The Area Of Your Life Undergoing The Most Transformation Between Now And 2026, According To An Astrologer
Exactly what you can expect in the next 18 months.

We're always in the process of growing and transforming, but with so much happening all at once, it can sometimes be tough to see which area of life it would be most beneficial to focus on. According to licensed clinical therapist and astrologer Camila Regina, astrology can help provide insight into which areas of your life are being activated by the stars.
The area of your life undergoing the most transformation between now and 2026
In a TikTok video, Regina explained that the New Moon Solar Eclipse in October 2024 kicked off "major karmic changes" heavily influenced by Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance. According to Regina, your Jupiter house placement reveals which area of your life will see the most effects from this powerful transit, which will peak in 2026.
1. Jupiter in the first house
If Jupiter is in your first house, then expect major changes "geared toward your entire life,” Regina said.
Throughout this time, don’t be shocked if you find that your appearance changes, your career shifts, or your relationship isn’t the same. However, it’s important not to look at this as a bad thing. According to Regina, “Everything in your life is getting an upgrade.”
So, if some things don't pan out as expected, don’t lose hope. Understand that something even greater is just around the corner!
2. Jupiter in the second house
Your family life and finances are about to change in the next 18 months, summarized Regina. During this timeframe, you’ll likely be going through different periods of highs and lows as your entire value system gets flipped upside down. The things you once placed value in will shift as your entire mentality goes from one extreme to the next.
Yet it’s important not to lose hope as change is inevitable and necessary for growth. As long as you’re willing to take these lessons in stride, you’ll be sure to make waves and watch as your life improves for the better.
3. Jupiter in the third house
Your relationship with siblings and communication style will experience transformation. If you’ve struggled to communicate your needs, boundaries, or feelings, expect to find it much easier in the next year and a half. However, if your communication skills and your relationship with your siblings have been ‘fine,’ then one of two things can occur.
On the positive side, it can mean a deepening of your sibling bond. Worst-case scenario, you may have to talk through a misunderstanding with a family member, particularly a sibling.
Regardless of what happens, expect success in your business endeavors.
“Businesses are going to change as well or you’re just going to be receiving a lot of business ideas that are going to be very foreign in some way,” Regina explained.
4. Jupiter in the fourth house
If Jupiter is in your fourth house, texpect active change in your home life between now and 2026. Throughout this time, don’t be shocked if you find yourself moving somewhere completely unexpected or building a brand new home.
Active changes in your happiness and how people view you are also in store. So, if you’ve been feeling invisible lately or down in the dumps, don’t be flabbergasted when your mood suddenly improves out of nowhere. This is meant to happen.
5. Jupiter in the fifth house
Have you been planning to expand your family lately? If so, Regina stated that you're in luck, as the universe is working in your favor in this regard.
Regina also mentioned that this placement also suggests the start of a new project that you’ve been thinking about for the longest. Additionally, romance is in the air for Jupiter in the fifth house. New relationships or the deepening of relationships will occur from now until 2026.
6. Jupiter in the sixth house
For those who have Jupiter in their sixth house, expect your health to change for the better. You’ll begin putting wellness above all else as you cut off the things that have been dragging your health down. This may already be happening as some of you might find yourself exercising or eating cleaner!
“You’re going to be viewing [your health] in a more holistic type of way," Regina said.
Just remember that health is more than the food you consume, as it’s also the degree to which you’re caring for your mental well-being.
7. Jupiter in the seventh house
“All of your relationships are changing,” began Regina. From business partnerships to romantic relationships, expect your associations to undergo a transformation.
This can look like a shift in your relationship status as you enter into marriage or the formation of a soulmate connection. Regardless, this will require an adjustment as you navigate and form new boundaries. However, if you are open and honest in your partnerships, expect these life transitions to be a breeze.
8. Jupiter in the eighth house
From now until 2026, expect your life transformation to stem from your resources.
“You might be receiving some kind of settlement or land," Regina explained, adding that the odds of receiving unexpected money in the near future are in your favor.
A spiritual transformation is in the works as well, whether that's taking up meditation or learning to read tarot cards. These active changes will help you grow as your perspectives change and value system develops.
9. Jupiter in the ninth house
Your education is about to transform over the next two years! If you’ve been considering going back to school now is the perfect opportunity to get your cards aligned.
Jupiter in your ninth house will guide you toward education and travel from now until 2026. Regina continued that a change in viewpoint might take place as you broaden your horizons.
“Luck is also on your side in this next 18 months,” she added, so expect unexpected opportunities to arise.
10. Jupiter in the tenth house
“Your career, your image, and your legacy,” will all be impacted during this transition. “You’re going to be shifting the way that you want others to see you and that’s because you are going to shift careers, expand your careers, or you might be starting a family,” said Regina.
She continued that this is great for some of you as you’ll be shifting the focus to long-term success and relationships, which may include outgrowing some relationships. Work hard toward the things that matter most.
11. Jupiter in the eleventh house
Most people have goals they want to accomplish. For some, it could be moving up the corporate ladder and for others, it can be starting a family. If Jupiter is in your 11th house, your manifestations will be coming true soon!
“Your wishes are being fulfilled in the next 18 months," Regina explained. "You may be meeting some very powerful people who are going to be helping you in life, or even finally getting the gains, the manifestations, and the recognition you desire.”
So, if you’re worried about how your life will go, don’t worry too much. It appears that luck is on your side.
12. Jupiter in the twelfth house
If Jupiter is in your twelfth house, you will experience active change, just not in the ways you might expect, as you'll experience more of an internal transformation.
“This is very important, because in order for change to take place external, first internal change needs to happen,” Regina said.
So what will this mean for you in the upcoming 18 months? According to Regina, you may find yourself isolating more. She explained that things like moving overseas, working on exciting projects, or progressing in school might cause your attention to drift. However, this transformation will benefit you as you plant the seeds for your future successes.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers topics such as self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology.