The Specific Hardship Each Zodiac Sign Will Overcome In August 2024, According To An Astrologer

August is probably the most astrologically significant month of 2024.

woman overcoming hardship in august 2024 JC Gellidon via Unsplash / Studio Moara, Momo Illustration and Artulina via Canva

August is probably the most significant month of the year based on astrology. We have a number of planetary events that will shake us up and many will be forced to change directions, ready or not. However, amidst the chaos, each zodiac sign can look forward to overcoming a specific hardship they've faced over the past year.

In some respects, we are living through a time of change and endings as well as chaos both globally and personally. 


Some of the transits that will affect us this month include:

Jupiter squares Saturn, exact on August 19, 2024

Not only is this a clash of ideals, both political and otherwise, it represents a time when certain things come to an end. For some, normal activities may slow down. 


This transit is especially significant in terms of events that occur in the world that may be stressful to all of us which can include finances and financial markets. If this hits your personal chart, it is bound to have an effect. It can be a question of morals, money, or something could end at this time.

The August 19th Full Moon in Aquarius is likely to shock us personally and collectively. 

There are many aspects that come into play at this time, but since this Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus, we can expect the unexpected. Venus opposes Saturn which is not helpful in love or with money. Mercury squares Uranus which can bring sudden and unexpected news. Aquarius and Uranus represent freedom and some may desire to free themselves of repressive relationships or situations.

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Aquarius is at 0 degrees.

This is significant because it connects to the undiluted nature of the planet/sign which can, at times, be extreme. This can be good or bad, depending on what it does in your personal chart. Next month, Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn at 29 degrees, which represents a final stage or ending globally and personally.

Neptune is at 29 degrees of Pisces

The 29th degree is called the anaretic degree which makes it critical. Fated events tend to happen when planets are at critical degrees, for better or worse. We are, in effect, preparing for some type of new beginning both on the world stage and personally.

Mercury retrogrades August 5th to 28th.


Many things are uncovered or come to light at this time. This aspect is also considered ‘fated’ in many respects, but the retrograde can also affect many things depending on where it falls in your chart, but in particular, work and health.

The specific hardship each zodiac sign will overcome in August 2024

@lizsnower How all the signs are healing thanks to the astrology of august 2024 #astrology #zodiac #august #leo #virgo #newmoon #mercuryretrograde ♬ are you a witch - midnight

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Aries: Relationship issues

Something may occur relating to love or your dating life that you don’t anticipate. Alternatively, it could involve children or friends. Don’t expect the worst when it comes to children, but a strained relationship or friendship could end this month (or come very close).


Taurus: Family issues

Issues could arise concerning the home or a family member this month. It could be a difficult move, or a family member may need your help or guidance. You will give them the help they need, and then continue moving forward personally.

Gemini: Travel issues

This month, you could experience issues involving a trip or vacation so make sure it is well planned. Alternatively, there could be problems with siblings, immediate family members or even neighbors.

Cancer: Financial struggles

Money seems to have been a bit of a struggle this month. Perhaps it's extra bills, less work, or just expenses all adding up. It may seem like moving mountains, but you will get there.

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Leo: Personal troubles

You could experience some type of personal crisis this month that could be related to health, your outlook, or even a partner or relationship. Change is on the horizon and you will be better off in the long run.

Virgo: Dishonesty

Certain facts that you are unaware of may be revealed that could set you back emotionally or personally. Better to learn and know the truth than to continue unaware of what’s really going on.

Libra: Heartbreak

You could part ways this month with a friend or even a lover. This may leave you shaken up for a while but in the end you will be better off and it is always better to know the truth.

Scorpio: A career setback

Watch your step concerning your career this month because otherwise, you may suffer a setback. The potential exists that this situation could become public, but if this is the case, you will hold your head up and continue moving forward.


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Sagittarius: A change in personal values

Your personal beliefs or philosophies may be challenged this month. If this is the case, you will have to re-evaluate what you really believe. If your ideas are solid, all will stand — but if there is a weak link, you will alter some of your personal ideas.

Capricorn: Money issues

Your money situation will be in your sights this month, which could include corporate money, your partner’s money, or some type of investment. Look for holes in your financial vision and do all you can to shore things up this month, especially around mid-month.


Aquarius: Relationship struggles

How are you feeling about your closest relationships? This month could bring a relationship shock and at worst, some type of partnership may end. If this is the case, know that what happened was meant to be and you will be better off.

Pisces: Health concerns

If you have been worried about a health issue, now is the time to schedule a visit to a doctor to get yourself checked out. Alternatively, if you have pets, keep an eye on them. Work struggles may crop up this month as well, so keep an eye on what’s going on so you can deal with the trouble early on.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.
