Aquarius Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign
It takes someone with an independent spirit to be hold Aquarius' interest.

Aquarius is one the most, if not the most, eccentric, independent zodiac signs. People with this air sign are born between January 20 and February 18 and tend to do things with as much originality as possible.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (as well as Saturn), so they are original, free-spirited, and deep-thinking. They are also a fixed sign, meaning they have great control over their emotions but can become unable to move forward in their lives.
Known to be intelligent and unique, Aquarius marches to the beat of their own drum, so to speak, and is rebellious at heart. Even when the situation doesn’t call for drama, Aquarius is still there with bells on, making noise and causing a ruckus.
Each new relationship Aquarius has is different from the last. This sign comes with a warning label and a disclaimer; the warning label tells people not to get on their bad side, while the disclaimer indicates there’s more to Aquarius than what’s on the surface.
While they are highly individualistic and independent, Aquarius loves being in relationships, even if they also like maintaining their own life separate from it. In other words, while Aquarius likes being part of a partnership, they never want to feel like they are losing who they are or what they stand for, just because of who they are dating.
Usually, Aquarius goes for casual or unconnected hook-ups; serious, committed relationships really aren’t their thing. But even so, they may find someone who is more than a romantic conquest, and turn it into a special connection. Every individual who comes into Aquarius’ life is important to them, in one form or another.
Aquarius needs a person they can mentally connect with. Your average shallow date, the one who is only into looks, won't cut it, especially with someone with high relationship expectations like Aquarius.
They give back to the world through charity or a cause but can be so cool-headed that they are emotionally detached. Aquarius also has trouble letting their guard down and can be unpredictable, but are extremely adventurous and open-minded.
Aquarius compatibility with each of the 12 zodiac signs
A good match for this Sun sign is someone who is independent and can keep up with their non-conformist ways. An ideal partner can connect with Aquarius on a deeper level, and look beyond their outwardly cold and distant surface.
Gemini, Libra, and another Aquarius are the perfect soulmates for Aquarius. Why? Because all three are air signs, meaning they share a love of independence, freedom and free-thinking, adventure, and intellect.
Aquarius tends to attract the fire sign Sagittarius because they have so much in common. Both are independent and unique, free-spirited, and curious to learn, experience, and change the world in their own individual way. Cerebral Aquarius loves Sagittarius’ curiosity and innovative ideas, and the two are evenly matched on a spiritual and mental level.
Eccentric and unique Aquarius doesn’t get along with earth signs Virgo and Taurus, nor water sign Scorpio. Virgo is too uptight and controlling, Taurus too adverse to change, and Scorpio too emotional and intense. While Aquarius couldn’t actually hate anyone, no matter their zodiac sign, they have a low compatibility with these three, and are much too different to see eye-to-eye or find a balance with their personalities.
Aquarius and Aries compatibility
Aquarius and Aries have a wonderful connection with each other. They both like adventure, are independent and are full of energy for trying new things. Aquarius’ laidback nature teaches Aries to chill out once in a while, and Aries’ fiery temperament encourages Aquarius to live life with more passion. The problem is that they both like to lead, and neither one of them enjoys taking a back seat to anyone.
There's a lot of chemistry between the two, and both enjoy experimenting. But they can run into issues in bed due to the lack of emotion. Aries is passionate and Aquarius wants to try new things, but Aquarius may find it hard to keep up with Aries’ insatiable appetite. Sex can be fun, but only if there is a deep level of trust beforehand.
Where these two clash is their dominant personalities. Both signs have tempers that can flare when things don’t go their way. Because neither are too keen on compromise, there can be a lot of butting heads.
But while Aquarius and Aries may be competitive with each other, a relationship between the two is never boring. There's an admiration between them that never dies, so even if their romantic relationship doesn't work out, they'll remain great friends.
