Powerful Messages For Each Zodiac Sign When Pallas Goes Direct In Scorpio On July 9

In Scorpio, the asteroid Pallas teaches us the power of keeping your hand close to your chest while you grow and transform.

man sitting in the universe for powerful messages from pallas direct in scorpio Megan Ruth via Unsplash / Robert Gruszecki, DariolaVera and sparklestroke via Canva

Pallas in astrology may not be as well known as Lilith or Juno, but this asteroid is definitely one to watch if you believe in the power of intellect, inner fire, and creative wisdom. That's why, when Pallas Retrograde ends on July 9, 2024 and Pallas goes Direct in Scorpio, the shift will have resounding impact on the collective, especially the water signs in astrology.

In Scorpio, Pallas teaches us the power of keeping your hand close to your chest while you grow and transform. Many good strategies have sunken in the open ocean because the ones who came up with them were not confident enough to know who to engage with and who to stand back from. How will this transit impact you?


Here are powerful messages for each zodiac sign for when Pallas goes Direct in Scorpio on July 9, 2024.


powerful message for aries pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva

“The first can be last, and the last can be first. I will never throw in the towel when I know the story is not over. How can it when I am not done yet?”


Aries, when Pallas goes direct in Scorpio, you will feel an upsurge in your emotions out of nowhere. Messages and symbols will rise to your conscious mind from deep within your subconscious. So watch out for bewildering dreams that mean more than what they seem. Writing down what you see right after you wake up will prevent you from forgetting. 

Amethyst (the crystal) will be your best friend from now until Pallas transits to Sagittarius in September 2024.

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powerful message for taurus pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva


“Verity, velocity, and verbosity are now in my razor focus.  It's a grand adventure for my mind, heart, and being.”

Those who dare will always win over those who don't. That's your message, Taurus, when Pallas goes direct. You will find yourself exploring spaces and befriending people you wouldn't have thought you would ever get close to. Mysterious occurrences and hazy dreams (including waking ones!) will find those with strong intuitive powers. 

You are urged to ground yourself daily from now until Pallas moves on to Capricorn in November 2024. It will protect you from walking down the wrong paths out of curiosity.

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powerful message for gemini pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva

“Who am I? Why am I here? Where will I go when my soul leaves? I will cut through the fog of uncertainty. But I shall take my time with it and be patient.”

Gemini, when Pallas goes direct, you will not really feel the change as strongly as other signs. It will be business as usual for you, although some of you will feel a niggle in your mind as if something will soon arrive at your doorstep. Forgotten wishes, forgotten desires, and also random things you forgot here and there will suddenly appear at the forefront of your mind.


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powerful message for cancer pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva

“In silence, I shall hear my inner voice and know what it has been trying to tell me. In silence, I shall know myself. In silence, no one can tell me what's up and what's down or spin my mind in circles. I shall know the truth with perfect clarity.”


Cancer, when Pallas goes direct, you will feel a sense of relief even if you don't understand why you feel it so strongly. You will feel as if a burden has been lifted from your metaphorical back, especially of the emotional kind. This transit will silently remove negative and toxic influences from your life without you even being aware that the universe did it for you.

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powerful message for leo pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva


“Whoever thought they could beat me has got it all wrong! There is no beating me, there is no burying me. I shall rise like a seed and sapling. I shall rise like the dawn.”

Leo, you will have a mixed experience when Pallas goes direct in Scorpio. Most of you will feel as if you are surrounded by people who don't have creativity or even the inclination to go beyond groupthink. Others may find some processes delayed in your grand vision for your future. Go slow, but not too slow! “This too shall pass” is your motto until Pallas moves to Sagittarius in September 2024.

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powerful message for virgo pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva


“I work for myself, my family, and those who love me. I work for the well-being of my community so the trees I plant today will give me shade when I am old and withered. I know which paths to take and which ones to walk away from. I trust myself.”

Virgo, here's the thing. Pallas retrograde had a transformative impact on you, even if you are not aware of it. So now that Pallas is going direct, you will feel as if you are stepping into a new era with greater confidence and shine. 

While Pallas in Scorpio won't have as strong an impact on you as some other zodiac signs, it will definitely be a stress-free period for you.

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powerful message for libra pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva

“Who said I can't? I can, I can, I will, and I can. Now watch and learn.”

Libra, you are not known for your stubbornness, yet you are a cardinal zodiac sign and cannot be budged once you choose your destination. Like the point of a compass, you always point North once you know your North. That's going to be your experience during Pallas direct in Scorpio. 


Lean into your inner wisdom and ground yourself. You will surprise the haters and maybe even a few lovers who secretly didn't know how strong you are.

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powerful message for scorpio pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva


“I am strong. I am unstoppable. I am whoever I choose to be and what I know is for the highest good of my soul. I have a piece of divinity within me.”

Scorpio, when Pallas goes direct in Scorpio, you will feel a rush through your bones even if you are not strongly conscious of it. A weight will seem to lift off your shoulders and you will suddenly feel alive and ready to take on the world. Lean into this and nothing will be able to stop you!

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powerful message for sagittarius pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva


“There is nothing more important than my well-being. If I am not strong, I cannot do right by myself and those who depend on me. Thus, I will be strong and protect my energy.”

Sagittarius, Pallas going direct in Scorpio won't impact you other than reminding you of Pallas eventually moving back into your zodiac sign in September 2024. So until that happens, focus on the other transits of more importance for you — those involving the Sun, Moon, and Venus.

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powerful message for capricorn pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva


“Peace and silence are my best friends. They will reveal more to me than a thousand books combined. I cannot learn or grow if I don't have peace. So I prioritize what I know will win me a thousand battles.”

Capricorn, the energy that will flow into your life when Pallas goes direct can only be called enlightened because you will feel as though you have a secret wise old man/woman living inside you. Lean into this and you will steadily (and slowly) find your way to the other side of your goals. It will feel like the unstoppableness of erosion and time.

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powerful message for aquarius pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva

“My friends are who I know are my friends in my heart. Not those who force it upon me or who are friends only in name. I trust my heart in this. I don't need the whole world to be my friend. I only need the right tribe.”

Aquarius, put your seatbelts on because Pallas direct in Scorpio will bring up some major insecurities within you. You may feel unsure and ungrounded. Even meditation and focused breathing may not help. 


The solution may seem counterintuitive, but you are urged to lean into your emotions and allow the insecurities to surface. Only once you engage with them intellectually will you be able to slowly erase them from within you. This transit will bring you healing if you let it.

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powerful message for pisces pallas direct scorpio horoscope Robert Gruszecki and Design & Beyond / Canva


“I am silence. I am effervescence. I am elegance. I am big. I am small. I am everything that I choose to be. Nobody can tame what is not meant to be tamed. There is an ocean within me.”

Pisces, the world does not know all that exists within you. But you do. When Pallas goes direct, you are encouraged to bolster your self-confidence and keep trusting your intuition and expertise. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. But you do need to remember that you know more than what appears on the surface.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
