Since 2010
2 Articles
About Coachpack
Jaynie Nielsen is the Director of Fullcircle Coaching Center.She has been in the field of education for over 15 years and is a Certified Life Coach. She has worked with hundreds of individuals and groups to support them in their process by providing positive conditions to create life change.She has a special interest in creating products for making daily life simpler while at the same time making it fully rich.
At Fullcircle Coaching Center, we believe life has simple, natural conditions that have been in place since the beginning of time.Those conditions are the core of life itself and bring life to each of us every day as we tap into them.Just asthe breeze blows seeds along the highway that bring up sunflowers in the right season, so will investing in our patterns and conditions grow what we desire. One healthy investment in one area of our lives is actually an investment in ourselves and in others.In this way, one simple change, changes our whole life in many ways.
Fullcircle Coaching is designed to support you without a set of lists or rules.Instead, tools are provided to assist you in discovering what direction your heart and life are point you towards.Jaynie invites you to explore a new way to do life with tools that can touch your soul:- get you in touch with what is most meaningful to you- create value for daily life without heavy to do lists- streamline your tasks as you indulge in the best possible life- become your own personal coach- decide which of the 8 life areas you want to focus on and when- know what action will make the greatest difference for your life- implement your goals through creating your own simple steps- connect with family and friends over schedules and projects- use prefilled lists for planning life events- create more new beginnings with the Coachpack journaling- share with friends and family for an even greater impact.
Coachpack is more than a planner, more than a calendar, it blends all these features in a user friendly coaching system.
Enjoy the Days of Your Life,