Aquarius and Taurus compatibility
Aquarius and Taurus are too dissimilar to be a good match. Where this “oil and vinegar” pairing starts to clash is in their elements. As an earth sign, Taurus is all about traditional values and stability. Aquarius, an air sign, tends to go with the flow and make decisions off the cuff, rather than thinking them through. Aquarius is also more open to all different kinds of experiences and people than Taurus.
Aquarius is completely distant and detached during sex, which is a total turn-off for Taurus, who prefers a slow and tender pace. Since both are very different personality-wise, their low sexual compatibility is also due to the lack of creativity between them and wanting different things.
It would be one thing if either of these two signs were any good with compromise, but they're not and are both stubborn; disagreements can go south quickly. Aquarius finds Taurus too possessive and concerned with security to be a good long-term fit.
Those outside of the relationship may only see a lot of disagreements and arguing, but Taurus and Aquarius know that keeping things passionate and interesting is what could keep them together.
Aquarius and Gemini compatibility
Aquarius and Gemini click on so many different levels: mentally, socially, emotionally, and sexually. These two air signs were practically made for each other. But because both zodiac signs tend to handle matters of the heart intellectually, it can be hard for either of them to really be honest about their feelings. In other words, they often act flaky or unbothered when it comes to being honest about their emotional states, rather than seeing being vulnerable as a strength.
Because of their similarities on many levels, these two signs are highly sexually compatible. Neither desires an emotional experience during sex; rather, the act is intellectually stimulating, without over-the-top passion on either end. And what they lack in an emotional connection, they make up for in their willingness to let the other be free.
Lifelong learners, adventurous individuals, and curious lovers, Gemini and Aquarius are always on the quest for answers to life’s greatest mysteries. Having each other to explore all that life and love has to offer only brings them closer.
There's no jealousy in this relationship, even if there is plenty of passion and enthusiasm. This pairing is endlessly exciting and fun, but it’s up to both to be actively aware when they are acting hot and cold with the other; it’s an important practice for them to be honest in the name of love.
Aquarius and Cancer compatibility
Aquarius and Cancer will bond over a love of music and the outdoors, but a strong match is unlikely. Cancer is way too emotional and takes things too personally for Aquarius. When faced with Cancer's possessiveness and sensitivity, Aquarius will try to distance themselves.
Aquarians tend to be extroverts, and Cancers are more likely to be introverts. If they're friends, there may be a falling out when Cancer's feelings get hurt by Aquarius.
In sex, there is no compatibility whatsoever between these two signs. Cancer is far too sensitive for complex Aquarius, and neither wants to fulfill the other’s preferences in bed. Not only are their personalities different, but so is what they desire in intimacy; where Cancer wants something emotional and tender, Aquarius is only stimulated intellectually.
In a long-term relationship, Aquarius’ outgoing nature will help pull Cancer out of their shell, and Cancer’s patience and softness will teach Aquarius to be intentional and honest. But compromise is key, especially because social Aquarius and homebody Cancer tend to resist change in their own way. Aquarius will need to practice patience and leniency, while Cancer will need to be more open and direct with what they want.
Aquarius and Leo compatibility
Things could go either way when Aquarius and Leo get together. There could be a mutual fan club as both signs are popular, creative, and captivating; however, Aquarius may be a little too detached and distracted for Leo.
Fire signs and air signs have a lot of similarities, which can be both helpful and hurtful. They clash because, where Leo makes most decisions with their heart, Aquarius is more cerebral, but, ultimately, their creativity brings them together.
Leo is always up for a challenge, which means it may take some coaxing on their end to let Aquarius open their mind to a sexual experience. But once that happens, the connection between them in bed is passionate, fun, and full of confidence. Because each of them wants true freedom during sex, this leaves the door open for experimentation and satisfaction, and both may end up learning something new that they like.
Leo likes to be showered with affection and praise, but Aquarius may be too busy to give Leo what they need. Both signs are their own kind of leader, so there could be a power struggle between them. Still, if a relationship is going to work, both signs need to lift each other up, instead of using their big egos to tear each other down. They also must work to advance the relationship and embrace change, rather than let themselves get set in their ways and stagnate.
