This can be through a new pair of shoes, a scarf, or even tic-tac hair clips featuring your favorite anime character or Hello Kitty. Pisces is pretty much all-inclusive, so you can not go wrong with whatever you choose!
4. Get a tarot reading.
As the spiritualist of the zodiac, Pisces energy rules over psychics, mediums, and all forms of divination arts. So if you are feeling adventurous (or plain lucky), visit your local tarot reader and get an in-person reading.
Let the crystals and magical paraphernalia heighten your intuition and then watch as the reader pulls out some cards for you. Just make sure to leave cynicism at the door! You can also ask them to show you the cards later and see if your own intuition whispers something to you.
5. Work with energized crystals.
Crystal magic is one of the best ways to honor the Neptunian energy of Pisces season! You can use them to help you open your chakras, accentuate your manifestation rituals, and even wear (or carry) them to bring you comfort and peace.
Just remember: every individual gravitates towards certain crystals more than others. And this resonance will change with time as your personal needs change. So if you don't know which crystals to work with, walk into a spiritual shop or visit a spiritual fair and just look through all the crystals they have in stock. You will intuitively know which one is right for you.
6. Unlock your psychic gifts.
You may believe in this or not, but every individual has at least one supernatural experience during the course of their life that alerts them that there's more to the world than meets the eye. In fact, most people have such experiences when they are kids, and many continue to experience the psychic sphere through their dreams.
So if you want to explore your psychic side, Pisces season is the best time to do so. Dream journaling, intuitive tarot reading and observing signs and synchronicities are just some techniques. You can research and find out others based on your area of interest. After all, the range of psychic gifts is pretty vast from clairvoyance to past life recollection and more.
Just remember: like any other talent or skill, practice will make it easier to recognize your psychic abilities and work with them. So you need to dedicate at least a few consecutive days to this exploration if you are serious about it.
7. Be kind.
Last but not least, an excellent way to embrace the spirit of Pisces season is to open your heart and be kind, because Pisces energy is always one with the whole world.
Of course, this doesn't mean putting yourself in harm's way by ignoring red flags or trying to play therapist to someone who needs help. But it does mean being more open-hearted than usual when you interact with the world around you. You can do this by saying hello to passersby you see frequently on your way to work or your coffee run, thanking servers for their service, helping an old person cross the street, or volunteering your time at a local charity or cleanliness drive.
And make sure to include yourself in your acts of kindness! We often do a lot for others while doing nothing for ourselves. Now's the perfect time to make self-care a habit and not just a one-off thing. Besides, it will make it easier to embrace the power of Aries season once the new zodiac cycle begins.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.