Astrologer Reveals The One Zodiac Sign Leveling Up Once Pluto Leaves Capricorn For The Last Time In Our Lifetime
It's been a long 16 years of Pluto in this sign, but the tides are turning.

As a slow-moving outer planet with an elliptical orbit, Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, spends about 12 to 30 years in one zodiac sign before moving to the next. Pluto's influence in a sign is significant, and for the last 16 years, it's called Capricorn home — putting those with strong Capricorn placements through a 16-year-long period of transformation.
But on November 19, Pluto enters Aquarius, leaving Capricorn behind for 248 years and allowing this sign to begin a new and more fortunate era. However, as astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim explained in a TikTok video, exactly where Capricorn will experience these changes depends on its placement in your chart.
How each Capricorn zodiac placement levels up once Pluto leaves Capricorn on November 19, 2024
1. Capricorn Sun
“All manners in which you express yourself to the world have probably changed,” said Grim.
Throughout Pluto's stay in Capricorn, Capricorn Suns have developed a strong backbone and as a result, have developed a fierce determination over the past decade and a half. Yet this wasn’t always easy, as this Sun sign had to go through transformation after transformation.
Luckily, these transformations have helped you evolve and made you clear-minded about what to do to be happy and successful.
2. Capricorn Moon
Capricorn Moons have experienced the lowest lows throughout these last 16 years. As Grim explained, “You started all the way down to the bottom of the well that is your emotions.” As a result, you’ve slowly discovered repressed energies, "invested in property at some point and your family overall may have transformed,” Grim said, leading to your own personal emotional transformation.
3. Capricorn Mercury
“Capricorn Mercury, at times you catered to intensifying obsessions or thoughts that seem to run in a loop,” began Grim.
Unrequited crushes or friendships might’ve been on your mind more often than you’d like to admit. However, you’ve learned to investigate these things and now understand the human mind more thoroughly. As a result, your relationships have unconsciously improved as you are better able to find the source of unresolved emotions.
4. Capricorn Venus
If you have Venus in Capricorn, the last 16 years may have presented several toxic relationships. According to Grim, “You may have been infatuated with someone and in some ways, their energies may still be with you.”
However, with this comes your deep-rooted need for success. You’ve likely been strategic about where to invest your money, or at the very least, have learned where you need to curb your spending to secure the financial success you're predestined to achieve.
5. Capricorn Mars
Throughout Pluto's stay in Capricorn, “It may have felt like people were antagonizing you frequently or you may have been embroiled in some ferocious power battles,” began Grim.
Arguments with friends or coworkers have likely left you feeling a bit exhausted. However, through this, you’ve harnessed an urge to stand up for others. As a result, people now look up to and respect that inner determination that has slowly been emanating from you, causing others to look forward to your next move.
6. Capricorn Jupiter
Your mindset has changed completely over the last 16 years. According to Grim, “Your philosophy on life reached an extreme, likely in one area or faith-based system.” However, this wasn't a linear process. as these ideologies were “reworked and transformed” multiple times.
As a result, “You probably adhere to a completely new religion or spiritual belief,” summarized Grim. Because of this, your faith in yourself and the universe has grown stronger, giving you a sense of purpose.
7. Capricorn Saturn
The last 16 years have been a really rough transition for those with Saturn in Capricorn, according to Grim. He explained that the last five years were especially difficult, and you may have “had to break down many foundational elements of your life” and question who you really are.
As a result, you’ve had to constantly redefine and rewrite yourself over and over again, especially when it comes to social contexts.
“But hopefully by now, you feel empowered by your career trajectory,” Grim said.
With that, you’ve had time to figure out what it is you want, and now, feel confident stepping into this new chapter in your life.
8. Capricorn Uranus
“You may have developed a maverick persona at one point and sought to upend the status quo,” said Grim.
Of course, this is no easy feat, so your self-care might’ve hit an all-time low over these past 16 years. But as Pluto transitions to Aquarius, the need for you to take self-care tips just a little more seriously takes priority.
9. Capricorn Neptune
Those with Neptune in Capricorn tapped into your psychic abilities or “learned to appreciate the non-material.” You might’ve recently gotten into volunteer work and focused a great deal of effort on humanitarian efforts.
“But again, this transit may have gone unnoticed for people who are not self-reflective,” said Grim.
10. Capricorn Rising
Capricorn Risings have been in a state of drastic change over the last 16 years. According to Grim, “You’ve literally altered everything about the way you present yourself.”
Because of this, people have slowly looked at you differently as you’ve even become unrecognizable to those closest to you in some ways.
“Some of you even may have changed your name,” Grim added.
However, this transition period was never easy.
“There were moments when you didn’t think you’d get past this transit, but you did,” Grim said, and you’re now more confident and resilient because of it.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.