Aquarius and Virgo compatibility
These two signs aren't especially compatible, even though both are mentally agile and helpful. Virgo is too uptight and focused on unimportant details for Aquarius' liking, and Virgo finds Aquarius careless and liberal. Aquarius wants the freedom to go against the crowd and make mistakes; Virgos are much more pessimistic and control the various elements in their life as much as possible. But though they may focus on different things, their main goal is the same: how can they bring change to the world?
Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius is least sexually compatible with Virgo. Though they are both intellectual, Aquarius tends to be aloof and thoughtless in bed, leaving Virgo to question why they even wasted their time in the first place. Virgo is also more reserved, while Aquarius is spontaneous, which will literally and figuratively rub Virgo the wrong way.
These two only work when they act as independent forces. When they try to micromanage each other’s lives, it turns into chaos and butting heads. And though they are neurotic in their own way, they can make a good team when they compromise. Virgo will bring a sense of reality and stability to the relationship, while Aquarius will keep things exciting and fun.
Finding a balance will be the challenge, but it’s this hard work that both zodiac signs love to engage in.
Aquarius and Libra compatibility
Aquarius and Libra are incredibly compatible! Both air signs react from the head, but there are times when Libra will need to express their feelings, making Aquarius feel uncomfortable. Aquarius wants to keep their emotions to themselves, which is fine for Libra, who will spend more time talking about the things they're both passionate about: fighting for the underdog, changing the world, and expressing their ideas in creative ways.
Aquarius likes to let loose and express themselves during sex, even if they prefer something unemotional. In this way, Aquarius helps Libra open themselves up, and Libra helps Aquarius learn about their inner intimate desires. These highly sexually compatible signs want the same thing from sex: liberation and freedom.
Libra and Aquarius love adventure and trying new things whenever possible. They learn from each other and add something to each other's life that was missing. They keep this partnership alive by planning trips around the world, trying new things, and the daily surprises that keep it interesting.
However, where these two clash is their communication skills. Both can be passive-aggressive, and it can lead to petty arguments. It will be up to Libra and Aquarius to speak up when something is bothering them, rather than sweeping it under the rug until the next disagreement.
Aquarius and Scorpio compatibility
While Aquarius and Scorpio both treasure honesty and are captivating, they don't work as a couple. Aquarius' independence sparks Scorpio's jealousy, and Scorpio's moodiness tends to annoy Aquarius. Scorpio may not intend to, but they can make Aquarius feel trapped and like the walls are closing in on them. Aquarius doesn't get why Scorpio has to be so mysterious and secretive all the time. Basically, these two signs just don't understand each other.
While there is a chance of an intense connection in bed, Scorpio is almost too passionate and sexual for Aquarius. However, each is free of the taboos of society and want sex that is unrestricted. Deeply passionate Scorpio and “anything goes” Aquarius get what they want from each other, leading a truly satisfying experience in the end.
Scorpio is intense and emotional, and Aquarius is cool-headed and detached. Aquarius enjoys going out and can be somewhat flirtatious, causing Scorpio's green-eyed monster to make an appearance. Scorpio may never fully be able to understand Aquarius’ need to use logic over emotion and will eventually give up altogether.
Still, Scorpio can teach Aquarius how to be vulnerable and emotional, and Aquarius can teach Scorpio the importance of letting in new people and experiences.
Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility
Aquarius and Sagittarius are so compatible, it sometimes seems like they're the same sign. Both are optimistic, independent, adventurous, and social, and want to make the world a better place. There’s endless fun when they are together, and Aquarius gets along well with cerebral and philosophical Sagittarius. They have quite a lot in common.
The attraction between these two signs is intense, with Aquarius’ cool attitude making Sagittarius feel comfortable, and Sagittarius being willing to try new things. Intimacy may be lacking, however, and despite their appeal to one another, a satisfying sexual experience needs communication on both ends, as well as focus.
