How The New Moon Affects Your Life & Relationships In Each Astrology House
Harness "new moon magic" to make your love life truly shine.

New moons represent new beginnings and growth, so that means it's a great time for reflection and visioning.
You can plant the seeds for ideas, plans, and actions that you want to grow over the coming weeks until it grows to a bright, glorious full moon, which is the time for creativity and bringing those intentions to fruition. You can use that information to enhance every aspect of your life.
Each month, the new moon surfaces in one of the 12 astrology houses, influencing a different aspect of your life.
Here's how to use each of the 12 "houses" of astrology and new moon magic every month to enhance your love life and make it incredible.
New moon in the houses: effects on your life and relationships
1. New moon in the first house
The first house represents your personality, physical body, and personal appearance. And since it’s also house number one, it’s about taking on new projects and setting new goals. You might feel a burst of energy or feel inspired to work on self-improvement or your self-image.
This would be a great month for you to try on a new look — how about a different haircut, or getting eyelash extensions for the first time?
Indulge in a little self-love. Maybe you can grab your sweetie to start a new exercise routine together … you’ll have a better chance of success if you have a partner to encourage you.
Just be sure not to overdo it since that high energy might be spiking this month.
2. New moon in the second house
The second house is the house of “values” — both how you define your self-worth and inner, core values — as well as what you value in terms of your belongings and personal resources.
If you’ve been meaning to sit down and look seriously at your finances, this is the time to do it. On a practical level, create a budget or devise ways to supplement your income.
But what does that have to do with your love life? Money issues (along with sex and children) are one of the biggest stressors in a relationship, so this month is the perfect time to get your different financial expectations in sync with your partner's.
You’ll save yourselves some unpleasant blow-ups in the future and maybe find you can actually afford an unexpected romantic getaway!
3. New moon in the third house
The third house is all about how you think and use your brain, then how or as well as how you communicate what you’re thinking or have learned.
It also covers your relationship with your siblings and neighbors, as well as transportation issues. (There are several houses that encompass more than one area of your life, while others are pretty singularly focused, and this is one of them.)
You should try writing a love letter to your partner, or heading out with them on a country drive for some exploring and talking (no screens/phones allowed).
If you’re not in a relationship, maybe write a letter to your future lover, describing all the things you love about him or her. Take advantage of the extra mental activity at this time and take a course on how to attract — or improve — a relationship.
4. New moon in the fourth house
Home and family are the focus of the fourth house where the emphasis is on comfort and domesticity. It’s also where you look to your past for clues about how your parents and childhood molded you.
Self-reflection through meditation and journaling can be powerful tools to help release old baggage and practice forgiveness any time but are especially great this month.
Plan a decluttering day or weekend. Clean out the closets or garage to open up space for new energy to flow in. This could even be a new relationship if you’re in the market for one!
Then spruce up your bedroom to make it more welcoming. If you’re married, invite your parents and in-laws over for a home-cooked feast and do some positive reminiscing about your and your spouse’s childhoods.
5. New moon in the fifth house
The fifth house wants you to play and find romance! It governs relaxation, entertainment, and even gambling, if that’s your thing, as well as creative self-expression.
Whatever artistic or dramatic urges you have are found in the fifth house. With the new moon here, you have full permission to just play and bring out your inner child.
Obvious activities this month would be to plan lots of dates for the movies, theater, and sporting events. Maybe an amusement park, a sip-and-paint evening (to get those creative juices flowing), or a trip to a casino?
Make it a romantic excursion with your partner! Or, if you're single, go with friends. Who knows who you might meet there?
6. New moon in the sixth house
The sixth house is one of those “everything but the kitchen sink” houses — it’s often called the "house of health," but it represents your day-to-day work, workplace, and co-workers as well.
It’s where you look at how you serve others and they serve you. It also covers routines, habits, and even pets!
One of the best things you can do for yourself and your relationships this month is to renew your commitment to extreme self-care.
