Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day In The Month Of April 2022
This is the beginning you have been waiting for.

As a new month begins, it's clear right from the start that you’ve being guided to start creating the future that you have been dreaming of. And based on astrology, there is a specific day in April 2022 that is especially lucky for each zodiac sign.
It is an incredibly auspicious month, beginning with the New Moon in Aries on April 1, the once in a lifetime Jupiter Neptune connection in Pisces occurring on the April 12 and our Black New Moon in Taurus Eclipse on April 30.
There is an incredible aura of change, but also unique opportunities to help you become the catalyst for the change that you want to create in your life. Whether this is a monumental life overhaul or the deepening of a creative endeavor, this month holds all the possibilities that you have been dreaming of.
Creating change or upsetting the status quo is never an easy task to undertake, but through this window of opportunity you will have the ability to do so peacefully and with great diplomacy.
Chaos or hurt feelings should be a minimum and with there being two new moons this month providing bookends of beginnings, even if it feels like one chapter is closing for you or even because of you, there is a greater sense of hope in the air.
The most important thing to remember this month is that while the universe is providing you with the opportunity of incredible astrology to help you through this time, you still will be the one to choose which direction to move in. You may have been waiting for this beginning, but it is also your responsibility to seize it.
Each zodiac sign's luckiest day for the month of April 2022:
(March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest Day: Saturday, April 16
Even though you are having your annual new moon at the start of the month, the full moon will provide you with the ability to speak up for yourself to create more balance in your life.
During this time, the Sun will still be in your sign representing the choices you make while the moon will be in your opposing sign of Libra giving you balance and a chance to act from your heart.
(April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, April 19
April 19 is the start of Taurus Season which makes this a powerful day for you. Even though the Jupiter Neptune connected occurs a few days before, it is active throughout the month which means that you now get to reap the benefits.
The North Node in your sign also crosses paths with Jupiter this month too signifying that it is time to believe in yourself otherwise you might base what is possible on the beliefs of others instead of what you feel is true.
(May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest Day: Friday, April 29
Mercury shifts into your sign on Friday, April 28 allowing you to better express your thoughts and feelings. Not only does communication improve with others, especially in relationships, but you will also be feeling a greater peace within your own self.
This lets you be able to solve some long-standing gaps between you and someone significant in your life realizing you were never that far apart to begin with.
(June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, April 20
Juno enters the water sign of Pisces on the 20th which brings your emotions to the surface about the relationship you are currently in or that you are wanting to create. It creates the lens of perspective between what you believe is possible versus what you hope is possible.
Make sure not to sell yourself short today or settle for anything that does not set your heart on fire. You could have the relationship of your dreams if you do not give up on it.
(July 23 - August 22)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, April 6
The energy of April 16 asks you to make some final connections between the lessons that you have learned and the life that you are still hoping to create. Let go of doubt today or any linger wounding that is still being carried over from the lessons that you have been processing.
Jupiter connects with Saturn this day, allowing you to step out from the storyline you thought you had to live within and instead embrace all that you have ever dreamed for yourself and your life.
(August 23 - September 22)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, April 5
This is a phenomenal energy day for you. Pisces energy always brings a focus to your romantic relationships and with Venus moving into Pisces, it is amplified by the power of the planet of love. Even if you have been focused on other areas of your life recently, take the chance on this day to allow yourself to explore your personal life.
Be available for those that bring joy, love into your life, and recognize that often it is this energy that adds fuel to all other areas.
(September 23 - October 22)
Luckiest Day: Friday, April 1
The Full Moon in Aries on the April 1 will bring you some much needed fire to advocate and speak up for yourself. This will help you not only bring more balance into your life but also help you embrace your most authentic self.
While you have been learning that you cannot keep peace at the expense of your truth, this day is a chance for you to recognize that those who truly are meant to be a part of your life will support you in this.
(October 23 - November 21)
Luckiest Day: Saturday, April 30
You are one of the signs this month that will see the most unexpected events and changes in your life, thanks to the eclipses moving into your sign and Taurus for this year.
On the last day of the month there is a second new moon, known as a black moon, in Taurus, it is also the first eclipse of the year. This lights up the relationship sector of your life and begins a fated series of events.
(November 22 - December 21)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, April 12
Jupiter is one of the biggest influencers of astrology this month and all this year. It is the ruler of your sign and the 12th forms a once in a 166-year connection with Neptune, both in Pisces. This water sign rules your home and family life, and Jupiter is all about abundance and making dreams come true.
This is an excellent day to think about what these themes mean to you and then to act in creating it.
(December 22 - January 19)
Luckiest Day: Sunday, April 10
The planet that rules communication, Mercury, will be moving into Taurus on this day. This should help you feel the most grounded and together that you have since January. When you can express your thoughts and feelings, you are also more likely to feel positive about yourself and your life.
Use this day to get clear on what it is that you still want to focus on and then use the power of your words to move mountains.
(January 20 - February 18)
Luckiest Day: Friday, April 15
With both Mars and Venus now out of your sign and the Libra Full Moon energy coming in, on the 15th you will find yourself feeling relieved. Life starts to feel easier from this point on. The tests that you needed to go through, you have and now it is just a matter of making the most of this time.
There is no pressure for anything big on this day, instead it is about resting and prioritizing the time created to do nothing but enjoy life. This is exactly the healing you need after last month.
(February 19 - March 20)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, April 12
Although Neptune is known to be your ruling planet, Jupiter is also one of your ruling planets. Together in Pisces on this date is like both sides of who you are being able to come together so that you feel more yourself than you have in a long time.
It builds up your creative energy, enhances your spiritual strength and even brings in a magical dose of once in a lifetime kind of love. Anything is possible on this lucky day, and the best part is, it is just the beginning.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love.