Every Full Moon In 2025 — And How Each One Will Affect You
Full moons are known as times of culmination and things coming together.

Full Moons have been romantic, beautiful, and mysterious since the beginning of time. Full Moons are known as times of culmination and things coming together (or in some cases endings to make room for the new), and every Full Moon in 2025 has a name and special astrological significance.
Each Full Moon of 2025 represents a time of letting go of something, releasing negative emotions, and a heightened ability to see things more clearly. They often bring revelations and, in some cases, answers to what we seek. Of course, each Full Moon affects us individually and depends on where it falls and what it aspects in the personal chart. We can, however, understand the energies and what we can expect in general during a full moon.
Let’s take a look at all the full moons in 2025 and their meanings:
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January 13, 2025: Full Wolf Moon in Cancer
Cancer is a very emotional sign and rules the home, family, and emotions. This Full Moon can amp up our emotions unless we make it a point to control our emotions first.
During this Full Moon, we'll feel more grounded and have the opportunity to look at things in a new and different light or come up with unexpected solutions to problems. However, this is a chance that during this time more negative emotions such as anger and aggression are fueled by the Moon's conjunction to Mars, which could be exacerbated since Mars is retrograde.
Focus on the positive aspects as opposed to the negative ones and you should be OK.
February 12, 2025: Full Snow Moon in Leo
Leo rules the fifth house of love, friends, and entertainment, so now is the time to plan a night out if you can! Note that whatever your plans are, they may change — so remain flexible. You could also experience some type of unexpected event or change at this time.
This Moon opposes Mercury, the planet of travel and communication, so your emotions may swing from logical to emotional, at worst leading to arguments. Since Mercury rules cars and travel, use care on the road especially since Mars is retrograde.
March 13, 2025: Full Worm Moon in Virgo
This is a total lunar eclipse visible in North and South America, Africa, and Europe. Eclipses are powerful and point us in the direction of our future. Generally, something unexpected accompanies every eclipse, which are times of seeking change and evolution. These events often close one door and open another.
During this time, we will be spurred on to act on what we want. We may be presented with ideas for unique ways of accomplishing what we want, but may experience blocks in terms of our actions. We may feel tired and drained, and some things may end or seem difficult. Relationship endings are a possibility as Venus is retrograde at this time.
Vivid dreams may occur along with creativity and compassion — but we must guard against being self-delusional or lied to at this time.
April 13, 2025: Full Pink Moon in Libra
Libra is the sign that rules the seventh house of marriage, commitment, and partners of all types; romantic or otherwise. Venus rules Libra, so this Full Moon is all about love, values, and money, especially because Venus is very powerful at this time.
Unfortunately, the most significant aspect this transit makes is its square to Mars. Moon-Mars transits indicate upset and anger, especially toward or from women, and some may feel stressed or emotionally upset. Breakups or turbulence in relationships are highly likely during this Full Moon, but the relationships that do end are those that aren't meant to be.
May 12, 2025: Full Flower Moon in Scorpio
Scorpio is the most intense zodiac sign and its planetary ruler is Mars, the planet of aggression and action. Scorpio rules the complex eighth house, and when a Full Moon falls here, transformation occurs.
While our emotions will feel stabilized at this time, there is potention for sudden and unexpected events. These happenings won't necessarily be bad, but can be disruptive. We or others may come across as being very flaky changeable.
For some, this day may seem electric, and for others, disruptive and nerve-wracking, depending on how you are wired. If there is something you have been trying to let go of, whether it is a person, habit, or anything else, now is the time to seek freedom from those things you find oppressive.
If you are single and looking, you could be surprised around this Full Moon — but it's important to let time play out in terms of permanence without becoming too idealistic.
June 11, 2025: Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, so for better or worse this Moon will be expansive in some way. Things may be blown out of proportion during this time, and the Moon’s square to Saturn can put somewhat of a damper on things. Some may experience endings of some type. With the Moon’s square to Neptune, we can expect confusion and the potential for water-related weather events that could be substantial.
While the squares to Saturn and Neptune are not generally positive, Mercury’s sextile to Venus should help a great deal. This is positive for communication and can be helpful in terms of dealing with anything that could be less than positive. This may be our saving grace with this Moon!
July 10, 2025: Full Buck Moon in Capricorn
Capricorn rules the 10th house of business, priorities, and our reputations. Since Saturn is the ruler of this sign, we can’t expect this Moon to be light and airy — but that doesn’t mean it can’t be positive. This looks like a time to get moving and take care of those things that have been nagging at you to complete. Action and movement are the keys to this Full Moon — the time is now!
August 9, 2025: Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius
Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus and Uranus is the planet of the unexpected and unpredictable. Uranus can be about striking out and moving forward. It represents freedom and at times separation from something. Uranus rules new ideas, cutting-edge technologies, and the future. Aquarius rules the 11th house, or the collective, so we may be focused on our own groups of people in our lives at this time.
Certain things may be unclear now, or someone could try and deceive you. This is not a good time for important business or monetary transactions as you may fail to understand all the details. This Moon may feel tiring and draining, but it's a prime time for a spiritual revelation or burst of creativity. It is important to pay attention to what is happening around you and don’t brush anything under the carpet.
September 7, 2025: Full Corn Moon in Pisces
This is lunar eclipse, which is like a Full Moon on steroids. During this time we'll see what we need to change and how to move forward. There may be certain things that end at this time in preparation for new beginnings.
Significant communication is likely at this time, which could turn into a debate. However, Pisces is generally a gentle and pleasant sign, and you may feel unusually intuitive.
October 7, 2025: Full Harvest Moon in Aries
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action. Self-interests will be obvious during this Full Moon, but Aries also rules bravery and courage. Now is the time to take action and move forward as Aries never lets grass grow under its feet. Now is the time to break free of anything that has become oppressive, which can happen naturally without the strife doing so might normally cause.
We have a heightened ability to think and communicate in-depth with others during this time, though we may find ourselves obsessing over the answers we're looking for — just make sure you are ready for the answer you may get.
November 5, 2025: Full Beaver Moon in Taurus
Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, values, and money, this Full Moon will be about love and money and we may have to decide in some way where our values really lie.
Our emotions are amped up at this time, but this may be one of the most pleasant Full Moons of the year, especially in terms of relationships, money, and social events.
December 4, 2025: Full Cold Moon in Gemini
This Moon opposes not only the Sun, but Venus as well. While Venus transits are seldom difficult, this one may stir up issues socially with others, especially in relationships. While this transit does not necessarily lead to breakups, it can lead to a state of feeling as though the dream has died, depending on the relationship. It can also lead to excesses such as overspending.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, so communication takes on greater significance at this time. We're able to delve into our emotions and communicate succinctly with others should a problem or issue develop during this time.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.