Remember, you can’t fully take care of others unless you’re nurturing yourself first. Set healthy boundaries, do a full-body cleanse, and put some new diet and fitness routines in place.
And be sure your work-life balance is solid, too.
7. New moon in the seventh house
Some houses have a super-focused agenda, and the seventh house is one of them. It’s all about being in partnership and intimate relationships.
This is where you reassess your personal needs and the needs of others; where you work through issues of individuality and intimacy.
So that makes this month the quintessential time for love magic. Light a candle, play some soft music, and create a little cocoon for some deep conversations about your relationship.
Are you and your partner on the same page when it comes to balancing your alone time and time with friends with your couple time?
If you’re single, you may want to assess if you even have enough space in your life for a partner. If not, make it!
8. New moon in the eighth house
In astrology, the common phrase that describes the energies of the eighth house is “death, sex, and taxes."
Don’t worry, it’s not usually about people actually dying, but more about transformation and rebirth — identifying negative habits and letting them die so you can create new positive ones.
It’s also where you address shared resources: Alimony, inheritance, and yes, taxes.
That deep exploration into intimacy you did last month when the new moon was in your seventh house? Now is time to put all of that into practice with some great sex!
Then assess your joint assets and review your financial goals, as un-sexy as that sounds (refer back to the second house). Intense emotions and power plays can also be triggered when the new moon passes through this house, so tread lightly.
9. New moon in the ninth house
The ninth house is where you search for meaning and examine your belief systems. The energy of this house is expansive and represents our views on religion, philosophy, and higher education. It also governs long-distant travel, foreigners, and weirdly enough, your in-laws … maybe because they expand your family?
Take some time this month to reflect on ways you can bring your spirituality into everyday reality. If you’re coupled, maybe the two of you can attend a spiritual retreat or meditation evening.
If you’re single, who knows … maybe you can meet a like-minded spirit there, too! Expand your horizons — literally. Take a trip together or solo, even figuratively, by studying something new,
10. New moon in the tenth house
Your career, professional reputation, and social status are all highlighted in the tenth house. Your achievements and ambitions are also represented here, along with the need for recognition and concern with your public image.
Since this house is directly opposite the fourth house (representing home and family), when the new moon lands here, it’s another good time to consider the balance between your home life and your work life.
It's always a good exercise to do periodically to ensure that your most important relationships aren’t suffering, too.
11. New moon in the eleventh house
The eleventh house covers your friends and acquaintances as well as your group affiliations and humanitarian interests.
It’s a pretty socially-oriented house, but then it also addresses your goals and expectations. Like many other houses, it’s a bit of a mixed bag.
An obvious thing to do this month is to hit the town with your partner and a bunch of friends! And of course, if you’re single, grab some friends and go to your favorite nightclub or karaoke bar.
Or, to capitalize on the humanitarian vibe, find a worthy project to participate in — my brother met his wife constructing a playground for a volunteer organization!
12. New moon in the twelfth house
When you enter the twelfth house, you dive into the subconscious mind; the dream world and what is hidden or unseen.
It governs places of confinement, like hospitals, mental institutions, and prisons ... but also monasteries, ashrams, and spiritual retreat centers, too.
So go hibernate with your favorite monk and explore your deepest fears, desires, and dreams either on your own or through a holistic healing program.
This month would also be a great time to start couples' therapy or look at what self-limiting beliefs are preventing you from attracting your soul mate. Don’t be afraid to go deep!
Whether you’re an ardent fan of astrology or a dabbler, it’s fun to combine some of the insights found in the astrology houses of your natal chart with the current movements of the moon and see how they can enrich your life and relationships.
Play with it for a few months and try out your own ideas!
Life and relationship coach Deborah Roth M.A. is a counseling astrologer and interfaith minister who leads women’s new moon circles and full moon tele-meditations every month. She loves supporting individuals and couples to help re-energize mind, body, and spirit and enhance their relationships. You can visit her website to schedule an introductory coaching session.