A relationship would be full of adventure, surprises, and laughter. But where Sagittarius and Aquarius clash is their stance on the future of their relationship. Sagittarius may want to get the commitment part in writing, while Aquarius wants to stay friends with benefits for as long as possible.
There may always be a disconnect because relationships sometimes work better when they stay in the fantasy world. Still, these two understand each other in many ways and make it easy for one another to be themselves.
Aquarius and Capricorn compatibility
Aquarius and Capricorn are one of those couples where they make better friends than romantic partners. And it's because they're so different. Aquarius is more of a rule-breaker, and Capricorn is more of a rule-maker. Aquarius doesn't need a stable foundation or have their feet firmly planted on the ground like Capricorn, and Capricorns might have an independent streak but they're not as free as Aquarius.
Capricorn is patient but careful, and it takes a lot for Capricorn to trust Aquarius. Careful and guarded Capricorn wants to enjoy every moment of pleasure during sex, while Aquarius is perfectly fine with something quick and fun. This creates huge differences in intimacy, and there’s often disappointment on both ends. To have a positive sexual experience, they are better off having a friendship first built on trust.
Aquarius admires how disciplined and ambitious Capricorn is but wishes they would quicken their pace. Aquarius would rather work a lot of dead-end jobs that allow them to travel than set themselves on a career path like Capricorn.
These two signs bond over their ambition and goal-oriented nature, striving for greatness in life (and love) that feels effortless when together. Of course, having two overachievers in one relationship can be a recipe for disaster, so it’s important they actively work together, rather than vie for the right to call the shots.
Aquarius and Aquarius compatibility
Most of the time, an Aquarius and Aquarius relationship is successful. They're upbeat and free-thinking, but if one Aquarius needs help, they're probably not going to ask the other Aquarius or anybody else, for that matter — Aquarius would rather do something themselves than rely on anybody else. Two Aquarians can show their rebellious side without fear of repercussion, and both are able to embrace change.
A sexual relationship means both partners will be equally satisfied when it comes to expressing themselves and trying new, exciting things. But since neither wants an emotional component in sex, they may struggle to find any semblance of intimacy from their detachment. For true satisfaction, this pair needs to keep sex fun and fresh; otherwise, that initial attraction will fade over time.
Two Aquarians would be double the fun, but when there are two of the same zodiac sign together, you get negative aspects and weaknesses, making it hard for a relationship to grow or last because they have to work even more to beat the odds. They will realize right away that they have a lot in common, but once things settle down they may revert to their bad habits: being flaky, shutting down emotionally, and running hot and cold.
This pairing can work, but they need to use their friendship as a foundation to push through the hardships.
Aquarius and Pisces compatibility
Both Aquarius and Pisces are creative, give second chances, and look for the best in people, but Aquarius tends to find Pisces' possessiveness exhausting and smothering. Pisces may understand Aquarius' need for freedom mentally, but it will still hurt Pisces on an emotional level. Aquarius will find Pisces’ emotional neediness confusing and off-putting, and Pisces will feel unloved and unappreciated by Aquarius.
Their so-so sexual compatibility is mostly due to the fact that things will never be boring in bed. Aquarius wants to try something new, and Pisces is more than willing to indulge them. As long as Pisces stays emotionally distant from Aquarius, and neither becomes too attached, sex can be creative and fun, and lead to mutual satisfaction.
These two are incompatible in how they nurture the relationship. Aquarius believes cultivating a relationship is empowering and wants to be a part of its success. Pisces believes that nurturing a relationship requires sacrifice and giving things up to be happy. They may not ever say it out loud, but Pisces thinks Aquarius’ methods are selfish, while Aquarius thinks Pisces’ methods are attention-seeking.
Head and heart collide in this relationship, so it’s up to both signs to embrace difficult conversations and get uncomfortable for the sake of the relationship.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day.