Laurie Moore
Since 2012
1 Articles
About Laurie Moore
I have been in private practice for over ten years, taught hundreds of seminars across the USA, all over Hawaii, and a bit in Europe and Mexico. I also taught graduate psychology students at San Francisco State University and Johnson College plus undergraduates at Chico State. I have great respect for the unique soul, personality, character, cultural-background, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges of each individual.
My commitment is to your fulfillment and success. There is a yummy and good road for each person to discover. You can find what you most seek. Help is key. Give yourself the support that will allow you to find what you seek, and be who you are. 831-477-7007 or laurie@Lauriemoore.sessions.seminars@Gmail.com.
I have appeared on/in Fox News Live, O'Reilly Factor, NBC, Intuitive Soul, In the Company of Angels, Seeing Beyond, KRON News Weekend, Redbook, Readers Digest, Discovery, The Connection, Species Link, The Santa Cruz Sentinel, The Good Times, Pathways, Joe Franklin, The Frankie Boyer Show & The Wave, giving talks and keynotes too. Ask me about my books, audios, and DVDs as I have a variety that you can use as tools for your fulfillment, transformation, and success.
Personal Info
I love animals, nature, meditation, singing, songwriting, & creative writing. I live in the tranquility of nature's graces with my long time beloved mate, and our wonderful beloved cat-son, Jessie. Sharing life's bounty with many fabulous friends and family, I give thanks.