Small, Quick Ways To Make Yourself Feel Better When You're Stressed, Anxious Or Depressed, According To Astrology
The fifth house in your birth chart can show you the tiny ways you can boost your mood.

The fifth house in astrology is a placement filled with wonders and personal freedom. Through this house, we can cultivate self-esteem, see how we are in relationships, notice the partners we attract, what sparks our creativity and discover what brings us happiness and joy. It is where we can learn to fuel our passion and through what we love we can feel inspired and reborn.
Using the information provided by placements in the fifth house of your birth chart, you can find small but powerful methods to uplift yourself, according to an astrologer on Twitter known as @supermoongirl9.
To find the sign of and planets in your fifth house, you can use an online calculator to generate your natal chart.
Quick ways to improve your mood, using the 5th house in astrology
Aries / Mars in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
These things help to activate the Martian energy of the fifth. Aries here will have the natives filled with a lot of energy and drive. Focusing on hobbies aimed at making you stand out and cultivating your self-esteem. Sports help release and recharge when needed. An empowering placement filled with self-discovery and fuel for your imagination.
Taurus / Venus in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
Discovering new places to experience different meals could be an option with this placement. Spending time with people you care about and doing things together from the comfort of your home is another wonderful way to make your fifth house shine. Here is also a place where the natives will understand a lot about what they seek in relationships and what they will tolerate or not.
Gemini / Mercury in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
A Mercury-ruled fifth house will make the natives more keen on exploring and discovering new things to learn about. Communicating with others and learning from them can help enhance their creative side. This is a Mercury placement that thrives with communication and connection with others because they enjoy speaking and interacting with others.
Cancer / Moon in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
Connecting with family is essential with this fifth house placement. Those with Cancer in the fifth will excel with dinner parties and going to restaurants, and exploring their creativity through interior design can help them tap into the energies of this beautiful placement — anything that sparks love and magic at home.
Leo / Sun in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
Taking command of the spotlight and becoming more comfortable with who you are is imperative for this placement. If you are shy, doing things that will help you be more comfortable with taking the spotlight, like joining a theater class or other clubs can bring out the magnetism of this house.
Virgo / Mercury in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
Organization and staying on track with plans are important here. Those with Virgo in the fifth could enjoy keeping a planner (or multiple) handy for any surprises that may be thrown their way. As long as they are on track and prepared, this fifth house will feel like they achieve anything.
Libra / Venus in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
Explore or get in touch with your artistic side through fashion because this Venus-ruled 5th House will be a source of inspiration and a great way to unleash the inner artist. Libra also enjoys feeling beautiful, so treat yourself when you can. Going to a museum, taking an art class, dancing or anything that brings you inspiration and joy will activate this placement.
Scorpio / Pluto in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
A great way to tap into the potency of this incredible placement is to fall in love with who you are and rediscover what brings you happiness and passion so you can continue your evolution. The Scorpio fifth house native experiences transformations with each new experience, continuously leveling up in their romantic and personal lives.
Sagittarius / Jupiter in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
Connecting with others from different backgrounds will allow your fifth House to flourish in new ways. Sagittarius here enjoys learning about different cultures, traveling, and experiencing new things. It is also a place where the natives will want to find joy through education. Be open to growing and continuously learning since you all are eternal students.
Capricorn / Saturn in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
Seeking advice is a great way for the Capricorn fifth house native to experience the wisdom and guidance of Saturn. Here the native could also find a way to build their foundation when it comes to a topic or projects they are passionate about. The fifth house makes you brave, so seize the day.
Aquarius / Uranus in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
“Indulging in your niche hobby no one knows about” is a good way for Aquarius fifth house natives to become more comfortable with who they are and to become more empowered by their uniqueness. A way for them to elevate is to focus on creative projects that make them want to learn more and grow with each step of the process.
Pisces / Neptune in the 5th house
Photo: @supermoongirl9 via Twitter / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva
The astrologer recommends listening to music and this is very true. Music can be regenerative for those with Pisces in the fifth house because it brings them calm and helps them to weave the stories they love in their mind. This fuels their imaginative and creative side. It is good for them to focus on something that will help to inspire and push them, which is why focusing on something uplifting can be grounding for them.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.