Psychic Urges One Zodiac Sign To 'Take A Leap Of Faith' Before August 2024 Ends

Your future is bright — it’s up to you to grab hold of it and move forward!

woman taking a leap of faith august 2024 Photo: Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho | Design: YourTango

August 2024 has been an interesting month, especially for one particular sign that is encouraged to take a leap of faith before the month comes to an end, according to a professional tarot reader and psychic medium.

From August 19th through the end of the month, we are all under the influence of the very powerful August Full Moon. Since this Full Moon squared Uranus, we will see many unexpected things happen. Uranus often hits like a bolt of lightning shaking us out of our comfort zones and routines. Uranus has the reputation of suddenly cutting off or getting rid of things or even people that have outlived their purpose. 


While it may be difficult at the time, in the long run, this opens the door to new situations and opportunities that have simply outlived their purpose.

The zodiac sign encouraged to 'take a leap of faith' before August 2024 ends

In a TikTok video, professional tarot reader and psychic medium Whitney Minor encouraged Libra to focus on making your dreams come true — but sometimes, to do this, we must take a leap of faith.

@lightworkerwhit This sign seriously needs to just believe in themselves and take a leap of faith this month! Watch your full reading on my youtube for context! #astrology #horoscope #zodiacsigns ♬ original sound - Lightworker Whit

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While the August Full Moon fell in your fifth house of love, it also squared Uranus in Taurus. You could have experienced a relationship or friendship that ended unexpectedly at this time, or could end sometime this month.

Uranus in Taurus is transiting through your eighth house. In astrology, this place in the chart represents money, partner’s money or even corporate money. When we talk about money, this could include debt, mortgages, taxes, loans, and investments. With Uranus transiting your eighth house, you may have experienced changes or sudden changes in these areas. Lastly, the eighth house is connected with change and transformation, and Uranus here will propel you toward some type of change.

While the Full Moon fell in your fifth house of love, friendships, and children, the August New Moon fell in your 11th house which rules your hopes and wishes, so this must have been a time you were focused on what you desire most.

Retrograde Mercury started out in Virgo, or your 12th house, on August 5th. This house represents what we might refer to as ‘shadow work,’ or your subconscious mind, which must have been speaking very loudly to you at the time, dragging up old memories and making you think very deeply about your current situation in life. Mercury moved back into Leo on August 15th so it might still be transiting your 12th house or it could have moved back into your 11th house of friends, hopes and wishes, again which would of course focus your attention on what you hope to attain which could include love.


Mercury will turn direct again on August 28th, and if Mercury in Leo aspects something positive, this may indeed be a good period for you.

Venus also moved into your 12th house when it entered Virgo on August 5th. Venus in the 12th could represent a secret lover, or since this house represents your subconscious mind, you may be thinking about matters pertaining to love and money or even work or health and potentially questioning what direction your should take.

RELATED: How Virgo Season Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign From August 22 - September 22

In many respects, Libra has experienced a difficult time over the past few years because of Pluto in Capricorn. 

Pluto in this sign has been transiting your fourth house, bringing a lot of change and upheaval especially as it relates to the home, family and your basic foundation. If you were born during the last few days of this sign (or approximately the 21st-22nd of October, depending on which year you were born), you are not quite out of the struggle — but you are coming very close to the end of it this year.


You had a very positive Jupiter-Mars conjunction on August 14th that may have propelled you toward an 11th house matter, including travel, education, broadcasting or some new point of view. By the end of the month, Venus enters your first house for 30 days. This is a positive influence all the way around, and you may even be considering a new love. Now is the time to buy new clothes, try out a new hair style and in general take a positive approach because this is usually the month that we look and feel our best, especially with the opposite sex.

On August 22nd, the Sun in Virgo will also enter your 12th house and once again your subconscious mind will be speaking to you. What is it that you want to let go but feel conflicted over Libra?

By month’s end, we will be feeling the New Moon energies of September 3rd and this too will fall in your 12th house, which is where everything both ends and begins since it rules your subconscious or unconscious mind. 


Now is the time to make your decision and let go of those things that have become burdensome.

While human nature is to hang on, sometimes the best option is to simply let go, take a leap of faith and move forward. Should you choose to do this, things look good in the future. 

You will benefit this year from Jupiter in Gemini which brings luck in terms of travel, publishing, education or your basic outlook. 

Pluto ends its long trek through Capricorn and enters Aquarius in November and this sign works far better for you than Capricorn; it may well be an asset.


Let the powerful Aquarius moon propel you toward what you really want, even if it means letting go of something you are not certain of. The future looks great, it’s up to you to grab hold of it and move forward!

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.
