Mercury Retrograde In Aries 2024: Meaning And Effects
Mercury retrograde in Aries lasts from April 1-25, 2024.

Aries season will be intense this year with eclipse season and Mercury stationing retrograde in the sign of Aries beginning April 1st, 2024.
Eclipse themes will permeate this transit until Mercury stations direct on April 25th, 2024. Having Mercury in a fire sign can bring optimism, spontaneity, and courage.
Mercury retrograde in Aries
Although this is a Mars-ruled transit, during this crucial time, we will be much more aware of how we connect with others, how we are protecting our space, and what goals we have for advancement.
Eclipse season will bring topics that pertain to Aries’ sister sign, Libra. Relationships will be the focal point as well as our independence.
During this period we can feel increased motivation but will confront obstacles due to time management and surprise changes to plans. Nevertheless, we will acquire the discipline needed to thrive as long as we are calm and sensible.
How Mercury retrograde in Aries affects relationships
Mercury in Aries will bring back themes from the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra that occurred on March 25, 2024. This eclipse and Mercury's retrograde period will allow us to heal and get back to building better foundations. The eclipse occurred during Mercury's shadow phase, which is why themes from the transit may resurface. It is important to practice diplomacy when we are considering the emotions of others and to be very clear with our communication to prevent misinterpretation.
How Mercury retrograde in Aries affects goals
Mercury is in Aries, a cardinal sign, and this transit is ruled by Mars, awakening that go-getter spirit and connection to our purpose. Mercury retrograde in Aries will ultimately allow us to be true to ourselves and to be bold when it comes to going after what we want because it will empower us on the collective level. Aries season will feel quite overwhelming with eclipses but there are magnificent lessons to be learned and applied.
Part of this transit focuses on pacing. Go slow and don't put too much pressure on yourself even when things are shifting with incredible speed. Aries is an impulsive sign, and while we are pushed to express ourselves it is best to take a step back, think and consider the choices we make and what we say. Be mindful of how you expend your energy and if things are not going the way you planned, make sure to look at the bright side of things. After all, Aries' energy is optimistic and when a door closes, another one will open.
Mercury retrograde will bring challenges but we are reminded to continue forward and not to give up. The lessons now will allow us to heal and face whatever the next eclipse will bring.
What to do (and not to do) during Mercury retrograde in Aries
Any Mercury retrograde will be a great reminder to take things slow and not rush since our communication and transportation will not be up to par with our expectations. Don’t get angry if your schedule is altered — instead, think about how you can find alternative methods to improve the situation. It is a time when utilizing tools that may help us stay on track is encouraged. Use a planner or build one yourself. We will learn the value of time management and how it is essential. Since this transit is ruled by Mars, patience is also necessary for advancement and success.
As we look ahead, we can see the shifts and changes that are on the horizon, with the eclipse helping us to be more mature and patient with our relationships. Do not lash out at others. Instead, try to be more diplomatic and tactful. Do communicate and listen to others and avoid dismissing their feelings.
We can heal, let go, and reflect on what we learned thus far. Mercury may encourage partners to be patient with their communication. Being explosive and impulsive will not work because these conversations may repeat themselves when Mercury stations direct.
Because it is Aries season, be the leader but also the team player. Don’t be selfish or let yourself be consumed by ego, instead, learn to cooperate with others. Cooperation will enable all of us to move mountains. But if you are willing to do everything on your own without any help, it is best not to complain.
We will have the charm and magnetism to triumph, provided we go slow and remember how to prepare for the journey ahead.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.