How Earth's 'Second Moon' Affects Your Life From Now Until It Leaves Our Orbit On November 25, 2024

From the formation of unlikely bonds to unhealed wounds being brought to the surface, nothing is off the table while the 'second moon' orbits Earth.

woman sitting in front of earth's second moon Photo: Hosein Sediqi | Design: YourTango

In astrology, the Moon represents our emotional self, so if you've felt a little on edge lately, the earth's new 'mini-moon' may be to blame. In September 2024, Earth gained a "second moon" — a small asteroid that's temporarily entered our orbit — that scientists expect to hang around until November 25, 2024. 

How the ‘second moon’ affects your life until November 25, 2024

According to astrologer Valkyrja Vörõr, the second moon is a perfect example of Pluto's transition from Capricorn to Aquarius at work. She explained that Pluto turned direct in Saturn-ruled Capricorn on October 11, 2024, followed by Saturn stationing direct on November 15, 2024.


"Capricorn literally has to do with the systems that we cannot avoid, such as a random flying object coming towards the earth," Vörõr said, adding that the uniqueness of the event is representative of Pluto and Aquarius's unpredictability "because it's like exiting the system that we normally are in." There’s a second moon (PT5) in orbit until November 25th- what can we expect? #secondmoon #minimoon #astrology #pt5 #astrologytiktok #moonphase #moonwitch ♬ original sound - Valkyrja Vörðr

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Vörõr advised us to expect the unexpected while the 'second moon' is in our orbit.

“Think about the normal systems that you have in your life, your job, your friends, online communities and spaces, workout routines,” Vörõr said. “There’s gonna be some weird stuff that enters the atmosphere of those spaces.” 

Don't be shocked if unlikely friendships or opportunities come into your orbit —  the universe’s timing is pushing these things to happen at an unprecedented rate. 

According to Vörõr, the 'second moon' may also affect our emotions.

Vörõr explained that the second moon is "cutting in between the moon’s orbit and Earth," disrupting the natural flow of our emotions. This is heightened by the fact that Mars in in Moon-ruled Cancer, meaning that "this is a time to really discern if the interruptions in your life are going to be harmful and hazardous or not. Especially, when it comes to your emotions.”

To add to all of this, Vörõr noted that Chiron is currently retrograde in Aries alongside the North Node. Combine this with the "dark moon that’s being activated in Libra" thanks to the October 2 Libra eclipse, Vörõr said, and you have the recipe for the resurfacing of past trauma. As concerning as this may sound, Vörõr suggested that all of this promotes internal healing. 


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From the formation of unlikely bonds to unhealed wounds being brought to the surface, nothing is off the table while the 'second moon' orbits Earth. 

"There's gonna be random stuff that happens in your daily life and in the systems that you're involved in," Vörõr said, "stuff you never thought would happen."

You’ll want to prepare for this moment by seizing these odd moments as best as you can. 

"If you're able to identify that weird stuff that comes to orbit around you," Vörõr explained, you can decide if these temporary people or opportunities are something you'd like to keep in your life. 


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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
