The Life Lesson We Can Learn From Each Zodiac Sign, According To An Astrologer

Looking at the world through the lenses of others can also teach us about ourselves.

man learning life lesson in front of zodiac sign wheel Ashford Marx and Adrian Mag via Unsplash / Bianca Marie Arreola, margiartho and margokukhar via Canva

Each zodiac sign has unique traits that set it apart from the others. According to intuitive astrologer Alex, who goes by @theastrologyboy on TikTok, while you may find that you clash with some zodiac signs, ultimately, "every sign has a lesson that it can teach us."

This can be a good thing to reflect on, especially since our natal chart already comprises all 12 signs. We can focus on parts of our chart where the energy is linked to its respective sign and apply that sign's lessons. Sometimes, looking at the world through the lenses of others can also teach us a bit about the choices we make and how to add some fun into our lives.


The life lesson you can learn from each zodiac sign

@theastrologyboy What can you learn about yourself through the signs you have the most problems connecting with? #astrology #zodiac #emptyhouse #mercury ♬ original sound - Alex ✨Astrology✨

Aries: 'It’s ok to be impulsive'

aries zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva


As the first zodiac sign, or 'baby' of the zodiac, Aries is known to be impulsive and carefree. It is a sign that is not afraid to try things out because they enjoy experiencing things in the moment — of course, they may have regrets afterward, but it is good to sometimes feel an experience that makes us break away from the monotony and routine of the day-to-day every now and then, as long as we incorporate some practicality.

Aries teaches us that "it's ok to just be a kid and just do what you want when you want to do it," Alex explained.

Being spontaneous can be fun, as long as you don’t go overboard into the extreme.

RELATED: The Major Differences Between Aries Sun, Moon And Risings


Taurus: 'It’s ok to like what you like and that’s it' 

taurus zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva

"You don’t have to complicate it," Alex said. "If you like something, enjoy it, embrace it."

This is a valuable lesson to learn because some of us can feel shame or judgment from others when we express that we enjoy something. Taurus placements understand that when you want and love something, you need to cherish it. Take pride in what you enjoy and don’t let others influence you. Stay true to your goals, dreams and keep going forward with them.


RELATED: The Major Differences Between Taurus Sun, Moon And Risings

Gemini: 'It’s ok to change your mind'

gemini zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva

As a mutable placement, Gemini is not one to shy away from changing their mind. For some, that can be infuriating, for others it is enlightening. As Alex said in the TikTok video, Gemini can teach us that "you don’t have to think the same way for the rest of your life.”


There is also a bravery that Gemini placements have because they will not shy away from their opinions, even if they have changed them. Instead of being belligerent, the mature Gemini will realize the importance of respecting other people’s viewpoints and explaining why theirs have changed.

RELATED: The Major Differences Between Gemini Sun, Moon And Risings

Cancer: 'It’s ok to have emotions'

cancer zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva


"Emotions are powerful," Alex said, explaining that Cancer is instrumental in showing us that "they are a strength and not a weakness.”

One of the signs that brings a very impactful and memorable season is Cancer. The emotional power of this sign teaches us every solstice that making time to cry, heal, and feel our emotions, as well as getting to understand, them is essential. This sign teaches us that it is fine to shed tears and let our feelings consume us because through this realization, we develop stronger armor.

RELATED: The Major Differences Between Cancer Sun, Moon And Risings

Leo: 'It’s ok to celebrate yourself'

leo zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva


Leo's energy is so inspiring and motivational. They know how to love themselves and it is so pure and genuine that it can make others feel some jealousy. Instead of being envious, learn from this sign and apply those lessons to your own life. Leo teaches us that "you can be authentic. You don’t have to be afraid of being you,” Alex explained.

Life is fun, exciting and beautiful when we cheer ourselves on and don't consider what anyone else says or thinks about us. The lion’s energy wants us to learn to embrace who we are and to be unapologetic about it.

RELATED: The Noticeable Differences Between Leo Sun, Moon And Risings

Virgo: 'It’s ok to do the hard thing'

virgo zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva


Earth signs are linked with being more responsible, practical, and aware of our duties. Virgo teaches us that we need to get it together so we are not as stressed in the long run. When we apply some care and thought into our tasks, it can be a game changer. Responsibilities may seem dull but, as Alex said in the TikTok, “it is needed.” How can we evolve if we don’t do what is required of us? A sign of maturity is tackling our duties and seeing them as an essential part of our lives.

