How To Use Horary Astrology To Answer Deep Questions About Your Life

You can use horary astrology to answer questions about your future.

person holding flowers and zodiac symbols shahin khalaji via Unsplash / Chris Baron and Chikovnaya via Canva

Horary astrology is an ancient branch of predictive astrology that answers questions about the future by casting a chart for the exact time and place the question was asked and understood by the astrologer.

How to use horary astrology

You can use this to ask about events up to three months into the future, but you cannot use it to look at the past or ask about another person. Every question must be related to the individual who's asking the question.

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There are some rules regarding the types of questions you can and cannot ask using horary astrology.

1. You cannot ask questions that begin with the word “should.” For example: "Should I take that job?" or "Should I marry this person?". The final decision is always in your hands regarding whether you choose to accept the answer given or not.


2. You cannot ask about death or life after death.

3. You can only ask one question per chart. And the question must be related to something up to three months into the future.

4. You cannot ask the same question again by phrasing it differently. It's recommended that you wait for three months before you ask the same question.

5. If you already know the answer to a certain situation, you cannot ask a question regarding that. It's considered disrespectful to the astrologer and won't help you figure out their skill level. To do the latter, ask the astrologer to interpret your natal chart or progressed chart instead.


Additionally, if you ask a question and the horary chart's Ascendant turns out to be within 0 - 3 degrees of a zodiac sign, it's considered to be too early to ask that question. Similarly, if the Ascendant is in the 27 - 30 degrees of a zodiac sign, it's considered to be too late to ask that question.

Some astrologers also look at the Saturn placement in the horary chart to determine if the right question was asked. If Saturn is in the seventh house, the question is best left unanswered as the querent is under Saturn's malefic influence. And if it's in the first house, you are asking the wrong question.

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How to cast an horary astrology chart

If you are casting the chart yourself, note down the time once you think of a question (and fully understand it). There's no need to rush the process. Take your time to figure out exactly what you want to ask, and then note down the time.


You can use an online birth chart calculator to draw up the horary chart. You'll be using it to look at the transits. Also, if you cast the chart later or are traveling, make sure to note down where you asked the question. Using exact latitudes and longitudes will give you a more exact answer.

How to interpret a horary astrology chart



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Start by observing the Moon. If it's not forming any aspects in the horary chart, the question is considered to be useless. The querent's heart is not aligned with the question.


Then Look at the ruler of the Ascendant (the planet that rules the zodiac sign of the Ascendant). Since horary astrology is an ancient practice, the planetary rulers for the zodiac signs are as follows:

  • Aries - Mars
  • Taurus - Venus
  • Gemini - Mercury
  • Cancer - Moon
  • Leo - Sun
  • Virgo - Mercury
  • Libra - Venus
  • Scorpio - Mars
  • Sagittarius - Jupiter
  • Capricorn - Saturn
  • Aquarius - Saturn
  • Pisces - Jupiter

Next, look at the astrology houses relevant to the question asked and their planetary significators (rulers). You also need to check where the significators are located.

  • First House – questions related to the self or physical appearance
  • Second House – questions related to money, personal belongings, real estate etc.
  • Third House – questions related to communication, siblings, short-distance travel etc.
  • Fourth House – questions related to home, the mother, family life, the wife etc.
  • Fifth House – questions related to children, creativity, pleasures, gambling, romance etc.
  • Sixth House – questions related to health and diseases, servants, co-workers, work in general etc.
  • Seventh House – questions related to spouse, business partners, contracts, social relationships etc.
  • Eighth House – questions related to sex, obsessions etc.
  • Ninth House – questions related to education, long-distance travel, spirituality/religion, fortune etc.
  • Tenth House – questions related to the father, career, success, authority etc.
  • Eleventh House – questions related to community, friends, inventions etc.
  • Twelfth House – questions related to spirituality, psychology etc.

Finally, check the aspects formed between the relevant planets and points in the horary chart.

  • Trine aspects reveal that minimal effort will be needed to get results.
  • Sextile aspects reveal friendly connections and a positive outlook.
  • Square aspects reveal external factors affecting the situation that could tip the outcome in either direction.
  • Conjunction aspects reveal immediate influences.
  • Opposition aspects reveal negative influences and the potential for a negative outcome.

If a planetary significator is Combust (within 8 degrees of the Sun), it is considered powerless. But if it is forming a Cazimi aspect with the Sun (within 17 minutes on either side of the Sun), then it becomes fortunate and powerful.

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Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrology nerd with a dash of wicked humor on the side. Follow her on Instagram for more.
