The Most (And Least) Ambitious Zodiac Signs, Ranked

Some zodiac signs just have a natural passion for life.

ambitious woman in front of zodiac wheel Sketchify Egypt, Giuseppe Ramos V, Lana Veter, FleurDeTango, Tinpixels from Getty Images Signature via Canva

The most ambitious zodiac signs, as determined by astrology, have a natural urge to improve things for themselves and their families.

Depending on the placements in your birth chart, you might be ambitious in your career and strive to obtain success, power, and prestige, or perhaps your ambition is centered around getting money and fame.

Ambitious people make plans on how they can achieve their goals and use these plans to take the proper steps. It's an admirable thing for people to go after what they want, but climbing over the backs of others to be successful isn't the way to do it.


While almost everybody has some measure of ambition, there are a few ambitious zodiac signs who take things to the next level.


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Here are the ambitious zodiac signs, ranked from most to least


1. Leo

ambitious zodiac signs leo Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

The good thing about Leo is that while they're very ambitious, they're not completely in your face or super-aggressive about it. They have enough confidence and smarts to know what they need to do and how to do it to achieve their goals.

They're always planning ahead and usually have a number of plans going on at once. Leo is happy to ask for help when they need it, and they usually have a tremendous amount of support backing them up. They're the leaders of the Zodiac and it's their duty to rise to the top of the heap.

RELATED: Leo Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Leos & Their Personalities


2. Gemini

ambitious zodiac signs gemini Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Gemini may seem scattered sometimes, but they have a lot of ambition. And when they set their minds to do something, they do it without a second guess.

Gemini knows how to use their talents and skills to get what they want. They're amazing communicators, so they use that as a stepping-stone to the top.

Another good thing about Gemini and ambition is that they're not greedy. Gemini knows there's plenty of success to go around, and they are happy to give someone else help to achieve their goals.

RELATED: What It Means To Have Your North Node In Gemini


3. Aries

ambitious zodiac signs aries Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Aries is incredibly ambitious; they dream of being so rich that they'll be able to do anything they want.

Aries is willing to do the work necessary to move them forward, and they're very good at taking risks to make it happen. Aries would rather attempt something that seems impossible instead of doing so in a more cautious way.

They're goal-oriented and love competition, so when they see something they want to achieve, they're extremely passionate about it.

RELATED: What It Means If You Have Aries Rising As Your Ascendant Sign


4. Capricorn

ambitious zodiac signs capricorn Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Capricorn is very determined when it comes to getting what they want in life. For them, that means having a career where they can advance to the top.

Capricorns are known for being hardworking and will do whatever is asked of them. They're not overly aggressive, but can be assertive and driven when they need to be.

Yes, their goals are high-reaching, but Capricorn is resourceful and purposeful. It's not unheard of for Capricorn to map out the steps they need to take to obtain power, success, and financial stability.

RELATED: Capricorn Compatibility And Relationship Style With All 12 Zodiac Signs


5. Scorpio

ambitious zodiac signs scorpio Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Scorpios is ambitious, and while they are hardworking, it's really their amazing strength of will that helps them reach their goals.

Scorpio tends to become very fixated, but it's their way of keeping their eyes on the prize that gives them the energy to keep at it, even when those around them have given up.

Don't underestimate Scorpio's intensity, for when they have an objective — like getting to the top of the corporate ladder or making a ton of money — there's very little that can derail them from their plans.

RELATED: Scorpio Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Scorpio Personalities


6. Cancer

ambitious zodiac signs cancer Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Cancer likes to be at the top of their game. They use their intuition and tenacity to help guide them in reaching their goals.

They're not just ambitious for themselves, but for their loved ones as well. If they're a parent, they'll do what they can to help their child be successful and happy.

Cancer is generous, kind, and likable, which encourages other people to help them achieve their goals. Cancer may be kind-hearted, but that doesn't mean they don't have ambitions.

RELATED: The Best And Worst Cancer Personality Traits


7. Aquarius

ambitious zodiac signs aquarius Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Aquarius has quite a bit of ambition — mostly, they want to change or repair the world. Aquarius will work tirelessly to make things better, and if volunteering at a local wilderness facility isn't enough, they'll make a plan that will help them do more.

They're very inventive and want to show their innovations and creativity to the world. Aquarius wants to be at the top of their field and be respected by their peers. When faced with an obstacle, Aquarius finds a way to go around it.

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8. Taurus

ambitious zodiac signs taurus Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Taurus is a true go-getter. They don't waste time; if they want something, they get it. They're tenacious and will stick to something long after other people have given up.

They like nice things, art, and gourmet meals, and those things don't come cheap. Taurus is willing to do the work so they can reap the reward. Taurus may be stubborn, but where ambition is concerned, stubbornness is a major asset.

RELATED: The Best And Worst Taurus Personality Traits


9. Virgo

ambitious zodiac signs virgo Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Virgo is ambitious but still very careful. Before they set out to accomplish a task or goal, they do their homework first. They'll research the company they want to get the job at, what the company specifically does, and any other relevant information.

Virgo makes sure they're on point for the interview and that they're ready for whatever might be asked of them. Virgo wants to be respected and for others to see how gifted they are.

RELATED: What It Means If You Were Born Under A Virgo Moon Sign


10. Pisces

ambitious zodiac signs pisces Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Pisces has ambitions that tend to lie in the creative realm. They want to make a name for themselves in whatever creative thing they do. If they can make a living by doing something creative, all the better.

Pisces does have a tendency to want to follow others and not lead, but that doesn't mean they're not ambitious. They're very imaginative and use it to visualize the kind of life they want for themselves.

RELATED: What It Means To Be A Pisces Man, According To Astrology


11. Libra

ambitious zodiac signs libra Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Libra is ambitious, but they sometimes get in the way of their own ambitions. They don't want to have to step on anybody on their climb up the ladder, nor do they want to be aggressive in achieving their goals. They'd rather accomplish things in the most peaceful and calmest way possible.

They want the world to be a better place, where people are nicer and treat each other fairly. Sometimes, though, Libra feels powerless on how to achieve these things.

RELATED: Libra Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Libras & Their Personalities


12. Sagittarius

ambitious zodiac signs sagittarius Ahmed Maghraby, ralfschmitzer and margiartho via Canva

Sagittarius is always striving for more. They are willing to do the hard work to achieve their goals... as long as that work doesn't feel too confining or their job doesn't have too many rules.

Sagittarius would rather have experiences and relationships than possessions and money. This may not be the regular way to judge ambition, but ultimately, it may be the best kind of ambition to have.

While many people are running in the rat race, Sagittarius is having adventures and traveling.

RELATED: What It Means To Have Your North Node In Sagittarius

Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and frequent contributor to YourTango. She's had articles featured in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Woman's Day, among many others.
