How The 10 Most Life-Changing Astrology Transits In January 2024 Will Affect You
The most influential January 2024 astrology transits will shape the upcoming weeks and beyond.

As we begin the New Year 2024, make the most of the cosmic flow by understanding all the intriguing astrology transits in store for us in January 2024.
Here are the most life-changing January 2024 astrology transits and how they will affect you.
1. Mercury goes direct on January 1
Mercury has been backtracking through Capricorn and Sagittarius since December 13. And on January 1, the first day of the New Year, it will go direct again. Can there be a more auspicious beginning to 2024?
Don't be surprised if you suddenly feel full of energy, drive, and enthusiasm for what's to come and what you can do to set those new adventures into motion. Mercury in Sagittarius will make it super easy to send good wishes for the new year to all and sundry, thus, improving your social connections and friendships everywhere.
2. Mars enters Capricorn on January 4
The beginning of the year will become even more hyper-charged once Mars, the planet of action and energy, enters Capricorn on January 4. And since that's in the heart of Capricorn season, the desire to get clear about our goals and the strategies to get there will become of prime concern to everyone. Quarter 1 of the new year couldn't get any better!
3. New Moon in Capricorn on January 11
Of course, like every month, the New Moon on January 11 is one to look out for, especially if you want to do a manifestation ritual or set new intentions for the following six months (until the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21). This New Moon in Capricorn is perfect for setting ambitious dreams and goals for one's career and public standing. You can also do a success ritual since Capricorn energy is all about that.
4. Asteroid Juno goes Retrograde on January 12
Another major thing happening in January 2024 is Juno Retrograde in Virgo on January 12, which will last until April 21.
As the asteroid of marriage and commitments, this period will bring back issues in these areas for everyone, especially for those who are struggling with a divorce or breakup. Exes can make a comeback, too, and you may get triggered by memories and old wounds related to broken relationships, engagements, and false commitments.
But everything's not bad and cautionary about this period. Juno Retrograde in Virgo is a good time to drop people-pleasing habits and an overgiving nature and make sure there is equal give and take in your committed relationships.
Also, this is a good time to renew your vows and make new ones based on what you have experienced so far in your romantic partnership and marriage.
5. Mercury enters Capricorn on January 13
Mercury will slip into Capricorn once again on January 13 after its brief stint in December (before the retrograde). So expect plans and processes to suddenly become more streamlined and efficient. And since we will be in the tail-end of Capricorn Season at this time, with Mars in Capricorn also in the sky, pay extra attention to your top priorities and don't let anyone (or anything) distract you. Honestly, quarter 1 of the new year just keeps getting better with all these Capricornian blessings!
6. Aquarius season begins as Sun enters Aquarius on January 20
Capricorn season will eventually come to an end and Aquarius Season will begin on January 20. So things may suddenly pick up speed (all thanks to Uranus), and the desire to stick to routines and schedules may also come to an abrupt halt then.
Be mindful of this shift lest you forget your New Year's resolutions and stop hustling towards your goals. You can lean into the energy of Mars and Mercury in Capricorn to help you ride this wave until things become more settled in a few days.
7. Pluto leaves Capricorn and finally enters Aquarius on January 20
Pluto has been making its way through Capricorn since 2008. And now, it's ready to create some cosmic catastrophes and sound some Aquarian wake-up calls in the zodiac sign of Aquarius from January 20 onwards. That means there will be some big-world problems on our hands, especially in the areas ruled by Aquarius.
This can be related to new technology (like AI, metaverse, deep fake) and human advancement (like space exploration and travel, clean energy sources, and medicine). While one person may not have much power in such big-ticket topics, Pluto in Aquarius can awaken the community to rise together and create much-needed changes in laws, regulations, and litigation.
8. Venus moves out of Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on January 23
Venus, the planet of love and fortune, will officially move out of Sagittarius into Capricorn on January 23. This will create a heavy focus on Capricornian concerns since Mars and Mercury are also here at this time.
You will benefit from thinking more about the long-term when this happens and engaging with people romantically with the future in mind. What kind of future do you want in love? Even if you don't want to attach yourself to anyone, exposing yourself to a wide range of people can come with consequences, both good and bad. The least of which are health concerns, and the most of which is how you may change as a person because of someone else's influence.
Since Venus is also the planet of luck and manifestations, focusing on practical matters and trying to attract our top priorities is also indicated here.
9. Full Moon in Leo on January 25
After every new moon, there's a full moon. And the Full Moon on January 25 is in the zodiac sign of Leo. So make sure to schedule a celebration or party on that day because Leo energy is all about living life king-size. If you want to do any rituals on this day, restrict them to gratitude rituals for the blessings of the last six months or manifestation rituals related to love, success, and fame.
10. Uranus Retrograde ends and Uranus goes direct on January 27
A lot of outer-planetary retrogrades will go direct this year, and Uranus is one of them. It will go direct on January 27 in the zodiac sign of Taurus, so expect some wild changes in the arena of finances, wealth generation, and stable technology. What was once stable may suddenly go through a revamp or revolution, taking everyone by surprise. And the best way to ride this change will be to be more mindful of the world around you so you can be more decisive and swift.
But don't worry. Uranus going direct in the middle of Aquarius season is actually good. So the new changes will be welcomed by the collective wholeheartedly!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.