Zodiac Placements Most Likely To Deal With Anxiety

These specific planet placements are common in the birth charts of those dealing with anxiety.

woman, hand holding planets Megan Ruth via Unsplash / Chikovnaya, Sparklestroke and ESHKA via Canva

Did you know that your birth chart placements can show you information regarding your mental health, emotional health and general well-being?

Some natal transits are more prone to depression and anxiety than others. The most important planets to look at in terms of depression or anxiety are the Sun, Moon, and Mercury. The Moon rules our emotional life, the Sun our core being and sense of self and Mercury our mental life and thinking/communication. Afflictions or hard aspects from Saturn, Neptune and Uranus can come into play when in harsh aspect with these personal planets and are typically common indicators of anxiety or other mental imbalances.

All people are not going to experience anxiety because of one or more of these combinations. The more of these combinations in the natal chart, however, the greater the chance of experiencing anxiety.

Planetary placements most likely to deal with anxiety

There are other combinations that can indicate anxiety in the birth chart, but these are some of the most widely known aspects.

RELATED: The Most Difficult Saturn Transits In Astrology & How They Affect You


1. The Moon opposing, square or conjunct Neptune

Neptune is the planet of creativity and spirituality, but it is also called the planet of illusion, delusion and confusion. With these transits, you can sometimes form unrealistic attachments to others or misidentify others' actions toward you.

Those who experience this combination may continually feel uncertain about their personal life in particular or where they stand with partners or groups. They may also feel a lack of belonging or knowing where they belong in terms of their emotional life, especially in connection with others. These situations often cause anxiety. The more sensitive the Moon sign is, the greater the potential for anxiety to occur.

With this combination, there can be an overly productive combination of illusions where the border between truth and fiction can become seriously blurred. This individual may absorb all impressions without proper discrimination and end up feeling misled, confused and unclear about life situations.

Sometimes Moon-Neptune combinations can represent the mother or early home life. If this is the case, there could have been a great deal of uncertainty and/or confusion that may contribute to anxiety. Alternatively, the mother may have suffered some type of mental disorder or addiction that could contribute to anxiety as well. At times this aspect also represents an addictive personality. Underneath the layers of anxiety or confusion with this transit typically lies a very creative and intuitive personality if the individual can gain the discipline to control his or her thoughts. For example, Walt Disney was born with Neptune square his Moon and wrote that he suffered from depression and social anxiety.


2. The Moon in hard aspect to Uranus

The Moon opposing, square or conjunct Uranus is another common aspect that can lead to anxiety. Uranus is the planet of sudden, shocking change and upheaval and in combination with the Moon produces sudden changes of mood and feelings of anxiety. Often, the early life of those with this natal placement was affected by this transit, which can contribute to long-term disorders as the home may have been chaotic, changeable or unstable in some way.

The opposition in particular can cause unexpected mood swings and emotional agitation along with restlessness. This transit can also connect with issues that date back to early life such as the loss of a mother, a mother with emotional problems and a feeling of never having stable roots. This transit was evidenced in the late Princess Diana, whose mother left at a very early age and was subsequently denied access to her children until they were adults. She often spoke of her unhappiness and emotional disorders as a result.

RELATED: The 10 Most Challenging Zodiac Placements In Astrology

3. The Moon in hard aspect to Saturn

While this transit is often linked to depression, it can also be associated with anxiety. Saturn can represent fears and anxiety which is basically connected to fear or lack of available knowledge or outcome of a situation. Saturn-Moon can also indicate problems in the early life associated with the home or mother who may have been absent, aloof or cold.


4. The Sun in hard aspect to Neptune

This natal aspect often leads to fear and lack of clarity about the self and misinterpretations of others' actions and is often associated with a father who was not present or did not give the individual what he or she needed, even more so in males. An unclarity about life in general can be a result as well as low self-esteem. Since Neptune rules illusions and sometimes fears this can create fear and anxiety in an individual and a lack of awareness about any given outcome.

5. The Sun in hard aspect to Uranus

This can cause a restless and jittery personality that is constantly changeable. Sometimes these individuals can seem to change on a dime and there was often some type of early trauma related to the father.

Other Sun combinations that can lead to anxiety;

6. Mercury in hard aspect to Mars

The best-known indicator of anxiety related to Mercury is associated with hard combinations between Mercury and Mars. This aspect can produce a troubled and jumbled mind as Mercury rules the intellect and Mars is associated with anger and aggression which can make it difficult for the individual to mentally relax. Individuals with this combination often appear or come across as being angry or easily triggered.


7. Mercury in hard aspect to Neptune

Another difficult combination for Mercury involves hard aspects to Neptune, especially if Mercury is in Pisces. This can produce an abnormal amount of fear which leads to anxiety or a general lack of clarity in many areas. 

RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Have Serious Anxiety, Ranked From Most To Least

We are not providing mental health care or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any mental or emotional issue. If you are experiencing anxiety, consult with a medical professional. If you are in crisis or you think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).


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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.