Additional Expertise
About Joseph Stasaitis
I am an Intuitive Facilitator assisting Baby Boomers in creating the "Ultimate Retirement Lifestyle" by providing intuitive solutions to business and personal challenges. My undergraduate work in psychology involved independent study implementing behavioral change within the area of developmental challenges. My current work as an Intuitive Life Coach is augmented by my Masters in Sacred Science (MSS) that expanded my awareness and insight into the human condition.
My intuitive coaching and strategies are designed to "Transcend" any barriers in the areas of Health, Wealth, and Personal Growth.
I am known as The Un-Retired Entrepreneur, "when you love what you do why retire?". Having had a dual career in Business Development and Human Services, I combine my experience from these two (2) areas to maximize my effectiveness in empowering people to extend beyond any self-imposed limitations and recognize their burning desires and then realize ways to fulfill them.
It's all about staying fully engaged in life no matter your age. Whether retired or un-retired there are many viable options to make a positive difference with one's experience, talents, and skills. Often we fail to realize how valuable what we know could be in assisting others in resolving their challenges.
In the business development area, I have had several years of experience in finance, investments, executive search (computers and microelectronics), and mergers and acquisitions. I continue to take on a few projects mostly in the area of mergers and acquisitions.
On the human services side, I have worked several years as a counselor and mental health rehabilitation specialist working with children on probation, in gang-related activities, and with various mental health challenges. Currently, I do some work for a non-profit organization assisting adult clients with disabilities.
Quite often the main challenge for many folks regardless of age is "getting stuff done" on a consistent basis, as well as identifying the stuff that is of the highest priority in getting us to our desired objective. Because of past conditioning, we quite often find ourselves enclosed within a "Bubble of Perception" that makes it quite difficult for us to identify workable solutions.
Staying within this bubble prevents us from progressing. and what is needed is a paradigm shift that allows us to see with new eyes.
"The real voyage of discovery consists, not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." -- Marcel Proust --
Whether it is a business or personal challenge it is important to change our conditioning that is based on past experiences and memories so that we can get things done in an efficient and effective manner. Along these lines, I have written an article on Taking The Next Step in order to give you a push in that direction. I also have a short six (6) video course called The Next Step Paradigm that leads you through the process of creating a whole new framework of success based on your true desires and goals. Contact me directly for additional information on the course.
Usually, that is all that is required to get the shift in motion, and through repetition and consistency new productive habits are acquired and desired results show up. For those in need of additional support, I do offer consulting services. Using a combination of intuitive counseling and intuitive poetry we get to the essence of the challenge and then plan out a suitable strategy. My intention is to have all this in place in one (1) to three (3) sessions. In my opinion, the goal of any counselor, coach, mentor, or therapist is to put themselves "out of business". After some guidance, people learn to be self-directed and take the initiative on their own.
It's good to bounce things off a mentor or coach and mastermind a bit, but self-reliance is of the utmost importance. I embrace the concept of "neoteny" as a guiding principle, which is the retention of child-like qualities into adulthood. Young children know "how" to think and are not afraid to ask "why".