Study Reveals The 2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Become Part Of The 1%

If you're one of these two signs, your chances of hitting the jackpot are looking good.

woman with zodiac sign most common among billionaires Photo: Adele Shafiee, Panuwat Srijantawong | Design: YourTango

We all know that our chances of becoming a billionaire — or even a millionaire — are miniscule. They're called the 1% for a reason, after all! But what if there was a simple way to predict whether you at least have a better chance than the average person?

No, we're not talking about being born with a silver spoon in your mouth and being given a multi-million dollar gift from your dad that you then build into a billion-dollar empire by fleecing people and then, say, using the office of the Presidency as your personal piggy bank. It's actually easier than that! 


Just being born during certain times of the year may be all it takes, because it turns out certain zodiac signs are far more common among the world's billionaires than any others.

A study revealed the 2 zodiac signs most likely to reach billionaire status and join the 1%.

Nebula, an online platform for spiritual insights and psychic readings, decided to dig into the data of the world's gazillionaires to see which astrological signs were most common among the top 200 richest people in the world according to financial media outlet Bloomberg's Billionaires Index.


And it turns out that while fall and winter babies may have been born during the time of year when things are… well, withering, their luck with money seems to be in another galaxy compared to others.

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1. Libra

Nebula found that those born September 23 to October 22 comprise the largest number of billionaires worldwide — 13% of the top 200 richest people on Earth are Libras, with a total net worth of $612.7 billion, according to Nebula's research.

This includes people like Alice Walton, heiress to the Walmart fortune and the world's second-richest woman, iconic American fashion designer Ralph Lauren, and, perhaps the world's most famous Libra of all, one Kim Kardashian.

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And in a way this all makes sense. Represented by the scales of justice, Libras are known for their diplomacy and careful approach toward decision-making, a tendency toward peace-keeping rather than rocking the boat, as well as charm and elegance — all traits that make them skilled negotiators and keen businesspeople who keep the money flowing.

RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs Predestined To Achieve Great Wealth In Their Lifetime, According To An Astrologer

2. Aquarius

In second place according to Nebula's research are fellow air sign Aquarius. They may have been born during the dregs of winter between January 20 and February 18, but it seems to have the opposite effect on their livelihood.


Aquarians comprise 9% of the top 200 richest people on Earth, and hold some $376.2 billion in net worth among them. It's easy to see why when you take stock of some of the billionaires in question, including everyone from Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan to the very namesake of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Michael Bloomberg himself.

Whereas Libras are all about a carefully considered path forward that doesn't upset too many apple carts, Aquarians are in many ways the opposite — innovative, sometimes to the point of outright rebellion, with an empathetic progressive streak to go along with it.

This predisposition to bucking norms and coming up with whole new ways of doing things certainly seems to be lucrative—all three of the aforementioned billionaires changed the game in their respective fields and rode that Aquarian energy all the way to the bank.


RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Predestined For Wealth By The End Of Fall 2024, According To An Astrologer

Sadly, there is of course one sign that is the least likely to become a billionaire — Sagittarius.

Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer and Pisces also ranked highly in Nebula's billionaire analysis, all comprising around 8% of the top 200 richest people in the world. But of course, there had to be a loser, and as a December baby myself, it brings me no joy to report that we Sagittariuses are… well, let's just say our chances of rubbing elbows with Oprah and the Walmart lady are not great!

Sagittarians make up just 4.5% of the world's billionaires, which in a way makes sense — our free-spirited approach to everything is… well, not really suited to saving so much as it is to spending. And spending. And spending. (Do not ask me or my credit card bills how I know, that is between me and the accountant I will absolutely never hire.)


That said, Nebula found that Sagittarius has had the most wealth growth over the past few years, AND we pretty indisputably have the coolest billionaires among us, including Hollywood legend Steven Spielberg and the world's most famous childless cat lady Taylor Swift. So there, other signs!

RELATED: Your Zodiac Sign's Money Personality Can Determine If You're A Saver Or Spender

John Sundholm is a news and entertainment writer who covers pop culture, social justice and human interest topics.
