3 Zodiac Signs Will Experience An Incredibly Lucky Taurus Season From April 19 - May 20
Three zodiac signs will revel in the grounded earth energy of this Taurus season.

Luck, charm and sweet success are the themes of Taurus season 2024. After all, it's a season ruled by Venus!
In 2024, Taurus season is from April 19 when the Sun enters Taurus to May 20 when the Sun moves on to Gemini. So be prepared for impromptu glow-ups, lazy days and other Venusian things during this period.
Here are the three zodiac signs who will have incredible luck during Taurus season 2024
1. Aries
If your sun, moon, rising or Venus signs are in Aries, Taurus season 2024 will be absolutely phenomenal for you! Aries sun and moon in Aries will feel this good fortune more powerfully, especially in their career and in arenas where they exhibit their personal talents on stage. Those with Aries rising will make unexpected new friends who support them in their endeavors (even if the relationship is only for a short while). Venus in Aries will double down on their self-worth and either find true love or walk away from disrespectful love scenarios, thus unlocking hidden blessings from the cosmos.
Taurus season will also reveal the finer facets of Aries' personality. Instead of seeing themselves as a stereotype, they will recognize the deeper strengths and reality of being an Aries. Now's also a good time to get your astrological birth chart analyzed by a professional as that will definitely help you dispel the myths and realize the truths about yourself.
Aries is urged to utilize this period to develop their teamwork skills. After all, the best leaders are always the best team players. How else will they be aligned with the team's goals and not make it about personal pursuits?
If you feel called to, work with Chrysocolla, red jasper, rhodonite and aquamarine crystals to gain more insight into your personality, especially during meditation.
2. Taurus
If you are a sun, Venus, Mars, or Jupiter sign in Taurus, you will be extremely lucky during Taurus season 2024! Venus and Mars in Taurus will specifically find luck in love and networking while sun in Taurus has the potential to make a killing in real estate or purchase a prime property if they are in the market for that.
Jupiter in Taurus' luck will be a bit mysterious during this period with no outward signs of positivity. Yet, behind the scenes, things will be unfolding in their favor. Just remember: Uranus and Jupiter are very close to each other right now, so your Taurean sensibilities will be challenged eventually when your good fortune comes to light. Maybe in the form of overnight stardom on social media as a meme! (The outcome will still be good.)
Since this is your season, Taurus, you are urged to trust your intuition and not allow the opinions of others (or peer pressure) to change your decisions. You will prove the naysayers wrong eventually. So move forward with confidence. You will rule 'em all, whether they know it now or not!
If you feel called to, working with clear quartz, ruby, calcite, Chrysocolla, and green aventurine crystals will enhance your luck and bring you peace.
3. Virgo
Taurus season 2024 will be an absolute smashing victory for Virgos, but not right away. If you are a moon, rising or Venus in Virgo, you will find obstacles removed from your path even before they become problematic. Sun in Virgo, though, will not experience as much good luck during this period.
These Virgo placements will discover that the blessings of Taurus season are more hidden in nature than Taurus and Aries, so stay focused on what's important and keep faith in the cosmic forces alive in your heart. You will have the last laugh despite it all!
Some of you may also be fortunate to see karma play out near the end of Taurus season, especially if someone has been a thorn in your side for the longest time or tried to undermine you while holding power over you as a teacher or as some other kind of authority figure.
You are encouraged to work with blue aventurine, fluorite, lapis lazuli, and moss agate crystals to keep your mind sharp and focused during Taurus season 2024.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.