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About Annabelle-Caroline Breuer-Udo
It was my deep connection to nature from my early childhood on, that planted the seeds of hope in me and a strong belief that we all human beings have a purpose in life and everyone matters.There’s no right and wrong, no superior and inferior, no labeling-you matter as you are and where you are.
I grew up in a dysfunctional family with a lot of tension and painful experiences that impacted my childhood and my perception of the world. I perceived the world as dangerous and I developed a core lie which was called as followed: “I don’t matter, I’m not good enough and I don’t belong” followed by a fear of being visible or judged.In my teens, I experienced one of my core wound in my life that was called “the wound of betrayal of trust”.It happened in my first meaningful romantic relationship.This hurtful and harmful experience confirmed my core lie and added thought patterns such as “I’m not worth it” or “not lovable”.Based on this victim story in my life I created my overcoming story of approval and striving.And I started a successful career as a Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Naturopath and Psychotherapist and became married.I did work with clients, physicians and hospital environments for 20+years.I also owned experiences in leading a practice+team and motivating teams in hospitals.
After years of putting all my energy into my practice, process orientedmy education and marriage I felt a change was needed as I was stuck as well in my professional life as in my marriage.I followed my dream to move from the city to nature closer to the mountains and I sold my part of my practice in the city. I let go of my role as a practice owner and leader of a team and I let go of some friendships and the city life. Short after arriving in the new environment in the mountains the marriage didn’t last any longer.
My heart was broken yet when it ended I felt like I was being released from a cage.I felt for the first time in my life to be on my own. I was encouraged to follow every inspiration,I could feel my passion for life to discover new things, my wild, adventurous side has become alive and I’ve started learning to take care of myself and learning what it means to love myself.
In this time Yoga and nature were the two of my biggest resources and supporter to transform my life from inside out and outside in and to give me hope in times of transition and the unknown.It was liberating to explore that I could either choose to continue to identify with my pain of grief loss and heartbreak or to claim my life on my own.
With curiosity, I followed my choice to claim my life and started my coaching, process-oriented psychology path.I have become aware of a part of me that is a soul seeker and warrior of love.The soul seeker and warrior of love is the beautiful wisdom I was taught by the pain of my core wounds and core lies of my victim story. Each story in our life has two sides of a coin-the dark/shadow side and the light/wise side whether it is our victim story in life, the overcoming story or our great story in our life.
I followed my hope to trust love again and I followed my heart to receive true love in this life. And on that path, a door opened one day and I met my big love-my husband.At the beginning of our romance, we had to face a few challenges such as a long-distance relationship between the Germany-United States.
Once we decided to move under one roof in the United States a big dream become true.
We got engaged and I remarried. It was a big step and huge life transition including the courage to step into the unknown and the experience of all layers of grief by letting go of a lovely mountain environment, clients, friends, and family.During my time of transition, I followed my calling to become a TriYoga Instructor after practicing Yoga for about 12+ years. It helped me to integrate this big life transition into my whole body-mind-soul system.
This radical shift in my being and the awareness of becoming the author of my own life was the trigger to follow my calling to use my own life experience and my professional experience as an osteopath, coach, healer, naturopath,process-oriented psychology facilitator and TriYoga Instructor to help and support people to find their greatest self and purpose in this life.I learned to set down my fear of being visible and judged and I increased self-esteem and my belief that I matter. It opened the river of flow of freedom and full self-expression.
I’m ready to serve the world and change the world with coaching, healing, and writing by planting the seeds of hope and courage in those who long for a change in life- a change from inside-out and outside in to live a more fulfilled, peaceful and healthy life.
I’m grateful to do what I’m passionate about-writing to inspire, coaching clients to find their authentic best self/spiritual self, help others to develop their self-leadership, discover their great story in life, providing TriYoga and Psychology, somatic coaching, relationship coaching and process-oriented psychology, facilitating workshops and retreats focused on relationships and body-mind-spirit. I’m passionate about restoring systems, supporting to cross edges, finding and (re)connecting to the soul and to our body wisdom-the wisdom of our physical and subtle body.
The focus of my work is about transformation, change, inner work, working with body symptoms, shadow work,self-development, dreams, heart-centered values, visions, healing, spirituality, and leadership. It is for individuals, relationships, couples, systems, and groups.
Are you longing for a change in your life and more freedom and inner peace?
Feel free to contact me for information about how Osteopathy, Coaching ( life coaching, career coaching, somatic coaching, great story coaching) Process-Oriented Psychology, Self-Leadership, TriYoga /Coaching/Psychology and Bodywork can transform your life. You can send me an email at: and check out my Blog Site:
Education and training:
- MSc. General Psychology, University of Roehampton
- ACC,CPCC, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
- Co- Active Leadership Program, Spain
- Process Oriented Psychology Process Work) Intensive Course, PWI Portland(Oregon)
- Deep Democracy, Conflict leading and Mediation, DDI
- 5 years of study Osteopathy at College Sutherland, Germany
- 2 years of study Osteopathy for children by Noori Mitha & Eva Möckel, Germany
- Study of Psychotherapy and Naturopathy, Dr. Jung, Germany