5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus Woman (As Written By One)
The good, the bad, the Taurus.

If you were born between April 20 and May 20, you are a Taurus, an earth sign.
Those of us born under the Taurus Sun sign, symbolized by the bull, are often described as the most patient and hardworking. Yet being a fixed sign, Taurus can be stubborn and one of the most possessive of all zodiac signs in astrology.
Being in a relationship with a Taurus means not only finding out what makes the Taurus swoon but also which personality traits and characteristics truly make them tick.
If you're already dating or in a long-term relationship with a Taurus — or if you are one yourself — what I'm about to describe might sound eerily familiar.
Here are 5 brutal truths about dating, relationships, and love with a Taurus, the most patiently stubborn bull of all zodiac signs in astrology.
Brutal truths about dating a Taurus woman
A Taurus woman is highly independent and enjoys the finer things in life. She is draped in elegance and has very good taste.
Taureans work hard for the life they have and want everything they do to last. A Taurus woman loves going outside of her comfort zone and is willing to have new experiences.
Taurean women hate mind games and value quality time with their partners. Taurus sun signs are loyal, stubborn, and very sensual but aren't big on one-night stands.
1. We won't stop arguing until we get our point across.
My boyfriend and I argue about everything and nothing. Our tiffs are as silly as what flavor of ice cream to buy for movie nights (I opt for bubblegum sherbet; he prefers vanilla) and whether we think the YouTube video we're watching is sexist.
But no matter the fight, a Taurus always wants to get his or her point across and we're really not concerned about whether we're right or wrong.
Pssst: We're not particularly proud of this trait because it makes us feel guilty for being so stubborn, but to be fair, we're usually not the ones to start the argument!
2. We get jealous easily.
A Taurus often finds herself thinking: "What if my boyfriend finds someone better?"
I'm also a professional at getting jealous of random girls I've never met!
Meeting our guy's female friends and getting to know them helps a Taurus get rid of those feelings of possessiveness and jealousy.
3. We don't often lose our tempers but when we do, it's bad.
Yes, Taureans are patient, but on those rare occasions when we actually lose it, we resemble a hurricane that won't quit hurricane-ing until you see our point.
And we'll be sure to bring it up in later arguments because we're nice like that.
4. We're fiercely independent.
As Taurus, we prefer to do things by ourselves and according to our own rules and schedules. My boyfriend, on the other hand, is as spontaneous as they come.
Although there are moments when I find his gestures sweet and romantic, part of me is annoyed by the disruption in my color-coded and perfectly-labeled calendar. Where do I insert "spontaneous date" between "finish 1500-word article" and "'Doctor Who' marathon"?
This trait also means that if a Taurus has a problem, we prefer to solve it on our own ... without your help.
5. But despite all of the above, we're extremely loyal.
An important aspect in every relationship is faith and trust, and if a Taurus decides to trust you that means you've most definitely earned it and we'll stay loyal to you for the long haul.
But betray our trust? You'll be lucky if we ever speak to you again.
After all, we forgive, but we never forget.
Caithlin Pena is an editor for YourTango who enjoys books, movies, and music and writes fictional short stories as a hobby.