RELATED: The Noticeable Differences Between Virgo Sun, Moon And Risings

Libra: 'Get different perspectives'

libra zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva


Air sign Libra encourages us to be more flexible with our ideology and to listen to all sides before making some decisions. Libra teaches us that "you don’t have to have all the answers," Alex explained. "You can pursue balance through other people.”

Libra represents balance and they are excellent at making friends for a reason. This sign mirrors themselves and through this quality, they are able to see all sides of a situation. They can be empathetic, open-minded, and willing to truly listen to others to see if they can agree.

RELATED: Libra Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Libras & Their Personalities

Scorpio: 'It’s ok to be passionate'

scorpio zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva


Mars’ energy is shown through Scorpio placements because they are very deep, energetic, and devoted, and these qualities can make them unstoppable and unforgettable. Scorpio teaches us that "it's ok to be obsessive sometimes," Alex said, and "it’s ok to really really enjoy one specific thing.”

In relationships, Scorpios give it their all, making it an ardent experience. These are the people that will appear in your dreams if you had a relationship with them in the past because the history of that relationship will be memorable. They are the ones who will be exemplary employees at work. Scorpio knows how to win on their own terms. Their exes are obsessed with them and their colleagues can have some jealousy.

RELATED: Scorpio Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Scorpio Personalities

Sagittarius: 'It’s ok to leave'

sagittarius zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva


Mutable placements enjoy their freedom and Sagittarius is the sign that's infamous for leaving, whether that be a relationship, job, or anything that doesn’t make them feel passionate. Sagittarius values their freedom and they are not bound by duty. Instead, they will consider their emotions and feelings before making their decision.

"It’s ok to go somewhere," Alex says of the life lessons we can learn from Sagittarius. "It’s ok to leave home and explore the world around you.”

Sagittarius enjoys the thrill and excitement of new experiences, which is why this sign is linked to travel and exploration. Sometimes, it is fine to explore — you don’t need to move across the world, but taking a vacation to a town close by or another country can work wonders for the soul.

RELATED: Sagittarius Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Sagittarius & Their Personalities


Capricorn: 'Hard work is good'

capricorn zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva

Saturnian signs like Capricorn teach us that we need to work. This lesson is especially important if we want to advance in a field, career, or at school. Hard work and dedication is essential because it teaches us discipline and helps us mature. 

"Seriousness is often required for survival," Alex said, "and survival is required for happiness.”


It may be enjoyable to live spontaneously without direction, but we must also balance that with responsibility and duty. Before we can party, we need to settle down and work on our foundation.

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Capricorn Personality Traits And Characteristics

Aquarius: 'We can all be unique individuals'

aquarius zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva


According to Alex, Aquarius "helps us fundamentally understand our differences."

Aquarius is in opposition to Leo, the sign of confidence and the aristocracy. Aquarius is also a royal, but the one who prefers to be behind the scenes taking notes, giving advice, and learning. They are more secretive but occasionally enjoy standing out, especially regarding their intelligence. 

Aquarius enjoys being lauded as well as showing off their skills and abilities while Leo enjoys the attention. It is essential for us to learn about both of these signs because it can help us unlock our own ego.

RELATED: Aquarius Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Aquarians & Their Personalities


Pisces: 'Everything doesn’t have to be real'

pisces zodiac sign life lesson OwlAsya & Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva

This Jupiter-ruled sign teaches us that dreams are essential. We need a little escape every now and then, and Pisces can teach us that "sometimes you feel alive when you are dreaming, imagining or loving.”

For example, we all indulge and can escape when listening to music or watching television or films. These are mechanisms that allow us to tap into our creative energy and infuse it into projects. 


Pisces is all about inspiration. Pisces energy helps us world build our story or pen that lovely poem for our book. Pisces serves as the collective’s muse, pushing us to love, explore, and dream fearlessly.

RELATED: Pisces Decans: The 3 Different Types Of Pisces Personalities


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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
