Additional Expertise
About Felicia Taghizdeh
In 2005 I graduated in the top of my Ivy League Law School class, convinced that I would be a successful attorney, happy mom, and loving wife. And that’s the path I headed down. When my sweet new son was 8 weeks old I started working 12-hour days as a law clerk on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Life was challenging and exhausting. Does this sound familiar to you? I nursed my son all night long, and pumped during the day. My husband was establishing his own practice so I also managed the legal, financial, and personnel issue that went along with that. I was overwhelmed at being a new mother, and wondered, “Where did I go wrong?” Maybe you have thought the same thing.
I had the prestigious job, a plastic-surgeon husband, beautiful house, and sweet baby boy. How could I have everything that I had wanted, and feel like I hated it? So I left my law firm to be a stay-at-home mom. My daughter was born that year, and for a little while things felt ok.
Then I started to feel like my brain was withering. It was taking 90% of my attention to watch my kids, and only 20% of my brain. I grew more and more unhappy, and it showed. I yelled at my kids, was pretty negative about life in general, and lost my connection to my husband. I felt guilt about not being happy.
After a particularly harrowing family vacation during which I missed most of the yoga classes I wanted to attend, yelled at my son in front of everyone, and managed to lose my daughter--(she was found within 10 minutes, but OMG was that awful)--I hit a low point.
I knew something had to change. I couldn’t spend the next 18 years feeling like I was wasting my degree, being an unhappy and resentful mom, and not living my true purpose.
I prayed, meditated, got some help, and with equal parts head and heart, decided to follow my passion and help others realize that they create their experience of life.
Now I cherish and enjoy the time I spend with my kids, actively nurture a loving and supportive relationship with my husband, and love the work that I do. I am excited to live each day!
I’m by no means perfect--my husband’s favorite thing to say when I start to get stressed is “hey, what about your coaching skills?--but I am conscious and I know that I am not at the mercy of life. I create my life, every day, every minute, every moment.
Does this sound like what you want? If you are looking for a better way to live your life, to get rid of the exhaustion and disappointment, then you are in the right place.
Your first step is to enter your name and address on my website. I’ll send you my free Smart Sexy Mom Makeover Kit, full of strategies and tools to help you become a confident and stress-free mom, and a powerful professional.
I’m so excited that you are here! I can’t wait to help you live a great life.