The One-Card Tarot Card Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On January 28
Tuesday is a day to fully embrace being yourself.
Each zodiac sign's daily tarot horoscope is here for January 28, 2025. The tarot card for all zodiac signs this Tuesday is the Moon card, which indicates our subconscious mind's hidden and mysterious nature.
What things do you hide from others? How might you address this inconsistency in yourself and your relationships? We have a chance to be ourselves and to make changes in the name of authenticity. Let's find out what else is in store for you.
The daily tarot card horoscope for each zodiac sign on Tuesday, January 28, 2025:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Six of Pentacles
What nonprofit or social cause means the most to you? Today, do one generous thing for a situation, person or entity you feel could use your help.
Donate a few dollars to a GoFundMe or drop off a bag of canned goods at a soup kitchen or local shelter. Sign up to volunteer for an event to help pets or find other community needs you would enjoy participating in.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Eight of Wands, reversed
Life finally slows down after a busy week. You're ready to settle into a more relaxing pace, and some rest would do you well.
Find something simple to enjoy. Keep the schedule light. Aim for quiet pleasures. Get organized and refresh your mind.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Five of Wands, reversed
Are things in life starting to be less chaotic? The start of a new year can come with its fair share of complications and demands.
Now that the end of the month is near, you may feel more in control of your time. Take this moment to plan and prepare to make the most of February's agenda.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Eight of Pentacles
What's your goal? Are you working hard toward a new career, educational accomplishment, or life achievement? It's good to have a clear idea of what you hope to attain.
Define it. Write your objective down in detail. Consider the resources you'll need and what time frame will get you to various milestones. With a plan in place, you'll finish whatever you decide to start.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Eight of Wands
Today, don't let the quickness of life cause you to feel overwhelmed. Go with the flow is the best course of action.
Time will fly, so pay attention to the clock so you don't miss appointments or fall behind schedule. This is a day for hyper-viligence.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Justice, reversed
Some people believe you have to be cruel to be kind, and depending on the circumstance, they may be right. For example, you may need to end a symbiotic relationship or break ties with a project.
It's tough to make difficult decisions that change how you imagine things, but would you prefer living inauthentically to please others?
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: The Star, reversed
Did you pray for something but get no answer? The universe may withhold a message, so you have time to prepare for it to arrive.
Today's silence can be a lesson in patience, discernment or wisdom. Ask the universe what it's trying to reveal to you now. See what the lessons are by paying attention to what happens next.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Four of Pentacles, reversed
Has your financial attitude changed? Perhaps you realize things you didn't understand when you were younger and a bit naive.
This is the perfect opportunity to work smarter when it comes to spending and how you acquire wealth. Keep learning and striving to self-improve. Make personal development a priority item each day.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Two of Pentacles, reversed
Do you have a lot to do? Overcommitment can be a real problem, leading you down a path where you feel disorganized and less in control of your time.
Take a step back. Call a time out. Plan to regroup and get things in order. What can you delegate? What are the things only you can do and do well? Focus on that.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Two of Swords, reversed
Have the tough conversations, Capricorn. Difficult conversations can be uncomfortable, but there's an incredible benefit to navigating through them with the person you love.
You may not like the discomfort of honesty at times, but the sweetness of intimate closeness and mutuality is worth the effort.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: King of Cups
Let your feelings overrule your logical mind today. You may be taken down a path of creativity and imagination. This is the time to gather all your ideas and let your child-like nature play.
Don't try to control the process of creativity. Let your thoughts flow through and write them down. Work through the details of how and when later.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: The High Priestess
What's your heart telling you to do? There are days when your intuition is much more powerful than your thought life.
Today, you may recognize insights and inclinations you hadn't felt. Your inner voice activates, and when it starts to speak, listen intently and let it guide you toward your inner light.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.