Additional Expertise
About Michiko Tomioka
Michiko is a Japanese native nutritionist from Nara, Japan.
She has been cooking and caring for family and friends since the age of three. Since she grown up in Nara, Japan and fully embrace all the traditional foods and mindful practices. After years of corporate life, she decided to pursue a career in nutrition. She is a registered dietitian, certified and licensed dietitian, and integrative functional nutrition certified practioner ( IFNCP).
As a IFNCP, she is focusing on total long-term lifestyle health with science based indivisualised whole body apporch to find out roots cause and indivisualised care plan. She especially opttimises the authentic Japanese whole plant based cooking, meal planning, and mindfulness. She loves sharing and cooking her original Yakuzen (薬膳ー medicine meals) in simple cooking mathods which everyone can incooporate into daily meals.
She have since built a career in nutrition consultation, authentic cooking, and mindful eating in underserved school system in NY/NJ, WIC ( special suppliment program for women, Infact, and Child), numerous clinical care facilities, and substance recovery center, as well as community service.
She is a funder of Michi Nutrition, LLC. Michi. “Michi “ represents meaning of 道(way)未知(limitless ) 満(fulfillment )、美智( beautiful wisdom), in Japanese…, the way of limitless unknown powder of nutrition with beautiful authentic wisdom. She is currently offering in divisional and group nutrition and consultation, education, authentic plant-based Japanese cooking, mindful eating and tea ceremony ( 茶道ー the way of tea and live)
You can find her article and intervews in CNBC, NPR, MBG, and Substuck.
Her passion lies in delivering and education her messages, Cook Well, Eat Well, Love Yourself to love your loved one.
Michiko @michian_rd