Michael Lobianco, LCSW, SAP - Expert
Marriage/Couples Counselor
Additional Expertise
About Michael Lobianco
The umbrella goal of my practice is to help individuals and couples to achieve healthy, satisfying, and intimate relationships. I help people to identify barriers to intimacy as they manifest in our communication with ourselves and others. With ourselves, we communicate the nature and extent to which we care for and about ourselves by how we treat ourselves and how we teach others to communicate with and treat us. For those of us who have either not optimally incorporated these skills or have lost them somewhere along the way, the acquisition of and maintenance of satisfying intimate relationships becomes challenging.
For those of us whose history includes a relationship with a parent, sibling or partner with either an active addiction, codependency, or other demanding physical or mental illness, the successful navigation of interpersonal dynamics often becomes exponentially complex. Recovering our intrapersonal intimacy becomes the first step toward recovering interpersonal intimacy
While much of my practice is devoted to the treatment of addiction and codependency and even larger component is devoted to helping couples to recover their lost intimacy. Special focus is devoted to members of the LGBT community as well as members of racial and ethnic minority.